Tag Archives: Parental Rights
Parents Matter
Protecting Child Sacrifice and Mandating Indoctrination
Redefining Child Abuse
Government Should “License” Parents, Argues Academic
Parents should be required to obtain a license from the government and be screened for their views on homosexuality and other issues before being allowed to raise their own biological children, argues radical academic Connor Kianpour at the far-left University of Colorado Boulder. Critics are sounding the alarm.
In his paper, headlined “The Kid’s Aren’t Alright: Expanding the Role of the State in Parenting,” the self-styled “philosopher” argues that the government should take over the primary responsibility for the raising of children. This should be no problem, because even biological parents have “no right” to raise their own …
No, Juan Williams. ‘Parents’ Rights’ Is Not a Code for White Race Politics
Parental Notice of Abortion on the Chopping Block!
Illinois Thinks it is a Better Parent than You
Mandated Vaccines & the “LGBTQ” Agenda
A troubling trend is occurring in Illinois. It has happened mostly in the background but has become visible with the introduction of two new proposed laws concerning vaccines. If these proposed laws were to take effect, vaccines would be mandated by the state without religious exception. In addition, these bills apply to public and private schools, including Christian private schools and homeschools. Especially egregious would be the mandate for children to receive the HPV vaccine, a vaccine to protect a person from a sexually transmitted disease. Furthermore, and perhaps even more shocking, if …
Yet Another Springfield Attack On Parental Rights and Religious Liberty
Our Parents, the State
Charlie Gard’s Chilling Case Should Serve as a Dire Warning for Parental Rights in the United States
On July 27, 2017 a judge made the final decision in the case of Charlie Gard, ordering that the infant be moved to hospice for his last days on this earth. Charlie was one of 16 known children in the world to have mitochondrial depletion syndrome. This condition is a very rare terminal illness which causes progressive muscle weakness and brain damage.
This decision followed the determination of the hospital that he would be better off dead. The European Court of Human Rights backed this decision. According to BBC News the court determined that further treatment would “continue to cause …