Starving in a Food Pantry
By Israel Wayne   |   10.31.16
Illinois resident, Mike Meadows, was found dead in his food pantry last week. He was discovered by a neighbor who was surprised he hadn’t seen him for a few days. When the autopsy results came back, it was confirmed that...
Our Christian Duty
By David E. Smith   |   10.27.16
In less than two weeks, Americans will know which candidates will direct the course of our state and nation for the next two to four years.  Unfortunately, too many Christians do not understand exactly what is at stake.  With each...
Vote on Your Knees
By Israel Wayne   |   10.24.16
America is not like most other nations around the world. We have a different history and heritage. America is a nation that was founded on prayer. That is something we should not forget during this election year. A History of...
How Pro-Gay Theology Is Undermined in One Step
Two thousand years ago, Paul sounded a warning to his protégé Timothy. He said that a time will come when people will no longer “endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires...
Discovering Hidden Biases
By Oliver Perry   |   10.20.16
At the University of Illinois “Pride Festival” you can learn: “…how to use verses from the Bible to debunk the “homosexuality is a sin” message — and how to make downstate Illinois more LGBTQ supportive. [i]” To make you like...
Why Environmentalism Became Both a Religion and a Con Game
I am a Conservationist. I am not an Environmentalist. What? Aren’t the two the same thing? No, they are not. In fact the two movements are diametrically opposed.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Causes Uproar By Affirming Scripture
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.11.16
A Time Magazine article on InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s (IV) 20-page internal policy position paper on human sexuality is generating a huge brouhaha.
Why Political Correctness Is Political Cowardice
A majority of Americans oppose progressives’ agenda on race and identity. Why aren’t they speaking out?
Sign Up for IFI’s Gideon’s Army
By David E. Smith   |   10.04.16
Radio talk show host Dennis Prager is fond of saying that “boredom, affluence and secularism” have produced a nonsensical and selfish society. You and I know that this selfishness—along with a strong dose of apathy—has also affected the Christian community....
How Is the Godless West Working Out?
There are many recent developments in the godless West.... These are all inevitable consequences of the death of belief in God and Judeo-Christian values, and of the Bible as society's primary moral reference work.
Morality Is Indispensable for Liberty
Those stodgy Founding Fathers! Not only did they study hard, work harder, and marry one woman for life, they also insisted on – get this – morality. As in obeying the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, and the basic moral teachings of the Bible in general. So strongly did they venerate morality that they frequently observed its unbreakable link with liberty. They believed that moral people alone remain politically free.
The Myth Called ‘Race’
By   |   09.26.16
It’s often said, “There is only one race – the human race.” While the phrase has become almost cliché in repetition, it happens to be 100 percent accurate, both scientifically and theologically speaking. From Ferguson to Baltimore, Tulsa to Charlotte...
Religion, the Great Economic Engine
By   |   09.24.16
Guess who has the world’s 15th largest economy, right between Russia and Australia? American religion. Yep.
40 Days of Life: Defeating Roe’s Darkness with Prayer
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   09.21.16
Forty-three years ago the Warren Burger Supreme Court struck a mighty blow for the powers of darkness: In a 7-2 decision the Justices ruled in Roe v. Wade that the right to privacy was broad enough to “encompass a woman’s...
David Barton on Voting
By Monte Larrick   |   09.14.16
Historian David Barton calls voting a responsibility that should force Christians to do their homework on the candidates before casting their ballots. He says one of the best election study guides is the Bible.
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