Illinois Human Rights Commission Mandates Co-Ed Locker Rooms in Public Schools
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.10.19
The ideological and moral idiocy of “woke” Americans has not yet reached its nadir, but it’s getting close. A complaint was filed with the Illinois Human Rights Commission by a female minor who pretends to be a boy and her parents, Tracy and Michael Yates. She alleged that she was discriminated against based on her “gender identity” when Lake High School District 108 in Roselle, Illinois required her to...
How Millions of Christians Are Unequally Yoked with Unbelievers
By Jonathan Lewis   |   07.31.19
In 2 Corinthians 6:14, Paul gives an important instruction to us as God’s people: “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.” (ESV) Why is this important? Paul answers that question as the verse continues: “For what partnership has righteousness with...
Conversation Between Pastors Doug Wilson and Derek Buikema on the “Trans” Ideology
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.30.19
Illinois Family Institute is urging our readers to watch and share this critically important conversation between Pastor Doug Wilson and Pastor Derek Buikema on the science-denying, anti-Christian “trans”-ideology. Doug Wilson is the pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho; theologian;...
Pritzker’s Plans to “Trans” Schools
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.24.19
Former Illinois state senator Daniel Biss recently guest-hosted a culturally regressive radio program titled “Live, Local & Progressive” in which he sought to draw attention to yet another God-forsaken executive order (2019-11) from Illinois’ morally bankrupt governor, J.B....
Wait Till You See What the National Education Association Is Up To
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.16.19
The first weekend in July, the National Education Association (NEA) held its annual Representative Assembly in Houston, an assembly consisting of “nearly 7,000 delegates.” The National Education Association is a “progressive” political activist organization that masquerades—er, I mean, identifies as an educational organization. The NEA’s Code of Ethics says, among other things, this:
Who Are the Science Deniers?
The National Assessment of Educational Progress has issued its “Nation’s Report Card” on America’s schools and the data is clear. Private schools — which are mostly religious — outperform their public-school counterparts in science scores in almost every subcategory, including physical science, life science and earth science.
The Only Good Choice for Illinois Families is School Choice
As parents, we have plenty of concerns as we do our best to raise our children. From the moment they are born, God has entrusted us to make the best choices for them regarding everything from their basic human needs to what kind of communities we live in and how our children are educated.
The Attempt to Tear Down Images of George Washington—a Tale of Two Revolutions
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   05.13.19
Could a contrast between the American Revolution and the French Revolution be relevant to today’s conflicts? I think so. The attempt to demote historic icons, like George Washington, is a case in point.George Washington grew up as a gentleman farmer in Virginia and was a fourth generation slave-owner. But by the end of his life, he had decided slavery was immoral and so at his death, he freed his slaves and made provision for them.
When Worldviews Collide
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.22.19
During Holy week, a manifestly unholy thing was revealed about actress Charlize Theron. It was revealed that she’s pretending along with her 7-year-old son Jackson that he is a girl. Theron permits him to dress in distinctly female clothes, wear...
What to Teach Your Children About Gender
I got thinking the other day that I probably needed to start paying attention to some of what I was writing for others to read.  Here’s what I mean: I wrote a couple times recently about former tennis great Martina Navratilova, a woman who came out of the closet as a gay athlete long before it was culturally cool to do so, who was plowed over by the tidal wave of transgenderism in our culture.
What the World Needs Now is Some Conservative Civil Disobedience
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.22.19
Arguably, the most tyrannical, divisive, hateful, destructive political movement in the country will once again urge children and teens to disrupt government schools for an entire day on Friday April 12, 2019. And for the 23rd year in row, spineless Christians will take it on the chin. They tolerate the intolerable—not for principled reasons—but out of cowardice. 
Illinois Lawmakers Want Your Children
By David E. Smith   |   03.19.19
Back in 2012-2013, Illinois State Senator Kimberly Lightford (D-Chicago) introduced legislation to lower the mandatory age for school attendance in Illinois from 7 to 5 years-of-age.  Springfield lawmakers eventually compromised, passing a bill to make mandatory school age at age...
Illinois House Approves LGBT History Mandate
By David E. Smith   |   03.13.19
This afternoon, the Illinois House of Representatives voted 60-42 to pass HB 246, which would mandate that all students in K-12 public schools be taught about the “roles and contributions” of homosexuals and opposite-sex impersonators and that textbooks purchased include discussions of the roles and contributions of homosexuals and opposite-sex impersonators.
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