Tag Archives: marijuana
Give ‘Em an Inch and They’ll Take a Mile
Cutting Through the Fog of Marijuana
What was Illinois Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton thinking when she purchased recreational marijuana in Chicago on the first day of its legal sales in Illinois? Does she not understand that as a public official she is setting a reckless and foolish example, especially for children and teens?
Illinois policy makers continue to send a dangerous message to our young people. First, they called marijuana “medicine.” Now, they call it “recreational.” Do you know of any other drug that’s used for both medicine and recreation? The hoax has worked.
Gone are the days of “this is your brain on drugs.” Instead, …
Legalized Marijuana? Better Build More Homeless Shelters
There are various situations and circumstances that contribute to the growing problem of homelessness in America. According to Pastor Phil Kwiatkowski, president of Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, the factor that most often leads to homelessness is drug use and addiction. With this reality in mind, why would anyone think that legalizing recreational marijuana is a good idea?
In this video, Pastor Kwiatkowski relates his experience with the connection between homelessness and drug use, specifically marijuana, through the stories of the teens and adults who have come to Pacific Garden Mission to find help and hope. Despite what …
Marijuana, Mental Illness and Violence
Anti-Family Legislation in 2019
Legalizing high potency marijuana, more gambling, LGBT history in schools and taking aim at Illinois’ Parental Notification of Abortion law. Incoming Governor J.B. Pritzker and his fellow Democrats in the General Assembly will have the votes to make their agenda happen. Yet, some Republican leaders say Conservatives should be quiet on social issues.…
New School Resource Officer Data Shows Increase in Teen Marijuana Use in Illinois
Not Your Grandfather’s Marijuana
All Young Cannabis Users Face Psychosis Risk
Moral Standards on the Decline, New Survey Shows
Rocky Mountain High Brings State to New Lows
Webinar #2 on Legalization of Marijuana in Illinois
There is a tremendous amount of misinformation about today’s high potency marijuana. Overdose rates have increased in states that have legalized such as Colorado, which legalized ‘recreational” marijuana in 2014. As a result of legalization, they’ve also seen significant increases in youth pot use, homelessness, and workers failing drug tests. That and the alarming number of hospitalizations and even deaths, plus car accident fatalities are on the rise from those driving under the influence of marijuana should give us pause about this policy. But what should cause parents to flood lawmaker’s offices with urgent pleas to …
No, God Did Not Prescribe the Use of Cannabis in the Bible
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, a pastor calls your radio show asking how to respond to a congregant who claims that cannabis was sanctioned by God in the Torah. That’s right, sanctioned by the Lord Himself, not to be smoked but to be burned in large quantities by the priests of Israel. Far out!
To be sure, there was a time in my life when I would have readily believed something like this, since I spent 1969-1971 as a heavy drug-using, hippie rock drummer, consuming everything from pot to LSD and from speed to heroin. Not surprisingly, …
Don’t Believe the ‘Legalized Pot Is Harmless’ Ruse!
America has known greatness because the majority of Americans living in our constitutional republic led lives tempered by inward moral constraints rather than outward government oppression.
But the downside of liberty comes when those freedoms are severed from that inner moral compass: as fewer folks in the nation honor God and His Word, the hard-fought-for liberty becomes license to do what feels good at the moment with little thought of future consequences. The United States has indeed become a nation reminiscent of 11th century B.C. Israel:
…In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which