Tag Archives: U.S. Supreme Court

The Hidden Hazards of an “Anything Goes” Culture

Can you imagine what would go through the mind of a child upon being told by his parents that he would be unsupervised all day?  He could do whatever he wanted!  It would be heaven, but no loving parent would ever allow such a thing.  The risk to the child would simple be too great.  “Anything goes” is a bad idea for any age.  But that is where our culture is being driven by the Left.
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Abortion And The Thirteenth Amendment

On Tuesday, July 12, 2022, Northwestern University hosted a webinar entitled, Implications of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Decision. Faculty members of Northwestern participated in the webinar: Dr. Cassing Hammond (abortion practitioner), Professor Paul Gowder, Professor Heidi Kitrosser, Professor Andrew M. Koppelman, Professor Doreen Weisenhaus, and Dean Hari Osofsky (she/her) moderated the event.

The lament from these esteemed members of the once Christian Northwestern University is to be expected. I want to call attention specifically to Prof. Andrew Koppelman who claimed that the right to abortion should be protected by the 13th amendment.…

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National Education Association Seeks World Transformation

The National Education Association’s (NEA) annual convention took place last week in Chicago. It opened with a theatrical speech act by NEA president, Rebecca (Becky) Pringle who has no dearth of pride in the “amazing accomplishments” of the NEA members. Pringle cited as inspiration for world transformation—not systemically oppressed persons of color like Thomas Sowell, Carol Swain, or Glenn Loury—but communist and former Black Panther who studied under Herbert Marcuse, Angela Davis:

We must share [the] view Professor Davis holds dear whether it is a mind, a heart, a school, a community, or our world,

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A Call to the Church: Teaching Post-Dobbs

So now it is official. The U.S. Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization has overturned Roe v. Wade, and the legal issue of whether and how to restrict abortion has been returned to the states.
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Violence in the Name of Jane Roe

Ever since the unprecedented leak of an early draft of the Dobbs decision from the U.S. Supreme Court which may overturn Roe v. Wade, the “shock troops of tolerance” have been busy interrupting church services. And they have done much destruction of crisis pregnancy centers.
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SCOTUS Upholds Religious Freedom in Education Choice

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) issued a decisive victory for religious freedom and school choice this morning in a 6-3 ruling in the Carson v. Makin case.
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The Almighty and Abortion

As the debate over abortion rages, with the U.S. Supreme Court poised to possibly overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 pro-abortion ruling, I find myself wondering: How can anybody claim that God is in favor of abortion? But some do. Or how can they claim that the issue is important, but not really that important?
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Important Pro-Life Documentary

On January 22, 1973, the United States of America was subjected to a U.S. Supreme Court decision that gave legal cover to the slaughter of over 60 million babies in the name of “choice.” The Roe v. Wade decision, now averaging 1 million abortions each year, gave women a so-called “right” to murder their own children in the womb. The Roe v. Wade decision, which established a so-called "right to privacy," is built upon lies and a disgraceful reading of the U.S. Constitution. The Daily Wire’s new documentary titled Choosing Death [The Legacy of Roe] exposes many of the prominent fallacies that are peddled by the abortion industry.
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Oren Jacobson: Another Foolish Illinois Activist

Why has Illinois become a stinking bog of degradation, violence, and fiscal collapse? It’s because we have scores of “leaders,” and activists who are as unable to distinguish right from wrong as they are unable to distinguish men from women. One of those activists is Oren Jacobson, devoted advocate for the slaughter of preborn humans, founder of Men4Choice, board member of pro-human slaughter Personal PAC, self-identifying "thought leader," and self-promoter extraordinaire...
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New Documentary on The Legacy of Roe v. Wade

Back in 1973, America was subjected to a U.S. Supreme Court decision that has contributed to the slaughter of over 60 million babies in the name of “choice.” The Roe v. Wade decision gave women a so-called “right” to murder their own children in the womb. The United States now averages close to one million abortions each year. The Roe v. Wade decision, which many Americans have been tricked into supporting, is built upon lies and a disgraceful reading of the U.S. Constitution. A new film, titled Choosing Death [The Legacy of Roe], exposes the numerous lies that are peddled by the abortion industry.
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America Needs a Great Conservative Reset

A Democrat-controlled presidency and U.S. Congress (as well as state legislatures) will further empower the arrogant, ignorant, divisive, tyrannical cancel culture that has taken root in every major cultural institution in America. Academia, the mainstream press, Big Tech, corporate America, Hollywood, and professional medical and mental health organizations collude to censor the dissemination of ideas leftists hate and oppress those who disseminate them. The power these institutions already enjoy and employ to destroy speech rights, religious liberty, and careers is not enough to satiate the unquenchable thirst for power of leftists.
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Dissecting The Left’s Panic Over the U.S. Supreme Court’s Look at Roe

One can only consider it shocking that the first-time ever pre-release leaked opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices was instantly overshadowed by hysterical hatred directed toward the Court, and a fevered, shrill demand to keep abortion legal for any reason throughout a woman’s pregnancy.  Anyone with any regard for life, and especially the lives of helpless and innocent babies, can only be appalled by the calloused demands from the Left that the Nation MUST permit the destruction of these little ones with no questions and no limits. Their death-dealing fanaticism is breath-taking!
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Resistance Grows to UN WHO & Biden “Global Health” Power Grab

Under the leadership of a Communist Chinese-backed “former” Marxist terror leader, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) and the Biden administration are plotting an unprecedented power grab to build a planetary bio-medical police state. Think Shanghai during lockdown, but worldwide. Leading experts argue that this is truly the emergence of the “New World Order” discussed by Biden and others.
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Schools As “Religion-Free Zones”?

The U.S. Supreme Court is considering a new case related to school prayer. This story began in 2015 when high school football Coach Joe Kennedy got on his knee at mid-field after a game and thanked God quietly. Some of the players voluntarily joined him in this huddle.
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The Higher Law of Nuremberg on Roe

It is an unfortunate fact that very few Americans today are familiar with the principles of common law. If they are familiar with it at all, many assume it to be something akin to the fact that if you live together unmarried for 7 years, you are considered to be legally married. In other words, the idea of law that is unwritten yet practiced.  In truth, there is much more to it than that.  Central to common law is the idea that law can be discovered but not made. This is grounded in the principle of “higher law – the concept that there is a law higher than any government’s law.
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