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There Is No Conservative Case For Genderless Bathrooms
By   |   12.30.16
These new bathroom policies, besides increasing government regulations, also require that every woman and girl get used to having men invade.
Another Amusing Bible Lesson from Newsweek
By   |   01.05.15
Newsweek magazine – which finally went out of print some time ago, but recently experienced a deep-pocketed resurrection – has graced its readers with a very long cover story on how Christians don’t know anything about the Bible and what...
Are Unmarried Births Really Declining?
By   |   09.04.14
Thankfully, this is exactly what it looks like’s happening. Regarding out of wedlock births, a new report from the National Center for Health Statistics finds the following: Steepest Decline Since 1940: Unmarried child-bearing has declined at its steepest and most...
Does New Research Prove Kids Do Better with Gay Parents?
By   |   07.15.14
A new study from the University of Melbourne in Australia on how kids from same-sex homes fare is getting a good deal of press. Perhaps you’ve seen the news stories and wondered if this changes the nature of the debate...
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