New Survey Shows We Are Approaching a Post-Christian America
By   |   07.18.17
A recent study by Barna reveals the truth about what the spiritual climate in America is currently like. The study was conducted over 7 years, ending in 2016, and focuses on the most post-Christian cities in the US. According to...
From ‘Lassie to ‘Game of Thrones’: What Has Become of America?
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   07.15.17
America was very far from perfect in the early 1960s. In much of the nation segregation was the law of the land and women certainly had far less opportunities than men, just to mention two of society’s inequities. And I’m quite aware the first issue of Playboy, featuring Marilyn Monroe in the nude, was published in 1953. At the same time, there’s no denying that America back then was a far more innocent, family friendly country than it is today.
Silencing the Silencers
By Robert Knight   |   07.14.17
Frustrated by its inability to win elections, the left is attempting to silence opponents through intimidation, either in the streets or in the courts. The latest example is the hijacking of Guidestar USA by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Guidestar is a database of more than 2 million nonprofit and non-governmental (NGO) organizations. It's considered the foremost authority on nonprofits, and had a self-avowed reputation for "remaining neutral."
Medved: God’s Hand is Clear in Our Nation’s History
By Monte Larrick   |   07.03.17
A new book by Michael Medved explores the miracle of our nation's founding and growth. It is also a reminder of why we should thank God for His grace on America.
Tremendous Opportunity to Hear and Learn from Ray Comfort at IFI Faith Forum
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   06.24.17
We are thrilled to announce that Ray Comfort will be joining us for a special IFI Faith Forum on September 30th in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. Ray is the Founder and CEO of Living Waters ministries and the best-selling author of more than 80 books, including: "Hell’s Best Kept Secret," "Scientific Facts in the Bible," and "The Evidence Bible." Join us in Medinah for this special one time event.
Comfort v. Chaos & Uncertainty
Fake news, alternative facts, covfefe, secret investigations—there is nothing new about the constant bombardment of news we receive all day, whether willingly or not. Our nation is experiencing such political turmoil. Where can we find peace? In Messiah alone.
Study: Church Attendance is Trending Down
By John Biver   |   06.16.17
A recent Barna Survey said church attendance has been declining nationwide over the past 10 years. While the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose area ranked as America's most de-churched, eight of the top 10 "post-Christian" cities in America are all in the Northeastern United States. In Illinois, Chicago came in at number 19, the Quad-cities area at 50 and Champaign-Springfield-Decatur in the center of the state came in at 55 on this ominous list.
Encroaching Darkness Needs Light
By David E. Smith   |   06.15.17
We live in a divided and contentious culture where traditional Judeo-Christian values are rejected for humanistic ideals and cultural Marxism. Last Saturday morning IFI received two emails that demonstrate this dichotomy: Laura from Crystal Lake sent this in response to...
Reducing Violence in Your Community Through Prayer
Consistent, faithful prayer against violence changed Aurora, Illinois from a community with 3 times the national homicide rate in 1994 to zero homicides in 2010! The effective prayer of a righteous man or woman can accomplish much. (I Timothy 2:1-2; Deuteronomy 21:6-9; 2 Corinthians 10:3-6; James 5:16)
Making Everyday a Day of Prayer
By Monte Larrick   |   05.16.17
The National Day of Prayer has come and gone, but prayer leaders say there's still lots to pray about, especially in Illinois.
ACFI Survey: Americans Are At Odds Concerning Morals in the Nation
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   05.11.17
Election 2016 will go down in history as a great surprise — a quasi-triumph for Conservatives, for Evangelicals, and a tragedy for the Progressive Left. Millions of Americans were praying, they knew the nation was heading at breakneck speed toward...
Prayer Requests for May 10th
By David E. Smith   |   05.10.17
With three weeks left in the regular session of the General Assembly, we are still working to stop a number of bills that are making their way through the legislative process. Almost two dozen great activists are traveling to Springfield today to join IFI’s full time lobbyists in the hopes of meeting with key lawmakers to discuss bills of concern. Please PRAY that God would bless these grassroots lobbyist...
If Naturalistic Evolution Is True, People Are Not Equal
I find it odd when I refer to an atheist’s worldview and he adamantly denies he has one. This sense that “worldview” is an insult has puzzled me for quite a while; why would atheists think it’s an insult to have a consistent, coherent view of reality? As I’ve talked to them more about this, I think I may have finally figured out why many of them view the term “worldview” so negatively, and it has to do with their identity as atheists.
National Day of Prayer on May 4th
By Kathy Valente   |   05.01.17
The National Day of Prayer’s purpose is to honor God and to bring together the Christian community to intercede for America’s leaders and its families. The 2017 event is scheduled for Thursday, May 4th in cities all across the...
Religion and Inequality
By   |   04.28.17
Religion is good for you: emotionally, physically, and economically. Who knew? Not the secularists.
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