Tag Archives: Barack Obama

Kids Can Sue Obama to Compel the Ocean to Stop Rising

A thousand years ago King Canute of Denmark and England observed that as powerful a monarch as he was, he still could not compel the tide to obey his command to cease rolling in on his shores. King Canute never met Thomas M. Coffin, a Magistrate Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon.
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Bathrooms, Biology and Federal Overreach

Was everyone who lived before 2015 an unenlightened bigot? Recent statements by this administration may give you that impression.
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Why Christians Should Oppose Calls to Punish ‘Climate Skeptics’

Since human nature hasn’t changed, it should come as no surprise that, even in our supposedly enlightened age, some people still want to use force, masquerading as law, to end debate. It started with people just voicing their opinions that “climate skeptics,” or “climate deniers” (both deceptive caricatures) should be punished somehow. A few examples? ...
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Islam—Facts or Dreams?

In 1993 I was a seasoned federal prosecutor, but I only knew as much about Islam as the average American with a reasonably good education—which is to say, not much. Consequently, when I was assigned to lead the prosecution of a terrorist cell that had bombed the World Trade Center ...
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Obama Refuses to Attend Justice Scalia’s Funeral

“All of life is partisan.” ~ Saul Alinsky

In the 24 hours since Josh Earnest announced that President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle would not attend the funeral of renowned U.S. Supreme Court Justice, much virtual ink has been spilled about the appropriateness of this choice. Even a number of liberals have expressed puzzlement and disappointment. In light of the ceremonial duties that Obama has performed, including pardoning turkeys, throwing baseballs, and visiting dictators, it is passing strange that he won’t attend Justice Antonin Scalia’s funeral.

Obama sought and won—twice—the highest office in the greatest nation in history and …

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You Don’t Know What Obama Said at the Mosque

If you seek to understand Barack Obama and his views, the best place to go is his speeches. But you have to read them in their entirety, not rely on hearing them or on the media’s summary of them. When you do, you come to realize how often what Obama says is morally and intellectually confused and even untrue.
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Is Obama’s Stance on Religious Liberty Credible?

I have tried to make sense of Mr. Obama's latest utterance about religious freedom. I am having a difficult celebrating his rhetoric. Somehow the President's recent words to the Islamic community in Baltimore about his regard for the religious freedoms of Americans fail to persuade and fall heavily upon the ear with a resounding lack of authenticity. His words of praise for religious freedom are again weighed down with multiple contradictions...
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Evil Spawn of Anti-Life Dogma: “Post-Birth Abortion”

A troubling video has emerged in which a college student was asked if it should be morally permissible for an impoverished family to kill their 2-year-old or 5-year-old if doing so would improve the family’s condition. He answered that if society were to approve of this type of act, logic dictates it should be permissible, and he would be okay with it:

Feckless minds think alike. Here is another ethically-challenged Millennial:

It’s odd, “progressive” men seem to be allowed carte blanche to express their views on women’s “right to choose,” while conservative men are continually harangued by feminist harpies that …

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‘Blood of Children’ Will Be on Obama’s Hands If He Vetoes Defund Planned Parenthood Bill

The Rev. Franklin Graham has warned that the "blood of children" will be on President Barack Obama's hands if he does indeed decide to veto the defund Planned Parenthood bill that was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday.
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Justified Civil Disobedience and Civil Servant Kim Davis

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said “Every public official in our democracy is subject to the rule of law. No one is above the law. That applies to the president of the United States and that applies to the county clerk of Rowan County, Ky., as well.”

Really? That applies to the president? Well, did it apply to President Barack Obama when he instructed Attorney General Eric Holder to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which was the law of the land—a bipartisan law passed by huge majorities in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives …

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Planned Parenthood Bakes Baby Parts into Its Nauseating Fiscal Cake

In the macabre, perverse universe in which Planned Parenthood doctors and administrators live and move and have their baby-devouring being, euphemistic language is essential. Melissa Farrell, Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast refers to her contribution to “the organization” as “diversification of revenue stream.” The “revenue stream” is composed of either small intact human beings or the parts that remain once a baby—er, I mean, a male or female “product of conception”—has been exterminated and disemboweled or torn limb from limb.

**Warning — video contains disturbing content**

Farrell casually shares something that sounds remarkably like an admission …

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SCOTUS Redfines “Marriage” as “Love”

Written by Diane Medved

President Barack Obama was so romantic when commenting on the U.S. Supreme Court 5-4 ruling that same-sex marriage be permitted nationally.  “Love is Love,” he declared, in a puzzling statement of the obvious.

Yes, love is love. But it is not marriage, though the president implied that’s so. Do all people who deeply love each other naturally want to marry?

The nursery rhyme that “love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage” is as outdated as the horse and carriage. Nowadays more Americans are single than married. Many live together; many just hook up. …

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Scientists Oppose “Conversion” Therapy Bans for Gender-Confused Minors

In a stunning, counter-cultural op-ed appearing in the LA Times and Chicago Tribune, Dr. Eric Vilain, professor of pediatrics and human genetics at UCLA and director of the Center for Gender-Based Biology, and J. Michael Bailey, psychology professor at Northwestern University, warn lawmakers against banning “conversion” therapy for minors who experience gender dysphoria. They argue that attempts by lawmakers to ban “all therapists from helping families trying to alleviate children’s gender dysphoria would be premature, a triumph of ideology over science.”

Further, they take particular aim at President Barack Obama’s public support for “conversion” therapy bans, urging him …

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This is How Religious Liberty Dies

The vast high-velocity moral revolution that is reshaping modern cultures at warp speed is leaving almost no aspect of the culture untouched and untransformed. The advocates of same-sex marriage and the more comprehensive goals of the LGBT movement assured the nation that nothing would be fundamentally changed if people of the same gender were allowed to marry one another. We knew that could not be true, and now the entire nation knows.
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Obama Gives Interview to Gay Porn Outlet

President Obama’s interview with The Huffington Post (HuffPost) has been treated as if the on-line publication is somehow respectable and legitimate. The topics of the interview included budget sequestration, the Iran nuclear talks, presidential pardons, overtime pay, athletic scholarships and sleep. But here are some stories from the on-line outlet you may have missed (Be advised these articles may be offensive to some):

Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth notes that The Huffington …

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