Beauty and the Beast: A “Gay” Tale for the Kiddies
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.02.17
One of the most tragic and unconscionable aspects of the revolutionary movement to normalize homosexuality and the “trans” cult is the grooming of children, whose hearts, souls, and minds the LGBTQQAP community and their "allies" seek to captivate and capture. In that unholy effort, the wizards and other unwitting servants of Wormwood at Disney have a new grooming gift for the world’s little ones: the soon-to-be-released Beauty and the Beast starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens ...
Religious Freedom and SOGI Laws
By   |   02.25.17
Before Christmas, I warned how Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity laws, or SOGI laws, as they’re called, create new protected classes of people based on inclination and behavior, not biological realities of race and sex. I also warned that so-called...
Milo Yiannopoulos is Destructive to Conservatism
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.21.17
The obscene, sodomy-celebrating, and nasty provocateur; rising GOP star; and Breitbart contributor Milo Yiannopoulos was recently invited to be the keynote speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Fortunately, his invitation was quickly rescinded when an interview with Joe Rogan from ten months ago came to light in which Yiannopoulos gleefully recounted performing a sex act on a Catholic priest when Yiannopoulos was 14-years-old--a sexual act that Yiannopoulos insisted did not constitute pedophilia.
Identity Politics & Paraphilias: Why the Term ‘Sexual Orientation’ is Nonsense
By John Biver   |   02.20.17
Readers may have noticed that each of these posts has begun with a citation from one or more articles on the topic of identity politics and then closes by highlighting a paraphilia. This time we will only excerpt two of...
Identity Politics and Paraphilias: Transgenderism a Choice or Disorder?
By John Biver   |   02.14.17
Last time we introduced transgenderism, the next letter on the LGB…T march into the new world. There is way too much to cover in just one more post but I’ll do my best. If you’re like me, you’re pretty tired...
Why It’s Terrible News That Millennials Are Having Less Sex
Imagine that you’re the commissioner of the NFL and a certain Dallas-based football team has been bringing shame upon the league with a litany of domestic abuse and DUI arrests. One day, an underling bursts into your office.
Identity Politics and Paraphilias: Impact & Transgenders
By John Biver   |   02.08.17
As with many topics, identity politics can be approached on any number of levels, such as intellectual, spiritual, and emotional. Yet, too few Americans actually talk about what we’re really talking about when the subject of the “LGBT community”/identity politics...
Corrupt, Nonsensical Legislation Reintroduced
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.03.17
Equality Illinois, Illinois’ most prominent cheerleader for all things sexually deviant—especially doctrinaire and destructive legislation—is cheering the reintroduction of a bill that would make it even easier for gender-dysphoric persons to have their birth certificates legally falsified.
The Radical “Trans”-Formation of America
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.01.17
For decades the Left has embarked on a science- and morality-defying quest to advance a sexuality ideology that undermines human flourishing. There is no better illustration of that than the radical “trans”-formation of America with regard to “transgenderism.”
Boy Scouts to Allow Transgenders to Enroll in Scouting Programs
John Stemberger, founder of On My Honor, Chairman of the Board of Trail Life USA, and President of the Florida Family Policy Council released the following statement in light of the Boy Scouts of America’s announcement that they would be allowing transgender boys (biological girls who want to become boys) to enroll in scouting programs:
Identity Politics and Paraphilias: Body Integrity Identity Disorder
By John Biver   |   01.30.17
Three and a half years ago in an article titled “Frightening The Horses,” writer and editor Rod Dreher opens giving a fellow writer kudos. “Ben Domenech calls it,” Dreher notes, and then excerpts him: I think they have really been...
Identity Politics and Paraphilias: Incest
By John Biver   |   01.16.17
Mike Miller at the Independent Journal Review posted a Tweet from Fox News’ Brit Hume about the University of Kansas Gender “pronoun buttons” — Hume Tweeted, “Is there no end to this foolishness?” What foolishness? Miller reports that “Signs in...
GLSEN and their LGBT Common Core Public School Agenda
By Israel Wayne   |   01.12.17
There is a commonly held belief that most parents have that America’s public school system is completely neutral in terms of religious and social values. The view is that the public school system exists only to teach neutral subjects, such...
Kim Burrell Learns Hell Hath No Fury Like Offended LGBT Activists
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   01.06.17
The Gospel is good news, good news that Jesus made a way for wayfaring man to be reconciled to a Holy God. Good news that for what Adam did — “the fall” which has tainted every human since with the...
Highlights Magazine for Children Affirms Homoeroticism
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.04.17
It’s the New Year and time to purge our lives of things that impede spiritual growth, like unedifying television shows and reading material. No, I’m not talking about porn of either the hard or softcore variety—though our lives must be purged of that. I’m talking about Highlights magazine for children ages 6-10, Highlights’ High Five magazine for ages 2-6, and Highlights’ Hello magazine for ages 0-2.
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