Media Ignores Obscenities at Chicago’s “Gay” Pride Parade
By   |   07.10.10
On Sunday, June 27th, one of the largest “Gay” Pride Parades in the country took place in the city of Chicago. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, supposedly 450,000 people lined the streets in the city’s Lakeview neighborhood for the 41st...
George Will Sells Out to Cultural Corruption
By   |   06.07.10
In the movie, “The Rainmaker,” about an unscrupulous insurance company refusing to pay a legitimate claim, the young lawyer fighting for justice for his sick client turns to the high-powered and well-paid corporate lawyer across the table and asks, “I’m...
South Park’s Attacks On Faith: Irreverence For Irreverence Sake, Not Humor
By   |   05.26.10
Throughout civilization, there have been those who have attempted to find humor at the expense of others. This has been the case in American history as well. People who are different because of their social class, skin color, ethnic or...
Chicago Tribune’s Rex Huppke Gaga for Homosexuality
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.24.10
Rex Huppke, who purports to be a reporter for the Chicago Tribune, but is, in reality, a mouthpiece for homosexual activism, has written yet another propaganda piece about homosexuality. Huppke wrote an article — not an opinion piece — but...
Will Comcast Purchase Of NBC Universal Lead To Change In Network News Division’s Liberal Agenda?
By   |   05.04.10
Comcast, a giant media conglomerate, is currently in the process of purchasing NBC Universal. Comcast is the nation’s largest cable service provider, serving 39 states and the District of Columbia. When negotiations are completed, Comcast will have controlling interest of...
Health Care Reform Law: Medicare & Services To Seniors To Take Huge Hit: Why did Mainstream Media Ignore Facts About What’s In The Bill?
By   |   04.09.10
Whether one is a Republican, Democrat or Independent, it was clear over 55% of the American people were against the recently passed health care reform bill. As Americans learn about what’s actually in the bill–passed by the U.S. House of...
IFI Media Watch Chicago Sun-Times Columnist Mark Brown Explains “Dirty Little Secret” Regarding Vote Count In Illinois GOP Gubernatorial Primary: Great Read For Political Outsiders
By   |   03.11.10
Perhaps by the time you’re reading this column, the primary results from the February 2, 2010 Republican gubernatorial primary will have been released. Yes, it’s taken one month for state officials to tabulate the numbers regarding the primary race between...
Chicago Sun-Times Columnist Mark Brown Explains “Dirty Little Secret” Regarding Vote Count In Illinois
By   |   03.11.10
Perhaps by the time you’re reading this column, the primary results from the February 2, 2010 Republican gubernatorial primary will have been released. Yes, it’s taken one month for state officials to tabulate the numbers regarding the primary race between...
NBC 5 Chicago to Air Interview Featuring Central Illinois Family Who Experienced Mortgage Nightmare First Exposed by Illinois Family Institute Investigative Report
By   |   03.08.10
Did Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan Lure Families Into Default Or Foreclosure? On January 4th, 2010 the Illinois Family Institute (IFI) posted an exclusive report titled: Obama Administration’s“Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan” Actually Putting Homeowners In Default or Foreclosure. This...
Fake “Conservatives” Embrace Homosexual “Monster”
By   |   02.22.10
Kathleen Parker is the “conservative” columnist liberals can count on to bash conservative personalities and causes. This is why her column is syndicated by the Washington Post and why she is featured on the Chris Matthews show. Now, Parker has...
IFI Responds to Chicago Sun-Times’ Neil Steinberg (Again)
By David E. Smith   |   02.22.10
In a recent article, Chicago Sun-Times’ columnist Neil Steinberg criticizes the Illinois Family Institute’s website for not “addressing what an individual could do to improve his own family.” While Mr. Steinberg would love to see our organization relegated to self-improvement,...
Sun-Times’ Neil Steinberg’s Non-Rational Rant About Marriage
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.14.10
If the superficial, silly, ad hominem non-arguments that constitute the sum total of Chicago Sun-Times columnist Neil Steinberg‘s indictment of conservative positions on homosexuality were not so dangerous, they would be laughable. In a rant in the Sunday Feb. 14 ...
Tribune Article Fails to Address the Purpose of Marriage
By David E. Smith   |   01.22.10
Chicago Tribune reporter Rex Huppke recently wrote an article titled “Marriage benefits costly for gay couples” in which he addresses the economic costs for gay partners to legally protect their relationships. The article failed to address the underlying issue in...
The Crucifixion of Brit Hume
By   |   01.12.10
During the Roman Empires secularist era those who acknowledged the deity of Christ were frequently fed to the lions to entertain for lack of a better word the progressive elites of the day. Theres little doubt that if many of...
Mainstream Media Or Lamestream Media Regarding Information About Political Candidates & Issues
By   |   01.05.10
IFI Voter Guides Help Voters Make Informed Decisions At The Poll There are those who believe America is at its zenith as a nation. They claim “tolerance”–which was a result of the cultural revolution of the 1960’s and 70’s–has made...
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