Tag Archives: Chris Cuomo

Fauci Lied and People Died

Not to bring up a sore subject, but think back to April and May of 2020. Do you remember how you felt, watching the nation and the world react to an unknown menace, suddenly ordered to isolate in place and unsure when, if ever, things would go back to normal? That spring began a string of “unprecedented” events that continues even today, with possible consequences reaching into the future, if the WHO has its way.
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“Progressives” Say the Darndest Things About Killing Tiny Humans

For those who have been enjoying the waning days of summer away from news and social media, basking maskless by a refreshing body of water or hiking in a cool forest with a face as naked as a newborn babe’s, here’s what set ablaze the perpetually burning neurons of leftists: Texas banned all abortions performed on small humans whose hearts are beating and made anyone who facilitates the illegal killing of humans with beating hearts open to litigation. Sounds reasonable to me, but then again, I’ve never been a fan of killing defenseless humans who have committed no crime.

Following …

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The Ideological Non-Sense and Hypocrisy of Leftists

One of the more grotesque demonstrations of leftist non-sense and hypocrisy was demonstrated a week ago following an episode of the wildly popular Disney show The Mandalorian when “Baby Yoda” eats the unfertilized eggs of a Frog Woman who is transporting her eggs to her husband so he can fertilize them thereby preventing their species’ imminent extinction. Fans of Baby Yoda freaked out, incensed at the lighthearted treatment of what they deemed genocide by the beloved Baby Yoda.

The moral incoherence and hypocrisy should be obvious. In the Upside Down where leftists live, when a human mother hires someone to …

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In Times Of Crisis, Elected Officials Must Be Held to One Consistent Standard – The U.S. Constitution

When those entrusted with power to protect the God given rights of the people do so selectively, arbitrarily picking and choosing which freedoms are worthy of protection and to what extent, then we are no longer a nation governed by the rule of law but by the whims of men.
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Who’s the Intolerant One?

This is surely one of the strangest tweet exchanges I’ve ever seen. Here’s CNN’s Christopher Cuomo responding to a person who asks, “What do you tell a 12 year old girl who doesn’t want to see a [an exposed man] in the locker room?” His answer?
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The Troubling Implications of Believing Our Rights Don’t Come from God

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo recently declared: "Our rights do not come from God." Then this week, Sen. Ted Cruz's assertion that "our rights don't come from man, they come from God Almighty" came under scrutiny when Meredith Shiner, a Yahoo reporter, tweeted...
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Alabama Chief Justice Schooled CNN Host, Says Professor

An author and philosopher says CNN host Chris Cuomo needs a remedial lesson in American history after suggesting that America's laws come from man, not from a Creator. Cuomo made the comment February 12 during a testy interview with Roy Moore, the Alabama Supreme Court justice who is defying a federal judge's order that is allowing homosexual "marriage" to be recognized in the state.
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