Being Pro Life Empowers Women and Families
By   |   07.11.17
Many individuals may directly associate the phrase “pro-life” with being pro-birth or opposed to abortion. While of course both of these statements are true, what many people perhaps fail to fully grasp is that being pro-birth is only a part...
Whose Child is Charlie Gard?
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.10.17
In a fluid and volatile story, the London hospital that has been caring for 11-month-old British baby Charlie Gard decided last Friday to reconsider its decision to remove his ventilator while it reviews “new evidence” about the possible effects of an experimental treatment available in the United States. As of this writing, little Charlie is alive. How long he remains alive is yet in the hands—not of his parents...
When Government Controls the Health Care System, This is Inevitable
By   |   07.06.17
This picture (above) is hard for me to look at. I’ve got a one-year-old girl – and I cannot imagine what I would do if she had a life threatening illness, and the government told me I couldn’t do everything...
Abortion is What Planned Parenthood Does
By   |   06.20.17
What does Planned Parenthood do? Everyone seems to know the answer except Planned Parenthood.
Thomas More Society Wins in Abortion “Bubble Zone” Settlement
Chicago area pro-life advocates achieved a victory with a court settlement that results in Constitutional rights education for Chicago police. The Thomas More Society’s challenge on behalf of the Pro-Life Action League, Live Pro-Life Group and several individual pro-life counselors resulted from misapplication of Chicago’s abortion-protective “bubble zone” ordinance.
Planned Parenthood: More Abortions, Fewer Services
Planned Parenthood recently released a report outlining its budget for the previous fiscal year. The nation's largest abortion business performed even more abortions, provided fewer health services and took even more of your hard-earned tax dollars in the process.
Keep The Pressure On Gov. Rauner
By David E. Smith   |   06.05.17
The General Assembly may have adjourned for the summer, but the legislative process is far from finished.  HB 40, which forces taxpayers to pay for Medicaid abortions, must be stopped at the governor’s desk. So, once again, we call your...
‘Overpopulation’ Fears Are a Hoax. Here’s Why Higher Populations Are Actually a Good Thing
In 1798, Thomas Malthus wrote “An Essay on the Principle of Population.” He predicted that mankind’s birthrate would outstrip our ability to grow food and would lead to mass starvation. Malthus’ wrong predictions did not deter Stanford University professor Paul Ehrlich from making a similar prediction.
Do Pro-Lifers Really Believe That “Life Begins at Conception and Ends at Birth”?
By Nancy Valko   |   06.02.17
One of the most frequently repeated myths in the abortion debate is that pro-lifers really don’t care about life. Some abortion supporters even maintain that pro-lifers believe “life begins at conception and ends at birth”   and do nothing for women...
A Short, Must-See Operation Rescue Video
By John Biver   |   05.30.17
Not long ago we reminded people that scientific evidence proves that unborn babies feel pain when being aborted. As an extension of that question, we asked: In light of continuing federal funding of abortion (despite GOP promises to end it) -- what do those 535 members of the United States Congress feel? Below is a video that runs less than five minutes. We challenge you to not feel anything while watching it.
Performing Abortion is “God’s Work?” The Real Story of Christianity and Abortion
By   |   05.18.17
The shame is not that evangelicals hold these pro-life convictions now. The shame is that there was ever any evangelical equivocation on such a matter of life and death and human dignity.
IL Lawmakers Continue to Push for Anti-Life Measures
By Monte Larrick   |   05.09.17
Anti-baby state lawmakers contend that in the interest of "fairness" taxpayers should fund abortions for low-income women in Illinois. However, a life leader is raising other possible motives for the tax-dollar drive for abortions.
PARTIAL VICTORY: House Passes AHCA Bill Redirecting Funds from Planned Parenthood for A Year
On Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act (AHCA) of 2017. This bill, which will now head to the U.S. Senate, would redirect over 80 percent of funds away from Planned Parenthood for a year. Those funds (more than $390,000,000) would instead be used for comprehensive community health centers which outnumber Planned Parenthood facilities 20 to 1.
Gruff Ruff, the Unhinged “Progressive” Public School Administrator
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.03.17
If you want to know what lurks in the hearts, minds, and mouths of many taxpayer-subsidized “educators” in government schools, watch the first 8 1/2 minutes of this video of unhinged assistant principal Zach Ruff shouting, hurling obscenities, and singing show tunes to silence two young pro-life Christian conservatives.
150 Nationwide Protests of Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics and Facilities to Take Place THIS Friday and Saturday!
On Friday April 28th and Saturday, April 29th 150 public protests of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics and facilities will take place all over the United States. These demonstrations, occurring over a two-day period, all focused on Planned Parenthood...
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