Anti-Science Public High School Discriminates Based on Religion
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.18.21
Exeter High School in New Hampshire is being sued by a Catholic student (identified in the lawsuit as M.P.) who was suspended from playing in a football game because in a private conversation, off school grounds, initiated by a “progressive”...
Wheaton, Illinois School District’s Wokest Board Member
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.16.21
At the most recent School District 200 Board Meeting in Wheaton, Illinois, new school board member and cunning rhetorician, Mary Yeboah, Director of Graduate Student Life at Wheaton College, posed six questions to the board,  beginning with a prefatory statement...
Amid Scandal and CCP Influence, US Considers Rejoining UN Education Arm
By Alex Newman   |   11.13.21
The Biden administration and federal lawmakers are quietly working to rejoin UNESCO, but federal law currently stands in the way.
Meet Pastor Courtney Lewis – “Voice of Truth” Awardee
By Kathy Valente   |   11.10.21
At the IFI Faith, Family, & Freedom banquet two weeks ago, we introduced our attendees to Pastor Courtney Lewis of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Chicago’s Woodlawn neighborhood. Pastor Lewis received the Voice of Truth Award because he models the courage to teach, promote, and speak of God’s moral law in today’s culture.
“Furries” Trend is a Result of the Slippery Slope
By   |   11.10.21
Twenty years ago, Dr. James Dobson and Franklin Graham warned us then that the outright acceptance of sin would lead to tolerance for other types of abominations. Academics, politicians, and advocates of homosexuality all insisted that tolerance of the LGBTQ+ community would not lead to other non-traditional lifestyles. These advocates decried the "slippery slope" theory as a fallacy. Fast forward to 2021, and the truth of the descent of morality is becoming clear. The church has dealt with not only homosexuality but now is facing problems with the expanding sexual, gender, and species dysphoria of transexuals, "furries," "therians," and "otherkins."  
Some Crucial Questions for Proponents and Opponents of CRT
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   11.08.21
In America today, when it comes to the question of Critical Race Theory (CRT), we are like ships – really, like battleships – passing each other in the night. One side shouts, “We’ve got to get CRT out of our schools! It is hurting our children!” The other side responds, “CRT is not being taught in our children’s schools! This is just a racist dog whistle!” Is there any way to bridge the divide?
Pushing Parents Out, Biden Administration Further Weaponizes ‘Education’
By Alex Newman   |   10.30.21
When it comes to education policy, the Biden administration is making the radicalism of the Obama years look mild by comparison. The goal is to ultimately replace parents with bureaucrats and “experts” to facilitate the indoctrination of America’s youth. That...
Freak Out as Conservatives Exit Public Schools
By Alex Newman   |   10.23.21
The totalitarian-minded education establishment and its extreme left-wing allies are starting to freak out as conservatives abandon futile efforts to “reform” government schools in favor of a mass-exodus strategy. Even powerful union bosses are starting to panic.
Oberlin College Student Exposes Transinsanity
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.21.21
“Peter” Fray-Witzer, a privileged white female student at uber-woke Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio claims to have been recently triggered big time by the presence of workmen in her dorm room who came to install a spanking new radiator so...
The Primary Stakeholder in Schools: Parents or Educrats?
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   10.19.21
Someone I know from California told me recently that he has decided to pull his child out of public school and enroll him instead into a private, Christian school.

Why? Because during some of the Zoom instruction during the coronavirus pandemic, this concerned parent discovered some of the lessons they were trying to foist on his child. In this case, it was the anti-American historical revisionism that disgusted this parent.
Ten Reasons to Remove your Children from Public Schools
By   |   10.18.21
An assault has occurred on parental rights within the public school system. Parents have voiced their concerns across the nation about everything from perverted curriculum to forced masking. If any good came from the pandemic, it is that parents have seen what public schools are doing behind closed doors. This revelation should lead parents to remove their children from the grip of the government-run education system.
Boycott the Schools!
In America in 2021, citizens’ loud but nonviolent demonstrations before elected officials are tantamount to domestic terrorism and “hate speech,” while the Black Lives Matter and Antifa insurrectionary violence of 2020—which resulted in at least 30 deaths, over $1 billion in property damage, and the brief rise of lawless “autonomous zones” in Seattle, Philadelphia, New York, and Richmond, Virginia—is “fiery but mostly peaceful protest.”

The danger is clear and present—it simply depends upon who is protesting. As one wag put it on Twitter, “The DOJ used to go after MS13. Now you want them to go after Moms of 13-year-olds?”
Opt Your Child Out of Radical Sex Ed Classes
By Kathy Valente   |   10.15.21
On August 20, 2021, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law a comprehensive sex-ed bill that sexualizes your child and strips them of their innocence beginning in kindergarten. According to this law, all government schools that provide personal health and safety courses must align their curricula with the National Sex Education Standards, formulated by so-called "experts" who supposedly know what's best for your child: Planned Parenthood, SIECUS, and GLSEN, among others. In other words, as these standards change, the Illinois sex ed curricula will change.
Girl Sexually Assaulted in Girls’ H.S. Bathroom
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.14.21
Leftists used their favorite tactics for silencing those who won’t kowtow to their perverse, deceitful, and destructive sexuality ideology. When conservatives warned that allowing males in female private spaces puts girls and women at risk, leftists called them ugly names...
The Failure of Government-Run Schools
By   |   10.13.21
Thomas Jefferson once said, “An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.” Government-controlled schools seemingly disagree with Jefferson, preferring an uneducated populace instead. The trajectory of academic scores in the US has long been plummeting. The decline of basic knowledge among students from the public school system is alarming. However, more disturbing is the framework of the various leftist educational programs that are replacing the traditional academic-based curricula.
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