Tag Archives: Same-sex marriage

Changing Marriage Needs into Marriage Wants

It is clear from reactions to the U.S. Supreme Court rulings on same-sex “marriage” that many Americans do not understand the public purpose of marriage.

Marriage has a public and a private purpose. The public purpose of marriage is to unite men to women and both to any children they produce.  Governments recognize marriage because it is an institution that benefits society and children like no other relationship.  Where marriage declines, government grows, intrudes, and steps in to pick up the pieces.

Throughout history, in diverse cultures on every part of the globe, governments have understood that marriage is not …

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Shocking Child Molestation Story

In 2010, the Australian press, as in thrall to the homosexual community as our ignorant, sycophantic America press is, told the foolishly titled story “Two dads are better than one,” about a homosexual couple who went to Russia to adopt a child....
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Mock ‘Marriage’ and the Death of Freedom

While poorly decided U.S. Supreme Court cases are a dime a dozen, prior to Wednesday, two stood alone as the most wretched and constitutionally groundless in American History. First was the 1857 Dred Scott decision. Among other things, it robbed African-Americans of both their U.S. citizenship and their dignity.

Next came the 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade. It has robbed over 55 million U.S. citizens of their very lives. For the first time in American history, the high court imagined a phantom constitutional right for women to dismember alive their own pre-born children.

Both of these cases are …

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The Tragic Irony of Same-sex Marriage

The quickness with which the same-sex marriage proponents appear to have “turned the tide” legislatively in the U.S. forces one to examine their tactics as well as their goals.  An honest observer will note that they have done a good job of propagandizing young Americans, the majority of whom no longer have any significant moral compass by which to determine such things.  Multitudes of those who were born after the 60’s sexual revolution are not concerned with whether God has anything to say about morality!  Young Americans’ concept of “god” apparently is that he is a tender-hearted but dim-witted old …

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Jim Wallis, You Have Betrayed the Word of God and the People of God

Rev. Wallis, you told us in 2008 that “the sacrament of marriage” should not be changed and that “marriage is all through the Bible, and it’s not gender-neutral.” Now, in 2013, you want to redefine marriage and make it gender-neutral. In doing so, you have betrayed the Word of God and the people of God.

To be candid, sir, I’m not surprised by your theological flip-flop—just pained and distressed by it, since your name is still associated with evangelical Christianity in America and you are a prominent church leader.

In the past, you raised some valid criticisms about the “religious …

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State Rep. Ed Sullivan’s Silly Rationalizations for Marriage Betrayal

The foolish and false rationalizations State Representative Ed Sullivan (R-Mundelein) is providing to his constituents for his betrayal — I mean “evolution” — on marriage bear closer examination.

Here are the relevant portions of his letter:

After personal reflection and discussions with members of our community, I have decided to support civil marriage because it goes to the core of what I believe our State’s—and indeed our Nation’s—Constitution intends: a limited government whose citizens are free to make personal choices with equal protection under the law.

The role of a limited government is to fairly hold all people as equals,

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Radical Revision of Marriage: Thoughts from a Young Friend

The mainstream media, including it seems virtually every political pundit on the Left and the Right, are dancing a jig over the “inevitability” of the widespread cultural embrace of a queer (pun intended) revision of marriage. These pundits, who jigged their way all over the Sunday morning news programs, pointed to the support among a troubling number of Republican “leaders” (aka followers) and youth—always known for their wisdom, maturity, and sexual restraint—as justification for their confident prognostications.

I watched four of these programs and was struck that on the issue of marriage, our whip-smart pundits are wholly ignorant.  Not one …

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Rob Bell’s Recipe For Spiritual Disaster

By:  Michael Brown

In the midst of his announcement on Sunday that he now supports same-sex marriage, Rob Bell warned American evangelicals to “adapt or die.” His counsel, intended to be helpful, is actually a guaranteed formula for failure and a proven recipe for disaster. In fact, the only way for us to make a lasting impact on the culture and maintain a relevant witness to society is to do the opposite of what Bell advised.

Over the last few years Bell, a bestselling author and former megachurch pastor, has steadily distanced himself from the mainstream evangelical community. Known for …

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Usher In A Redefinition of Marriage, Usher Out Religious Liberty

Disagreements and projections abound in the dialogue about marriage and its redefinition to include same-sex couples. But both sides agree on one issue: redefining marriage significantly jeopardizes religious freedom—the first liberty upon which our nation was founded.
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New Bulletin Insert on Marriage

Last Tuesday I was in Springfield when the Illinois House Executive Committee narrowly approved State Representative Greg Harris‘ bill to redefine marriage and family. I will be in Springfield again today and tomorrow to speak with key lawmakers about this terrible bill, hoping to appeal to their better judgement. I ask for your prayers.

With just one more step in the legislative process, the homosexual lobby is pushing extremely hard to get the 60 votes they need to send it to the governor, who has already promised to sign it. While they do not yet have the votes, they

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Approving Same-Sex Marriage Harmful to Children

It is difficult to believe that we have reached the point where our leaders apparently cannot see the difference between traditional and same-sex” marriage.”  Numerous studies have been done over the years, and regardless of political correctness, they have shown that equating these two relationships has produced significant negative consequences. 

Surveys taken in Europe, where same-sex marriages have been legal for over a decade, reveal that traditional marriage suffers badly as a consequence.  Many married couples surveyed for one study were actually embarrassed to have gotten married at all!  But, why wouldn’t they be embarrassed, since their relationship is now …

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Homosexual Faux-Marriage and the Family

Eliminating sexual complementarity from the legal definition of marriage necessarily means formally declaring that marriage has no inherent connection to reproductive potential. Those who seek to redefine marriage—marriage revisionists—claim that because many marriages don’t result in children, the issue of reproductive potential is irrelevant. 

But reproductive potential is the only reason the government is involved in marriage. The government is involved in the marriage business precisely because the union of one man and one woman is the type of relationship that naturally results in children. And the government has a vested interest in protecting the rights and needs of children …

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Homosexual Faux-Marriage and Public Education

The legal recognition of same-sex unions as marriages will have far-reaching, devastating and pernicious cultural consequences, including within our public schools. Here are some of the ineluctable changes in public education that Illinoisans can expect if “same-sex marriage” is legalized...
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Counterfeit Marriage Legislation Passes in Illinois Senate

Despite an outpouring of calls, emails and faxes against redefining marriage and family, lawmakers in the Illinois Senate passed SB 10 on Thursday afternoon by a vote of 34 to 21 with 2 voting present.
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Massive Rally in France against Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Draws at Least 340,000

Who would have thought that an anti-”gay marriage” rally in France would draw at least 340,000 people and possibly much more — and that support for homosexual “marriage” would drop precipitously in the polls? (French support for same-sex “marriage” reportedly fell from 65 percent to 52 percent — though I don’t trust polls and suspect that most surveys overstate support for the pro-homosexual agenda.)
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