A ‘Declaration of Dependence’ on God
By   |   07.06.16
In the wake of England’s historic Brexit vote, and during America’s own Fourth of July celebrations, we’re reminded that man’s longing for individual freedom is a contagion, and that to declare independence from overreaching governmental control is a big part...
The Soul of America
Years ago, Francis Schaeffer and C. Everett Koop penned their book, Whatever Happened to the Human Race? It was a book that warned of the decisions that were being made within a culture stepping into new and terrifying terrain. They saw clearly where we were headed. We are now there. I narrow that title down to what is happening on the home front here in America.
The Fourth of July in Vanity Fair
By   |   07.05.16
My topic, if you could not guess from the cryptic title, is religious liberty. Vanity Fair, if you have not guessed, does not celebrate the Fourth of July. That’s a problem. Lots of Americans still celebrate it, but because we...
SB 1564 Is Now In Gov. Rauner’s Hands
By David E. Smith   |   07.02.16
In an effort to expand abortion services in our state, Springfield lawmakers have sent Governor Bruce Rauner SB 1564. This radical proposal would coerce medical professionals to violate their consciences by forcing them to refer patients for medical procedures they...
California’s Religious Liberty Moment—Coming to Illinois?
The California legislature is poised to consider legislation that could destroy the ability of numerous faith-based colleges and universities to pursue the mission for which they were created. SB 1146, one of two similar bills recently introduced into the California legislature, would essentially restrict fully faith-based education to seminaries.
When the Tyranny of Abortion Rights Trump Religious Liberty
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   06.23.16
For the past two decades, America’s slide down the slippery slope of atheist-flavored secular humanism has accelerated at breakneck speed. Once upon a time Dr. Francis Schaeffer and Dr. C. Everett Koop were scorned and ridiculed when they suggested such...
Nurse Loses Job Over Pro-Life Beliefs in Rockford
By Monte Larrick   |   06.15.16
A pro-life nurse is out of a job because of her religious beliefs, and now a law designed to protect her and others from discrimination is in peril. Governor Bruce Rauner could soon decide the fate of Illinois’ Healthcare Right...
So What’s the Plan Oh Mighty Men of God
There is a scene in the movie 1984 in which Winston is reminded of this statement that he wrote in his diary: “Freedom is the freedom to say 2 + 2 = 4.” An updated version might say, “Freedom is the freedom to call a man a man and a woman a woman.”
Unconscionable Anti-Life Bill on Gov. Rauner’s Desk
By Monte Larrick   |   06.04.16
It’s time to send a message to Governor Bruce Rauner, please veto a pro-abortion bill that would violate the rights of pro-life doctors, medical personnel and pregnancy care workers.
YouTube video
Last week the Illinois House debated and passed SB 1564 by...
Religious Liberty and the Big Picture
By David E. Smith   |   05.19.16
My family and I recently had the opportunity to hear about the great work being done in South Sudan by a man named William Levi.  During his presentation, in which he detailed many of the projects underway in Borongole (a...
Leftist NY City Mayor Wants to Put Christians Out of Business
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.06.16
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is urging New Yorkers not to eat at Chick-fil-A because owner Dan Cathy believes that homoerotic acts are not moral and has donated money to organizations that share that belief. Although Mr. Cathy...
The Pride of Life in a Codpiece
By   |   04.23.16
As the bathroom wars continue to unfold, and as the advocates of totalitolerance continue to embrace the arts of coercion, as they continue to bombard us with ideas so fine they have to be mandatory, it has been natural for...
Religious Freedom by the Numbers
It’s remarkable, really. At the same time religious freedom appears both at a height of controversy in America and utterly collapsing in the Middle East, the world has at its fingertips volumes of research that affirm how good religious freedom is for every human on earth.
The Sickening Hypocrisy of Starbucks and Apple
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   04.20.16
She was only 17 years-old when she died. Her father cut out her tongue and burned her alive. What was her crime, and why did this man kill his own daughter in the most horrific imaginable way? He was a...
‘Progressives’ Demonize Christianity as a Global Menace, Ignoring the Great Progress It Ignited
Can you believe anyone even organizes a “white privilege” conference these days — seven years into Barack Obama’s presidency? Well, you’d better believe it, and you should also know that at least one of the speakers at this conference is militantly Christophobic.
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