Tag Archives: Hugh Hefner
Have We Arrived at Gomorrah?
Leftists Want to Enshrine a Right to Exterminate the Unborn in Illinois’ Constitution
This American Life of Sexual Perversity
There is a new reality makeover show on The Learning Channel (TLC) titled Dragnificent in which four men who impersonate women (also known as “drag queens”) travel the country exploiting the desire of humans to grasp the cheap brass ring: fifteen minutes of fame. While behaving like clownish juveniles, these men-children with wounded pasts teach women with wounded pasts how to dress for their body type and wear makeup. The spectacle of grown men prancing about like children in cartoonish outfits pretending their work is good is a grotesque and tragic deceit that mars the image of God imprinted on …
The Sensation Nation
Women in America: Once Protected and Honored, Now Objectified
The Law of the Harvest: America Sows Free Love and Reaps Heartbreak
America was founded as a beacon of light, a refuge to those who only wanted to worship the God of the Bible as they saw fit. Our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, were infused with biblical precepts and a presumption of a Creator and His transcendent Truth.
For over 200 years this experiment in liberty flourished, lighting the world with the light of Truth and Righteousness.
At times during our nation’s history, Americans en masse veered toward the broad path to destruction. And at every departure from upright and moral living, a preacher or …
Hugh Hefner’s Real Legacy: Disease, Despair, and Death
Hugh Hefner Leaves Behind a Legacy of Sexual Exploitation
Culture War Victory Still Possible for Conservatives
Media Bias That Makes You Sick
The cause of “media activism,” now popular at some American colleges and universities, is taking an ominous and interesting turn. If this trend continues, the moderators of the stacked anti-Republican CNBC presidential debate will look like moderates.
Quite literally, the purpose of this new kind of “media activism” is to make you sick.
A so-called “Media Activism Research Conference” is being held next year in Canada to expand even further the “progressive” causes available to journalists. The event is described as a “Gathering for Grassroots and Transformative Media” at Lakehead University and “an opportunity to develop collaborations and networks among …
Bad News, Indeed – Playboy Opened the Floodgates and Now the Culture is Drowning
A venerable parable from Confucian China told of an elderly man who had seen emperors and events come and go, and observed from his Confucian worldview that good news and bad news were often difficult to tell apart. “Good news? Bad news? Who’s to say?,” he would reply to any news from his neighbors.
I thought of that parable when I read the headlines that announced the news that Playboy would cease the publication of nude photographs of women in its magazine. From any moral perspective, that should appear as good news. The headlines might suggest that Playboy has had …