New LGBT Target: Doctors
Remember the 11,588,500 word bill passed by Congress in 2010, accompanied by the hopeful promise of easy-access healthcare? The bill that continues to cause the closure of small businesses and price hikes in the insurance market? That’s right, the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) strikes again.
It’s Possible: Gays and Lesbians Can Have Happy Marriages
Same-sex marriage is not the only option for gays and lesbians who seek the personal fulfillment and familial happiness that is the universal desire of the human heart.
Loony Leftist Leader of Dallas Protest
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.11.16
What the tragic events of last week did not need was the distraction posed by one of the organizers of the Dallas protest, Dr. Jeff Hood, the 32-year-old bearded, bespectacled white man who is effective at one thing: self-promotion. While Selma had Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an eloquent, dignified, and committed follower of Christ, Dallas had Dr. Hood, a narcissist committed to self-aggrandizement, sexual deviance, and syncretism.
Trouble in Bakersfield
Last week, Chad Vegas, a good friend of mine and the Reformed Baptist pastor in Bakersfield, California emailed me as follows: As you know, CA has mandated this [school transgender policy] for the whole state. I have served on the largest high school board in CA, and the nation, for 12 years. I basically lead that board. Our board voted to adopt the new law into policy. I voted against it. I was breaking the law for doing so. I could be personally sued and our attorney tells me the board insurance won't cover me because I am breaking the law and I am a bigot...
Iowa Civil Rights Commission Goes After Churches
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.08.16
The kind of draconian restrictions of speech and religious rights that corrupt Canadian governance are  arriving bit by corroded bit on America’s church steps sooner than many expected and in, of all places,  Iowa. Make no mistake though, this is...
Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;’ Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’
Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.
Obama Dishonors National Park Service
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.06.16
Summer is the season during which countless parents take their children to visit our magnificent national parks. And this is a special year for our National Park Service in that August 25 marks the 100th anniversary of the day...
Stolen Valor and the Campaign to Normalize Homosexuality
On Friday, June 24, President Barack Obama designated a new national monument at the site of the Stonewall uprising in New York City “to honor the broad movement for LGBT equality”. This was just the latest in a series of speeches and actions on the part of his administration to define down–if not obliterate–any notions of sexual deviance. Worse, to now even memorialize and celebrate it.
Responding to Multi-Gender Bathrooms
By Monte Larrick   |   06.30.16
A conservative leader is weighing in on the “bathroom wars.” Dr. Alan Carlson says making restrooms and locker rooms multi-gender is just a piece of the broader LGBTQ agenda. The founder of the Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society...
Harvard Law Professor to Conservatives: You’re Losers, Live With It.
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.27.16
Conservative friends, if it weren’t clear to you already that the halcyon days for theologically orthodox people of faith in America are over, read the ominous, hostile, and arrogant words of Mark Tushnet, William Nelson Cromwell professor of law at...
Co-ed Restrooms, Showers & Bathhouses Coming to Chicago
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.20.16
On Wednesday May 18, Mayor Rahm Emanuel introduced an amendment to a Chicago human rights ordinance that if passed would make it even easier for men to use women’s restrooms and other facilities in which private activities take place. On...
Indecent Exposure: The ‘Gender Identity’ Agenda
By   |   06.17.16
“War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength.” This was the slogan of George Orwell’s fictional English Socialist Party (INGSOC) of Oceania, from his timeless dystopian novel “1984.” Orwell depicted a mind-control technique employed by INGSOC called “doublethink,” which...
CUNY Math Professor Donates Sperm in Target Bathrooms
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.16.16
A recent New York Post story illuminates the tragic consequences of the sexual revolution that separated sex from procreation, sex from marriage, and marriage from children. Children are intentionally and cavalierly separated from their biological parents.
Millennials Not All that Concerned about Climate Change
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   06.15.16
Mainstream Media are master stagers, adept at slick productions edited to create the cultural scene, the public perception of their desiring. In the world of stratospheric real estate, stagers move in furnishings and artwork, paint, light candles, bake bread or...
Think Everyone is Doing It? Think Again:  Teen Sex Plummets
“Teenagers have sex. Deal with it.” That was a dismissive statement by a blogger in 2012 who taught at Yale University's School of Public Health.
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