West Virginia Abortionist Sued for Botched Abortion
A woman represented by attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom and the Family Policy Council of West Virginia filed suit Friday against Women’s Health Center of West Virginia and its abortionist, Rodney Lee Stephens, of Charleston. The woman, Itai Gravely, claims Stephens forced her to proceed with an abortion against her will and then left her baby’s head in her womb.
Neurobiologist Tells Senate Committee Unborn Babies Feel Pain at 20 Weeks
By   |   06.11.13
Dr. Maureen Condic, Ph.D., an Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah and obtained her Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley, recently testified before an U.S. Senate sub-committee on the science of fetal pain. Her testimony...
Dr. Alveda King: Guilty Gosnell Verdict May Spark More Justice for Women and Babies
“The guilty charge of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, dethroned ruler of  ‘Gosnell’s House of Horrors’ may spark justice for more women and babies across America,” said Dr. Alveda King, Director of African American Outreach for Gospel of Life Ministries. “Justice is...
Kermit Gosnell Trial: Much Ado About Nothing
By   |   04.29.13
What’s the big deal? I mean, why are we surprised that an abortionist and his staff would, behind the walls of an always-lethal abortion clinic, commit one of the most horrific serial killings in American history? What did you think...
‘Pro-Choice’ Slave Masters Losing War
By   |   03.19.13
By Matt Barber The pro-aborts are losing. They know it, and they hate it. As LifeNews.com reported in January: “CNN released the results of a new poll showing a majority of Americans want all or most abortions prohibited – a...
Late-Term Abortion Claims Life of New York Woman
By David E. Smith   |   02.27.13
State and local officials in Maryland are investigating the death of a 29-year old New York woman whose life ended following a late-term abortion.  Jennifer Morbelli died on February 7th after undergoing an abortion at the Germantown Reproductive Health Center...
Pro-Life Leaders Blast Revised Version of  Abortion Drug Edict
By David E. Smith   |   02.15.13
Pro-life and religious leaders are sharply criticizing the Obama Administration’s revised contraceptive and abortion drug mandate, saying that it still requires religious employers to finance abortifacient drugs in their health insurance plans.  “With another phony compromise, the Obama Administration continues...
New Illinois Administrative Complaint Demands Investigation and Discipline
Yesterday, the Pro-Life Action League (“the League”), acting through its legal counsel, the Chicago-based Thomas More Society, filed a formal administrative complaint with the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation (“IDPR”), urging in the public interest that the IDPR undertake an...
OK, So It is a Life. Let’s Kill It Anyway
By Micah Clark   |   02.01.13
There seems to be a disturbing new trend that must be yet one more tragic effect of widespread postmodernism (truth is left up to each individual to define).   A new documentary film shown at the Sundance Film Festival about late...
The Real Reason to Criticize Roe
On the fortieth anniversary of Roe v. Wade, it has suddenly become fashionable in certain circles to suggest that the controversial Supreme Court decision was actually a blessing in disguise for pro-lifers, because it breathed new life into a fledgling right-to-life movement and put the abortion rights movement permanently on the defensive.
Chicago’s Bubble Zone Ordinance Burst Again as Charges are Filed, Then Dismissed
Abortion Clinic Refused to Give Evidence, Another Win for Thomas More Society.

CHICAGO (January 10, 2013) – Today, the City of Chicago dropped all charges against Anna Marie Mesia, 64, who was charged with disorderly conduct for allegedly violating the...
Studies from France, China Report Breast Cancer Risk Climbs With Number of Abortions
A French study on women with mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which are associated with hereditary breast and ovarian cancers, shows “the clearest dose effect of any (abortion-breast cancer) study.” Professor Joel Brind (Baruch College, City University of New...
An Open Letter to Post-Abortive Women
By   |   12.08.12
I write these words chiefly to women and girls who have had an abortion. Still, it is my humble hope and honest prayer that anyone weighing this life-versus-death choice might also read them with an open mind and a hearing...
America’s Depressed Birthrate
Want to know how bad the Obama economy really is, especially for young people and minorities? Take a look at our plummeting birthrate, which has been falling for the last four years.
Beware of False Profits
Apparently, Planned Parenthood is no longer content exploiting just women and children--so they've moved on to the federal government. Over the past several years, it seems the country's biggest abortion provider has also been running one of the country's biggest scams: a Medicaid racket that's ripped off millions of taxpayer dollars.
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