Summertime Matching Challenge!
Summertime Matching Challenge!
Written By David E. Smith   |   07.14.21
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The IFI board of directors along with the staff and I are very excited to announce an amazing summertime matching challenge made possible through the generosity of faithful supporters.

UPDATED: These donors are working with us to offer a $35,000 $40,000 dollar-for-dollar matching challenge to help us raise $70,000 $80,000 for our urgent “Rescuing the Childreninitiative! Between now and Labor Day, you can double the impact of your giving while helping us fund this critical battle!

If you give $50, it becomes $100.

If you give $500, we realize $1,000!

If you donate $1,000, it is the same as giving $2,000, etc.

During the last week of June and into the first days of July, the IFI Team stopped at eight locations (Mokena, Norridge, Rockford, Batavia, Washington, Springfield, Effingham, and Collinsville) with a vitally important message. We provided overwhelming evidence of the loss of innocence and brainwashing taking place in government indoctrination camps (i.e., public schools). 

It is bad enough that children are failing to meet proficiency standards in language arts, math, and science, but now the focus of instructional time is on social engineering, leftist political activism, humanistic training, sexual immorality, civics, and revisionist history.

Right here in Illinois, a shocking number of kids hear messages about choosing their “gender” and affirming homosexuality. Our state lawmakers recently passed legislation mandating  that “comprehensive sex ed” begin in kindergarten and that feminine hygiene products be placed in boys’ bathrooms in public schools grades 4-12.  And now Chicago Public Schools plan to distribute condoms to students 10 years old and up.

At the events in these eight locations, Alex Newman, Executive Director of Public School Exit, painted a bleak picture of the history of public education and the global agendas being forced into student curricula. These include socialism and communism–both failed experiments in other parts of the world–as well as the ever-expanding perverse sexual education.

Alex also pointed out that many pubic schools are concealing “gender-change” lessons (and services) from parents, and presenting materials to students that teach about the pedophilia in ancient Greece.

In addition, many public schools teach about Islam and Buddhism while banning prayer as part of the “global education” government schools were actually created to provide. Ultimately, their plan for a “world core curriculum” has the same standards for every child in every school in the world. This has always been the goal, Newman says, and is a clear sign to parents. Get your children out of government schools.

You won’t want to miss his eye-opening 40-minute presentation HERE.

The Rev. Ceasar LeFlore was our next speaker. He gave a strong exhortation about the need for discipleship, saying “what does it matter if our children can read, write, and do arithmetic but are wrong about Jesus Christ? What does it matter if they advance to graduate school, get the best job in the world, but they are wrong about the Kingdom of God?” Rev. LeFlore then quotes Mark 8:36, in which Jesus warns, “what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?”

Christian education and discipleship are vitally important if we hope to see our children and grandchildren walk in the truth. Rev. LeFlore is IFI’s Field Director for this initiative, and he is already working on organizing additional meetings in cities across the state, including in a number of wards in the Chicago.

Rev. LeFlore is spot on when he says “[our children] need to learn the righteousness principles of God, and then they need to learn to walk in them, walk in the truth. Not their truth as the world would determine it, but the truth. Third John 1:4 says, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”

You can watch his excellent 38-minute presentation HERE.

Thank God that we live in a state and nation with amazing individual and religious liberties! While we would certainly like to see legislative changes on how we publicly fund education, we have many good educational choices that would enable parents, grandparents, and church leaders to pass on their faith to children by teaching them biblical truth and training them up in the instruction of the Lord. They will never get that training in government schools.

We need your prayer covering and financial support for this vital initiative as we move forward to bring this critical message to others!

Every donation–small, medium, or large–brings us closer to our goal. Don’t miss this great opportunity!

Here are some ways you can give your tax-deductible donation:

  • Contribute online HERE.
  • Give a gift of stock or appreciated assets. Contact Colleen Garcia, IFI’s Financial Administrator, at (708) 781-9328 or email her HERE.
  • Mail your gift. Send to: Illinois Family Institute, P.O. Box 876, Tinley Park, IL, 60477
  • We also accept credit card donations over the phone at (708) 781-9328 during normal business hours.

Thank you for your consideration. Your financial support and prayers are what makes our mission to protect and preserve life, marriage, family, and liberty in Illinois possible.  THANK YOU!


David E. Smith
Executive Director

Don’t delay, please donate today!

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography. He and his wife of 29 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in the Christian faith, and...
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