Tag Archives: Abortion

The Real Reason to Criticize Roe

On the fortieth anniversary of Roe v. Wade, it has suddenly become fashionable in certain circles to suggest that the controversial Supreme Court decision was actually a blessing in disguise for pro-lifers, because it breathed new life into a fledgling right-to-life movement and put the abortion rights movement permanently on the defensive.
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The Rape Exception

I remember when I was a “newbie” pro-lifer. I had accepted the basic premises of our movement: that life begins at conception, that life is intrinsically valuable, and that abortion hurts women and families, not just children. However, as most “new” pro-lifers often believe, I thought abortion in the case of rape and incest was morally “okay.”
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Abortion and the Political “Big Tent”

In the past week, two troubling comments regarding abortion caught my attention—one of which justifiably caught the attention of the entire country. Once again much heat but little light was generated in the ensuing brouhaha.

The first troubling comment was a particularly inept and painful statement from U.S. Representative Todd Akin, which included the phrase “legitimate rape.” Akin’s unfortunate comment could have provided an opportunity to explore with greater clarity and depth a philosophical and moral question of supreme importance, but instead what followed was superficial, dishonest, and exploitative noise. Our feckless talking heads and political leaders chose to …

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Abortion Clinic Safety Regulations

Patients undergoing abortion procedures have just as much right to expect the State of Illinois to apply health and safety standards to their health as to the health and well-being of patients undergoing other types of outpatient treatment. Take ACTION: Send an email or a fax to your state representative to urge him/her to support HB 4117 or even sign on as a co-sponsor.
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Ultrasound Opportunity Act

Working with the Catholic Conference of Illinois, IFI wants to alert you to an extremely important pro-life bill sponsored by State Representative Joe Lyons (D-Chicago).  If passed, this bill would require abortion providers to simply offer an ultrasound picture to women considering abortion. The choice of whether or not to view the ultrasound picture is still their. Research has proven that between 70 and 90 percent of “abortion minded” women who see images of their unborn children choose life.

The Ultrasound Opportunity Act (HB 4085), passed out of committee earlier today and will now be considered on …

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NARAL Gives Illinois A “B-” for Abortion “Reproductive Rights”

NARAL Pro-Choice America, an infamous pro-abortion organization, is described by Fortune Magazine as “one of the top 10 advocacy groups in America.” NARAL Pro-Abortion America recently published its annual Status of Women’s Reproductive Rights in the United States report. According to this vehemently anti-life group, the United States received a “D” grade for so-called “reproductive rights.” 

The report not only graded the nation but also graded states individually. The report card uses a point system based on an assessment of governors, laws, access to contraceptives, access to abortions, spousal and parental consent, “post viability abortion restrictions” on abortions, state constitutional …

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Obama Administration Adopts Abortion Drug Health Care Mandate

The Obama Administration has announced that it is implementing a mandate that all health insurance plans must include coverage for abortion-inducing drugs. The mandate requires that all health insurance plans must provide coverage for any and all contraceptives approved by the Food and Drug Administration, which includes abortifacient drugs such as Ella and Plan B.

The health insurance edict, announced by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, will take effect on August 1st. Sebelius was given authority to issue the mandate under the terms of President Obama’s health care legislation, known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care …

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What it Really Means to Have the Right to Choose

When a doctor hands your child a death sentence, and the family must make a decision about the future, nothing is more personal or traumatic. It is every parent’s nightmare, and increasingly it has become more common.

With all the blessings of testing and technology, comes with it, information that is not always welcome or accurate.

The closest brush I have had with this type of situation was through a close friend. I hadn’t heard from my friend Julie for several months, when she called, I could feel her pain through the line. She told me through tears, how she …

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Planned Parenthood Report Shows Focus on Abortion Little to Promote Adoption

According to its most recent annual report (July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010), the Planned Parenthood Federation of America received more than $487 million taxpayer dollars and performed nearly 330,000 abortions.

Several members of Congress attempted to strip Planned Parenthood of its federal funding during 2011 budget negotiations, but were not successful. Some states, such as Indiana, also attempted to reject federal money for Planned Parenthood, but were ultimately forced by the Department of Health and Human Services to accept it or risk loss of other federal revenue.

Planned Parenthood’s recent annual report is a wake-up call for pro-life …

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Pro-Life Nurses Win Court Battle Over Forced Abortions

Nurses in a New Jersey hospital who refused to participate in abortions will be able to keep their jobs under an agreement reached in federal court. The twelve nurses had been threatened with termination from their jobs by the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey if they failed to assist in abortion procedures. TheAlliance Defense Fund (ADF) had filed suit on behalf of the pro-life nurses in defense of their conscience rights under federal law.

Under the agreement reached with hospital administrators, the nurses will no longer be required to undergo abortion training or assist in any …

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Wife of Abortionist Pleads Guilty

imgresThe wife of the highly controversial late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell has plead guilty in the performance of ghastly illegal abortions on viable unborn children at a Philadelphia abortion clinic.

Pearl Gosnell entered guilty pleas in federal court on charges of participating in an illegal late-term abortion, conspiracy, and participating in a corrupt organization.

Gosnell’s husband was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of first-degree murder in the killing of seven viable preborn children and the death of a woman who underwent a botched abortion.

Gosnell, who has no formal obstetrical training, has been accused of delivering viable children …

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Report: Illinois Clinics Hid Six Abortion Deaths, 4,000 Injuries

The Chicago Tribune newspaper has released the details of a new investigative report revealing the number of abortions in the state has been massively underreported. Those numbers include six women who have died from botched abortions and 4,000 who were injured.

Although state law on abortion that Illinois adopted in 1975 requires abortion centers to report numbers and complications to the Illinois Department of Public Health, the Tribune found the state system for tracking abortions is so broken that officials are likely missing as many as 7,000 abortions annually.

The newspaper found state officials documenting between 7,000 and 17,000 fewer …

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Gallup: American Public is Pro-Life

A new national opinion survey reveals growing support for the pro-life viewpoint on the subject of abortion. That survey, conducted by the Gallup Organization, shows a decisive majority believe that unborn children should be protected under the law.

Sixty-one percent of those surveyed said they believe abortion should be illegal in all circumstances or legal only under certain circumstances. Thirty-seven percent of respondents believe abortion should be legal under all circumstances or most circumstances.

Under the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions, abortion is currently legal in the United States under all circumstances.

Support for providing …

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“B-” from NARAL Means Illinois is Failing

NARAL Pro-Choice America, an infamous pro-abortion organization, is described by Fortune Magazine as “one of the top 10 advocacy groups in America.” NARAL Pro-Abortion America recently published its annual Status of Women’s Reproductive Rights in the United States report. According to this vehemently anti-life group, the United States received a “D” grade for so-called “reproductive rights.”

The report not only graded the nation but also graded states individually. The report card uses a point system based on a n assessment of governors, laws, access to contraceptives, access to abortions, spousal and parental consent, “post viability abortion restrictions” on …

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Pharmacists For Life Condemns FDA Approval of Chemical Cousin of Abortion Pill (RU 486)

In many places of employment a gigantic board is posted listing the shortages and outages of essential medications, such as antibiotics, pain relievers, anesthetics and drugs for sedation. This problem has been significant for years, and has worsened considerably in the last year, impeding pharmacists’ ability to provide vital care for our patients. The FDA has placed the approval of this “chemical cousin” analog of mifepristone (sometimes known by its antiquated experimental name, RU 486) ahead of the need to address this severe health care issue.

Our disgust for the deadly FDA action is profound and beyond the ability to …

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