Parental Rights Usurpers in Springfield Aren’t Done with Our Children Yet
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.02.20
Last month, two terrible bills were introduced to amend Illinois’ already offensive comprehensive sex ed law. Then, last week, the so-called "Responsible Education Adolescent and Children's Health" (REACH) Act was introduced. It is heartily endorsed by Planned Parenthood of Illinois and by Illinois' premiere "LBGT" activist organization, Equality Illinois, which should tell you everything you need to know about it.
1619 vs. 1776
We are in trouble in America because we have millions of uneducated young people who think they are “woke”—who believe America is basically evil—and always has been If the New York Times gets their way, there will be more such Americans. The NYT has initiated, along with the Pulitzer Center, something called the 1619 Project. 1619 was the infamous year in which slavery was introduced into Jamestown, and thus, into America. This curriculum is now being peddled to school districts in every state of the union.
Rod Dreher: How do Christian Colleges Stay Faithful?
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.21.20
In Part 6 of Pastor Derek Buikema’s interview with Rod Dreher, author of The Benedict Option and blogger at American Conservative, Pastor Derek asks how Christian colleges can stay faithful to Christ. Rod’s edifying, inspiring, and convicting response encompasses far more than suggestions for Christian colleges. He offers a vision...
Public Schools Failing Illinois Children Academically
By Alex Newman   |   02.21.20
As if the sexualization and radical politics were not enough cause for alarm, the latest data shows public schools are failing Illinois children academically, too — and big time! Indeed, the vast majority of high-school graduates are unprepared for basic college work.
In Chicago, Schools Re-Write History With “1619” Lies
By Alex Newman   |   02.06.20
In Chicago Public Schools, captive students are being indoctrinated to believe that one of the very first societies in the world to end slavery was actually a monster defined by the evils of slavery — almost as if this monstrous nation had invented it.
Should Tax-Payer Dollars Be Used for Private School Instruction?
By Israel Wayne   |   01.30.20
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is slated to hear a case regarding the use of tax-payer dollars for private education. It seems that the more conservative judges will support this concept. Interestingly, although it grows the tax...
Diversity and Inclusion Insanity
It's nearly impossible to have even a short conversation with a college administrator, politician or chief executive without the words diversity and inclusion dropping from their lips. Diversity and inclusion appear to be the end-all and be-all of their existence. So, I thought I'd begin this discussion by first looking up the definition of diversity.
The Big Fat Lie of Leftists Who Sexually Integrate School Locker Rooms
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.13.20
School leaders who sexually integrate restrooms and locker rooms know what they’re doing is based on a lie. Why do I say that? First, let’s take a quick look at what’s happening in those schools that choose to sexually integrate...
U of I “Climate Emergency” Reveals Dangerous Extremism
By Alex Newman   |   01.09.20
Giving taxpayers and parents a sense of just what their money is being spent on, the University of Illinois declared a “climate emergency” ahead of the recent United Nations COP25 “climate” summit in Spain. About 200 other universities and organizations...
Feminists React to Characterizations of Irrational Emotionality with … Irrational Emotionality
By Terrell Clemmons   |   12.07.19
Eric Rasmusen, an Indiana University professor is defending comments he made on social media that upset some students and colleagues when he tweeted an article from an alternative media webzine. The title of it, “Are Women Destroying Academia? Probably.”
Fraud in Higher Education
This year's education scandal saw parents shelling out megabucks to gain college admittance for their children. Federal prosecutors have charged more than 50 people with participating in a scheme to get their children into colleges by cheating on entrance exams or bribing athletic coaches. They paid William Singer, a college-prep professional, more than $25 million to bribe coaches and university administrators and to change test scores on college admittance exams such as the SAT and ACT. As disgusting as this grossly dishonest behavior is, it is only the tiny tip of fraud in higher education.
Chicago Public Schools Promote  Hindu Religious Practice of Transcendental Meditation
By Laurie Higgins   |   12.02.19
Next time you hear some arch-defender of the a-constitutional “wall” of separation between the church and state whose knickers are in a twist because a school allows ten seconds of silence during which students may pray, remember this story, reported...
What Today’s Educational Ruling Class Gets Wrong
By entrusting our kids to [government schools], we are giving them over to an education that isn’t just worthless financially, but deadly to their heart, mind, body and soul. We are producing graduates who not only can’t get a job but who also can’t even tell you a female is a fact and that a 7-year-old child doesn’t know much of anything, let alone how to choose his gender. 
God Help Us To Be People of Truth
I don’t write very often because, frankly, I find it difficult. As a witness to the events of our day, I am often overwhelmed by their significance and stymied by my own inability to put into words any analysis that seems to do justice to the magnitude of moral, spiritual and intellectual disintegration taking place all around us.
If This Can Happen in a Wheaton, Illinois Elementary School…
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.11.19
A lesbian activist who promotes cultural approval of both the “LGBT” ideology and the legalized slaughter of the unborn was invited to speak to 8-11-year-olds at Longfellow Elementary School  in Wheaton, Illinois, home of America’s most prestigious evangelical college, Wheaton College; evangelical Christian publishing company Crossway Books; and approximately 45 churches. If this could happen in Wheaton, Illinois, it could happen anywhere.
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