A Sexual Predator’s Dream
By David E. Smith   |   06.15.13
The National Women’s Liberation, “a feminist group for women who want to fight back against male supremacy and win more freedom for women,” recently convinced a federal judge to rule that Plan B emergency contraception must be made available over-the-counter...
FCC Proposes to Relax Television Decency Standards
By David E. Smith   |   06.12.13
It is hard to imagine that television programming could become any more vile and vulgar than it already is.  Yet the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) apparently believes that vulgarity, pornography and smut have a place on the public airwaves. The...
Brother, Can You Spare 20K for Free Healthcare?
By Micah Clark   |   06.05.13
This may not be the best time to assume that the Internal Revenue Service has some rationality behind its actions. Still, if they do, we may be in big trouble in a few years.
Ignoring 14,000 Sexual Assaults Within Our Military
By Micah Clark   |   06.01.13
You may have heard something a few weeks ago in regard to an increase in sexual assaults within the military.  The media made a big deal out of a new Department of Defense study showing a dramatic increase in sexual...
Broadening IRS Victims Include Pro-Life Advocates, As Congress Investigates
Thomas More Society Cases Demonstrate Conservative Bias Only “Tip of Iceberg” The Thomas More Society is speaking out about blatant bias by the supposedly apolitical tax-collection agency. Cases handled by the Chicago-based public interest law firm support mounting accusations that...
Army Officer Officially Labels Christian Groups ‘Domestic Hate Groups’
An Army officer has sent an email to subordinates labeling conservative Christian organizations as "domestic hate groups" and stating their values don't align with "Army values."
Ryan Smith: The Reality That Awaits Women in Combat
A Pentagon push to mix the sexes ignores how awful cheek-by-jowl life is on the battlefield. America has been creeping closer and closer to allowing women in combat, so Wednesday’s news that the decision has now been made is not...
SCOTUS to Hear Challenge to State Marriage Laws
By   |   12.17.12
The future of the institution of marriage in the United States will be decided next year as the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) rules on two landmark cases.  The High Court has agreed to hear legal challenges to...
On Which Side are You?
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   12.13.12
With each passing day the divide between Left and Right in America is becoming more clearly delineated.  The differences could not be more stark, nor the consequences more dramatic. 

The December 1st Chicago Tribune front page highlighted the Radical Left...
Giving Thanks to Whom Thanks is Due
Psalm 92 It is good to give thanks to the LORD,
And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High;
To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning,
And Your faithfulness every night,
On an instrument of ten strings,
Rallies for Religious Freedom
By   |   10.11.12
In addition to the IFI Religious Liberty Rally being held in Orland Park this Saturday morning (Oct. 13), a number of communities across the nation will host Stand Up for Religious Freedom  rallies on Saturday October 20.   This is the...
The Overlooked Meaning of Bill Clinton’s DNC Address
Praise for Bill Clinton’s recent address at the Democratic National Convention overlooks the fact that his promiscuity and perjury as president make his presence there a scandal.
Affluence and Elected Office
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.06.12
The Democratic Party and liberal pundits are trying to make the case that because Mitt Romney is extraordinarily wealthy, he can’t relate to the struggles of average or economically disadvantaged folk; and if he can’t relate to their struggles, he...
Republican Convention Adopts New Platform Language
By Micah Clark   |   08.29.12
Many pro-family leaders are praising the GOP platform for its strong language in a variety of areas. For example, Phyliss Schlafly noted this week in an editorial in the Washington Times that the platform has the successful three-legged stool model...
Welfare Dependency, Echos of the Great Depression
By Micah Clark   |   08.22.12
Today, nearly 110 million Americans are receiving welfare from the federal government. There are more than 80 different means tested welfare programs administered by the federal government today. Food stamps and Medicaid make up the largest chunk of the handouts....
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