Tag Archives: Peter Breen

The State of Religious Liberty With Sam Brownback

We are thrilled to have former Kansas Governor, former U.S. Senator and Ambassador Sam Brownback speak at a special forum in the northwest suburbs on Thursday evening, June 1st. You won’t want to miss the former head of the Office of International Religious Freedom in the U.S. Department of State’s thoughts on religious freedom, cancel culture and more.
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Peter Breen Joins Our Line-Up at the IFI Forum on Religious Liberty

We are pleased to announce that former state legislator Peter Breen has been added to our line-up of speakers for the IFI Special Forum on Religious Liberty.  In addition to being a pro-life hero, Peter leads the Thomas More Society’s Legal Team in service of its Life, Family, and Religious Liberty missions.
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Vulnerable Moms and Babies Denied a Hearing

In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, little if anything has changed concerning abortion in Illinois. You would think radical pro-abortion activists and legislators would be satisfied to know the status quo remains, but sadly, you would be wrong. Even though Illinois' abortion law is one of the most liberal in the nation, pro-abortion forces are not content with unfettered access to abortion, and they are now coming after crucial pregnancy resource centers (PRCs).
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Thomas More Society Attorneys Drop Bombshell Evidence in Biden DOJ’s Persecution of Pro-Life Dad

Lawyers for Mark Houck, a pro-life father of seven being prosecuted by the Biden administration, dropped bombshell evidence in defense of the pro-life advocate at a January 17, 2023, pretrial hearing in Philadelphia. Thomas More Society attorneys produced new evidence – never before considered by a federal court – that when the United States Congress passed the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, it expressly intended to exclude so-called “escorts” operating outside of abortion facilities from being encompassed by the FACE Act.
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Obama Judge Ignores the Expressed Will of the Legislative Branch

Obama judicial appointee Judge John Z. Lee of the Northern District of Illinois ruled against The Beloved Church last week as they filed a federal complaint challenging Governor J.B. Pritzker‘s emergency Executive Orders. The pastor and church, located in Lena, Illinois, are seeking to have their First Amendment rights restored to them in order to host regular services of up to 80 people each week.

Judge Lee’s reasoning in his decision denying the church’s complaint was shocking:

It is difficult to see why the legislature would recognize these long-running problems as disasters, yet divest the Governor of the tools

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Fair Maps Could Be a Solution for Illinois

Former State Representative Peter Breen (R-Lombard) has two words for his fellow Illinoisans, “Fair Maps.” Fair Maps is an effort to break the hold Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) has on the state’s election map.

On the website FairMapsIllinois.com, Breen explains, “If you despair over the future of Illinois… if you’re frustrated about the stranglehold of a corrupt political machine over Illinois politics… if you worry about whether your friends and family—and even you yourself—will be able to make a home in Illinois in the years to come… then this message is just for you.”

Fair Maps is …

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Pray for the US Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court will decide soon on two closely watched cases that could have a major impact on life and the freedom of conscience in America. Justices will rule on a California law that requires pro-life pregnancy care centers to post notices about the availability of taxpayer funded abortions. And the High Court will be ruling on baker Jack Phillips, the Colorado man who refused, based on his faith, to paint a cake for a same-sex wedding. We need to pray for the US supreme court.


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Stop Illinois Funding of Abortion

The Illinois General Assembly is winding up its work for the 2018 Spring session and will try to adjourn for the summer by Thursday, May 31st. That means that things could move very quickly over the next six days. We will try to keep you posted on the issues that concern you and your family. (As a result, you may get multiple email alerts next week.)

Even though the state of Illinois is on the brink of bankruptcy, various news reports suggest that state lawmakers are making progress toward the constitutional requirement of passing a balanced budget. Of course, the …

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Emergency Injunction Against Taxpayer-Funded Abortions Sought in Lawsuit Against Illinois Officials

The Thomas More Society has now moved for an emergency injunction to be heard on Thursday, December 28, to stop State of Illinois officials from providing tens of thousands of taxpayer funded abortions in the New Year. Additional legislators and groups will also seek to join the suit that day, including State Representative Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) and State Senator Neil Anderson (R-Rock Island).
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Rep. Breen & Sen. McConchie File Legislation to Ban Use of Taxpayer Funds for Elective Abortions

Today, State Representative Peter Breen (R-Lombard) and State Senator Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods) filed the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” which would prohibit units of government in Illinois from using taxpayer funds for elective abortions, reversing key provisions of the recently enacted HB 40. Breen and McConchie are pressing for full debate and a floor vote on the measure during the upcoming fall veto session later this month, before HB 40 goes into effect...
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Please Make Your Voice Heard on an Anti-Life and 4 Pro-Life Bills

Please fill out a witness slip on the following bills which are scheduled to be heard on Wednesday, February 8th, in the Illinois House Human Services Committee. It’s critical that we have more slips from pro-lifers because the other side is working hard on these bills.
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Gov. Rauner Kills Conscience Rights by Signing SB 1564

Despite a full-court press by IFI and many Illinois pro-life groups--including dozens of pregnancy resource centers (PRCs)--Governor Bruce Rauner today chose to sign legislation that will result in our state government requiring pro-life medical professionals to refer patients for medical procedures/services they find morally objectionable such as abortion, sterilization and certain end-of-life care protocols. This is not the result for which so many hoped and prayed.
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Illinois Lawmakers Pass Legislation to Coerce Speech

This afternoon, the Illinois House took up this SB 1564, debated and passed this ominous new mandate by a vote of 61-54. We are asking for a flood of calls to the Governor's office, asking him to VETO this terrible legislation: (217) 782-0244 or (312) 814-2121
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State Rep. Peter Breen Pushes to End Trafficking of Aborted Fetal Body Parts and Tissue

In response to controversial videos that have surfaced surrounding the harvesting and sale of aborted fetal body parts and tissue, State Representative Peter Breen (R-Lombard) has filed legislation to amend and clarify the Illinois Anatomical Gift Act as it relates to tissue and body parts that can be legally donated or sold.

The bill, HB 4266, was filed Wednesday in Springfield.  This proposal would expand the definition of “decedent” to include a deceased fetus or unborn child using definitions outlined in the Illinois Abortion Law of 1975. The proposed new language also expressly prohibits the donation or sale of …

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Court Rules Against Planned Parenthood in Abortion Clinic Zoning Case

The Illinois Appellate Court, Second Judicial District, has overturned a lower court’s dismissal of a zoning and fraud lawsuit brought by the Thomas More Society on behalf of Fox Valley Families Against Planned Parenthood and several neighbors. The Society argued that the zoning of the mega-abortion facility (built eight years ago in Aurora, Illinois) was illegal, as it was (and remains) located in a business development district – an area which is exclusively reserved for profit-making businesses. The appellate court remanded the case for discovery and further proceedings in the circuit court focused on the nearby residents’ primary contention – …

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