Tag Archives: sexual abuse

Securing Our Future

Our ability to protect children from sexual exploitation is declining every day.  The environment has become sexually saturated.  Prime-time programs on broadcast television promote casual sex, even for teens.  Pornography is impossible to avoid short of disconnecting all electronics.  Standards of dress and conduct have become eroticized.  Societal taboos about sexual experimentation have severely eroded, and internal inhibitions have steeply declined.
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There are 341,000 students in the Chicago Public Schools, divided among 638 schools—476 elementary schools and 162 high schools. According to the recent report by the Chicago Public Schools Office of Inspector General (OIG), there were 446 sexual misconduct allegations reported to the OIG during the calendar year 2023.
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The Ongoing Sexual Abuse Crisis at CPS

A glance at the news coverage of the recent Inspector General report on financial and sexual misconduct at Chicago Public Schools shows it’s the fiscal mismanagement that’s getting all the attention. The media is highlighting more than $23 million in missing laptops among other material fraud.
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Who is Responsible?

There are 1.85 million public school students in grades K to 12 in Illinois. Of those, 1.2 million of them, 65 percent, cannot read at grade level, and 1.4 million, 76 percent, do not have math skills at grade level. Did you know that?
Posted in Child Exploitation, CRT/Racism/BLM, Education, Federal, Marriage/Family/Culture, Pornography, Sexuality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Who is Responsible?

The Unimaginable Twisting of Every Principle of Parenthood

In a July 2010, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation featured a story by Ginger Gorman about a homosexual couple’s efforts to become parents. Peter Truong and Mark Newton of Queensland, Australia were celebrated as loving, caring, gay parents of their son, Boy 1.
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Opposing Transgenderism Is Not Genocide

America’s children are being targeted by sex predators. Their recruiters are already in our schools and libraries. These “transgender” people need your children as converts. Consider: Children returning from school carrying "gender unicorn lessons," which teach strange ideas of sex and gender; Public libraries are conditioning your children through “drag queen readings" to get children familiar with these recruiters; Schools are hiding from parents that they're giving puberty blocking drugs to their children.
Posted in Drugs/Alcohol/Addictions, Education, Faith, Federal, Marriage/Family/Culture, Pornography, Religious Liberty, Sexuality, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Opposing Transgenderism Is Not Genocide

What About Poor Children? (Christian Education Solution)

The safest place for children to be is at home with loving parents. As it stands, well over 90% of all parents send their children away from them for over 10,800 seat hours K-12 to be instructed by people they barely know. Fifty-eight percent of all working parents send their preschoolers to daycare where they are watched all day by people they barely know. As has been reported elsewhere, sexual abuse of children in daycares and government schools is rampant!
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Good Enough for Your Children (But Not Theirs)

Sexual Abuse of Children in Public Schools

In an excellent essay by journalist, Alex Newman published on January 5, 2022, entitled, Illinois Public Schools Battle Plague of Violence, Sexual Abuse, the author points out the deplorable scandal of children being physically and sexually abused in Illinois’ public schools. Another similar article ran on January 14, 2022.

The sexual abuse of children has been happening in Chicago’s public schools for years. Consider the Chicago Public School scandal that was exposed by the Chicago Tribune and others in August 2018. There were thousands of reports of sexual harassment (including many sexual …

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An Appeal to Attorney General Lisa Madigan

In the wake of the shocking Pennsylvania Grand Jury report which revealed that 301 priests sexually abused more than a thousand children, Attorney General Lisa Madigan announced that her office would investigate Catholic dioceses in Illinois in pursuit of “a complete and accurate accounting of all sexually inappropriate behavior involving priests in Illinois.”

We applaud this decision and her desire for truth, transparency, and accountability. Justice must be pursued and children must be protected.

But we want to encourage the attorney general not to stop there. Prior to the Pennsylvania revelation, the Chicago Tribune published a deeply disturbing report exposing …

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Does Church Abuse Discredit Christianity?

In August 2018, the results of a grand jury investigation were published regarding sex-abuse allegations within the Roman Catholic dioceses of Pennsylvania.

While it is shocking and disturbing to read, we need to be impacted by the full force of how heinous the crimes against these children were. The report reveals:

We subpoenaed, and reviewed, half a million pages of internal diocesan documents. They contained credible allegations against over three hundred predator priests. Over one thousand child victims were identifiable, from the church’s own records. We believe that the real number – of children whose records were lost, or who

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