Homosexual Writer Andrew Sullivan Supports Religious Liberty
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.28.14
Who’d a thunk it? Well-known homosexual writer and activist Andrew Sullivan responded to the Arizona debacle in a surprising blog post in which he makes two critical points rarely heard from the Left: First, he acknowledges that there is a...
Arizona, Religious Liberty, and Anemic Preaching
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.27.14
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed the law that would have protected the right of people of faith to refuse to be part of homosexual faux-weddings. In so doing, she helped chisel out another chink in the constitutional wall that protects...
Caesar, Coercion, and the Christian Conscience: A Dangerous Confusion
By   |   02.25.14
Several states are now considering legislation that would provide explicit protections to citizens whose consciences will not allow an endorsement of same-sex marriage. The bills vary by state, as do the prospects for legislative passage, but the key issues remain...
ADF: Atheists’ Lawsuit Against National Motto Should Be Thrown Out
Alliance Defending Freedom filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit Thursday in support of the use of the national motto, “In God We Trust,” on U.S. coins and currency. Last February, a group...
Persecution, Repression, and Religious Liberty
Kim Dae Jin recalls the day when, as a prisoner in a North Korean labor camp, an informant betrayed a small group of prisoners who were Christian, which to be was forbidden. "I watched as they (prison officials) grabbed hold of my friend's arm so tightly that it died and had to be amputated," he said.
Gov’t Seeking to Impose ‘New Belief System’ on Client
By   |   01.10.14
A Colorado baker who declined to bake a cake for a same-gender “wedding” is fighting through an appeal to make sure his constitutionally protected freedoms – as well those of others – aren’t taken away. In the summer of 2012,...
Coercion in the Name of Tolerance
Jack Phillips owns the Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colo., about ten miles from downtown Denver. In July 2012, two gay men, Charlie Craig and David Mullins, asked Phillips to provide the cake for their wedding celebration. Though same-sex marriage is not allowed in Colorado — the Colorado constitution states that “only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state” — the two men had been married in Massachusetts.
Dr. James Dobson Sues Over Obamacare Abortion Pill Mandate
Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday against the Obama administration on behalf of Dr. James Dobson and his “Family Talk” radio show and ministry, a Christian non-profit organization that is currently subject to Obamacare’s abortion pill mandate....
To Those Who Say There Is No War On Christmas
By Tim Wildmon   |   12.07.13
Someone sent me an article from USA Today, which has this headline: "Not all Christians believe there is a 'War on Christmas.'" The article quotes Christian leaders and authors saying they disagree with those of us who believe there is a war on Christmas. I could give a litany of examples of exactly how the war on Christmas has manifested itself the last decade or so.
Judge Declares Minister Housing Allowance “Unconstitutional”
By David E. Smith   |   12.06.13
A federal judge in Madison, Wisconsin recently ruled that the housing allowance provided to ministers under the federal tax code is unconstitutional.  The suit was brought by the far-Left Freedom from Religion Foundation.   The U.S. Congress created the “parsonage allowance”...
SCOTUS to Hear Key Cases on Abortion Mandate
By David E. Smith   |   12.06.13
In hopeful news for religious liberty, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has agreed to hear two challenges to the constitutionality of the Obama Administration’s contraceptive and abortion drug mandate. The High Court has accepted appeals of lower...
Sen. Kirk Ignores Pro-Family Concerns
By David E. Smith   |   11.25.13
Last week, the Family Research Council (FRC) issued a press release in which they publicly ask Illinois’s U.S. Senator Mark Kirk to apologize for his bigoted decision to cancel a U.S. Senate office building room reservation for our friends at...
Making Liberty Lemonade from Atheist Lemons
By   |   11.22.13
Another day, another secularist attempt at religious cleansing. The United States Supreme Court, which, with jaw-dropping irony, opens every session with prayer, recently heard – for the umpteenth time – oral arguments on whether local governing bodies can likewise open...
Chaplains File Suit Over Religious Harrassment
By David E. Smith   |   11.16.13
Two military chaplains have filed a lawsuit in federal court against the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), alleging religious harassment during a VA chaplaincy training program.  Retired U.S. Army Major Steven Firtko and Navy Commander Dan Klender were participants in...
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