Can Homosexuality Spread Via Culture?
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.10.19
Much of what the homosexual community (i.e., those who choose to place their unchosen homoerotic desires at the center of their identity) claims is false, and increasingly they’re being forced to admit their claims are false. Some of these claims...
Transgenderism: The Consequences
By David E. Smith   |   09.09.19
Since the time he was a young boy and his grandmother sewed him a purple dress and told him how beautiful he looked, Walt Heyer had struggled with transgenderism. Through elementary school and high school, where he was a successful...
Hate Hoaxes Have a Home Here
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.29.19
It was announced a week ago that the bizarre hate crime of which actor Jussie Smollett alleges he was a victim and the subsequent clean-up of his mess by incompetent fixer State’s Attorney Kim Foxx is going to be investigated...
Tucker, Steyn and Leftist Language Fascists
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.24.19
Several days ago, I took Tucker Carlson—a self-identifying Christian—to my teeny tiny virtual woodshed for congratulating homosexual Democratic strategist Richard Goodstein on his God-mocking, soul-destroying pseudo-marriage. Well, now I’m offering Carlson a hearty virtual pat on the back for Thursday...
The Effeminacy of Silence
By   |   08.23.19
We have had multiple stories we could use to illustrate how this works, three a day on average, but let me just pick one of the gaudier ones—drag queens in the kids’ section of our libraries. There are three basic kinds of characters in these stories. First, we have the drag queens grooming the little kids, and the lesbian librarians who set it all up. Second, we have a goodly number of Joe Six-packs, watching the news about this latest travesty as it comes on the 48 television sets at their favorite sports bar, with all of them saying, “What the hell?!” or the rough equivalent. And then third, we have the effeminacy of silence everywhere else.
Judge Rules Wisconsin Must Cover Sex-Change Treatments under Medicaid
By   |   08.22.19
U.S. District Judge William Conley has ruled that Wisconsin cannot exclude gender-reassignment treatments from coverage under the Medicaid program. Judge Conley struck down a 1997 Department of Health Services directive that excluded “transsexual surgery” and hormonal treatment, ruling that denying the treatments constituted sex discrimination under the federal Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
Look What’s in Store for Public School Students in Illinois–YIKES!
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.15.19
Illinoisans shouldn’t need a reminder of how committed Illinois politicians are to using tax dollars and government schools to indoctrinate other people’s children, but Governor J.B. Pritzker just gave them one last Friday when he signed the “LGBTQ” school indoctrination bill into law. This law, which takes effect in July 2020, requires that all children ages 5-18 in public schools be taught about the deviant sexual proclivities of men and women who have made some significant cultural contributions. Well, not all deviant sexual proclivities are included. Only the deviant sexual proclivities currently and publicly approved by homosexuals and cross-sex pretenders will be included—for now.
Chicago Tribune Cheers Gender-Neutral Workplaces
By   |   08.14.19
A conservative meme circulating on Facebook recently asserted that a dystopian future isn’t in the future. It’s now and we’re living it.
Illinois Human Rights Commission Mandates Co-Ed Locker Rooms in Public Schools
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.10.19
The ideological and moral idiocy of “woke” Americans has not yet reached its nadir, but it’s getting close. A complaint was filed with the Illinois Human Rights Commission by a female minor who pretends to be a boy and her parents, Tracy and Michael Yates. She alleged that she was discriminated against based on her “gender identity” when Lake High School District 108 in Roselle, Illinois required her to...
Uncorking Hate for Pink and Blue Parties
The "gender reveal" has become a growing phenomenon in the world of social media. When expectant parents discover the gender of their unborn baby, they make a big announcement revealing the baby's sex, with cakes and balloons and even pyrotechnics.
Stonestreet: The Sexual Revolution: Its Ideas and Its Victims
By David E. Smith   |   08.05.19
What grounds human dignity? Without the answers that the Christian ideas of inherent dignity and equality provide, the culture turns to sex. In the first session at the 2019 IFI Worldview Conference, John Stonestreet spoke on what it means to...
The Slow Torture of a Pagan Culture
By Micah Clark   |   08.02.19
Many readers here may know the name Joshua Harris, the former pastor of Covenant Life Church in Maryland, and author of the popular 1997 book, “I Kissed Dating Goodbye,” which has sold over 1.2 million copies. Christians throughout America were ...
Conversation Between Pastors Doug Wilson and Derek Buikema on the “Trans” Ideology
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.30.19
Illinois Family Institute is urging our readers to watch and share this critically important conversation between Pastor Doug Wilson and Pastor Derek Buikema on the science-denying, anti-Christian “trans”-ideology. Doug Wilson is the pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho; theologian;...
Forget Street Feces, Liberals Take On Sexist Words Like “Manhole”
It may just be my own personal observation, but for years I’ve felt that conservatives and liberals have two very different, but equally debilitating challenges.  Who wins at the ballot box almost unfailingly hinges upon which can overcome their respective dilemma.
Pritzker’s Plans to “Trans” Schools
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.24.19
Former Illinois state senator Daniel Biss recently guest-hosted a culturally regressive radio program titled “Live, Local & Progressive” in which he sought to draw attention to yet another God-forsaken executive order (2019-11) from Illinois’ morally bankrupt governor, J.B....
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