A Return of the Levee District?
By Thomas Hampson   |   03.17.25
Progressive Democrats Will Guzzardi, Kelly Cassidy, and Theresa Mah introduced House Bill 3518 on February 7, 2025. The 168-page bill, titled “Keeping Sex Workers Safe Act,” would legalize prostitution in this state, returning us to the late 19th and early 20th century standards. What would that look like?
Cassidy’s Trans Insanity
By Thomas Hampson   |   03.14.25
On Tuesday, March 11th, State Representative Kelly Cassidy stood on the floor of the Illinois House to denounce Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and Illinois Republican legislators who had spoken out against biological boys in girls' sports. In her generalized and dramatized denunciation, Cassidy makes some wild accusations about those who want to protect kids from trans ideology.
Oppose Cassidy’s Bad Human Trafficking Bill
By Thomas Hampson   |   03.12.25
It is a mystery why any victim advocate would support HB 1302. The bill, sponsored by State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), amends four separate sections of Illinois’ criminal code. While framed as a progressive reform, several provisions risk undermining victim rights and enabling the abuse of the justice system.
The Porn Promoters
By Thomas Hampson   |   02.05.25
Did you know that the Biden Administration aggressively fought to keep obscene materials in school libraries against the efforts of parents to remove them? I didn’t. I had no idea and I’ve tried to keep up on these issues.
Complicit by Inaction
By Thomas Hampson   |   01.28.25
Thomas Sowell often says that “there are no solutions, only trade-offs.” What he means by that is that there is no perfect solution to any problem. There are always negative consequences to one degree or another. Greater safety means less freedom. Greater transparency means less privacy. Greater knowledge shatters innocence.
Technology – Blessing or Curse?
By Thomas Hampson   |   01.16.25
There is no question that over the last 20 years, the internet has become integral to our daily lives. We depend on it. We use it to follow the news, to keep an eye on the weather, to find and order everything from guns to gum, to discover the best route for our travels, to come up with the best recipe for dinner, to show us how to replace brake pads.
Public Servants?
By Thomas Hampson   |   12.27.24
We have a long tradition of honoring those in public service who sacrifice a big paycheck to serve the rest of us. Most have non-descript jobs, but our government could not function without them. Some risk their lives for us every day, like soldiers and police and firefighters. We honor all of them because their service is a public trust.
Parents’ Rights Toolkit
By Thomas Hampson   |   12.12.24
A little over a week ago, America First Legal (AFL) released its “Parents Rights Toolkit” to help parents of children in public schools protect themselves and their children from the so-called experts who run our schools.
Rolling Back the Gender Insanity
By Thomas Hampson   |   12.02.24
One factor in the Republican victory on November 5th was the transgender issue. Promoting transgender ideology was a high priority of the Biden Administration. Among the first executive orders issued by President Biden on January 25, 2021, was to allow transgenders to serve in the military.
By Thomas Hampson   |   11.12.24
The United States of America is unique. We were not established from an ethnic group, or a tribe, or a religion, or an aristocracy, or a race. Such things do not define us. We were forged from an idea. We were founded as a constitutional republic on the principles of federalism, individual liberty, limited government, and separation of powers.
Our Legacy
By Thomas Hampson   |   10.18.24
Nearly five years ago, the documentary “The Social Dilemma” (available on Netflix) took direct aim at social media, charging that companies like Facebook, Google, Twitter (now X), Snapchat, and others intentionally designed their products to addict users, especially children, and knowingly wreaked emotional harm on them.
We’re the Government, We’re Here to Help
By Thomas Hampson   |   10.01.24
Hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied minors—illegal immigrants—are missing.
Banned Books Week
By Thomas Hampson   |   09.23.24
Banned Books Week, an annual propaganda campaign by the left-wing ALA, highlights the most radically inappropriate, obscene or downright pornographic books that are available to anyone of any age without restrictions in libraries...
The Continuing Tragedy of Trans Care
By Thomas Hampson   |   09.04.24
Gender-affirming care, until recently, has been gaining popularity around the world for treating gender dysphoria in children and adults. All that is changing. The term itself mischaracterizes the treatment. Gender-affirming care is not care. It is chemical and surgical mutilation.
By Thomas Hampson   |   08.06.24
The SHIELD Act (S.412) passed in the U.S. Senate in July. This bill would address image-based sexual abuse by establishing new laws to knowingly distribute sexually explicit content of an individual without their consent. It will also outlaw the distribution of pornographic images of minors that are intended to humiliate, harass, or degrade the minor. But, if S.412 passes the U.S. House and is signed into law, will it be enforced?
Thomas Hampson
Thomas Hampson

Thomas Hampson and his wife live in the suburbs of Chicago, have been married for 50 years, and have three grown children. Mr. Hampson is an Air Force veteran where he served as an Intelligence analyst in Western Europe. He also served as an Chief Investigator for the Illinois Legislative Investigating Commission and served on the Chicago Crime Commission as a board member. His work as an investigator prompted him to establish the Truth Alliance Foundation (TAF) and to dedicate the rest of his life to the protection of children. He hopes that the TAF will expand to facilitate the protection of children all over the United States and around the world.

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