Articles by
Not Your Typical Neighborhood “Museum”
By   |   05.26.15
People living in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood are in for a shock, says an Illinois-based family advocate.
Justice Who Loves Gay Marriage May Force it on Those Who Don’t
By   |   05.21.15
A conservative legal organization is calling for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to recuse herself from deciding the marriage case now before the court.
The Latest Downward Slide for Girl Scouts: ‘Girl’ is Now Optional
By   |   04.28.15
A traditional values leader is exposing the Girl Scouts for its continued move toward far-left causes. The latest announcement, says Linda Harvey of Mission America, is that little boys from kindergarten through high school can join the Girl Scouts, if...
Judicial Clash on Alabama’s Horizon
By   |   02.10.15
A potential clash between state and federal courts is brewing in Alabama - a clash that one legal group says has needed to happen for a long time. And apparently it took the issue of same-sex "marriage" to bring it to pass.
Christian Engineer Seeks EEOC’s Help in Ford Firing
By   |   02.02.15
Thomas Banks worked for Ford in Michigan for more than three years as a product engineer. But one day he received an email, left a message in the comments section, and two weeks later – in August 2014 – was...
Christian Scouting Organization Grows While Boy Scouts Declines
By   |   01.30.15
A Christian scouting organization is thriving while Boy Scouts may be declining more than reported.
Campaign to Filter Porn from Wi-Fi Networks Gains Headway
By   |   01.28.15
A campaign to convince Starbucks and McDonald's to filter pornography out of their Wi-Fi systems is gaining momentum.
A Tale of Two Bakers:  Will Colorado Play Favorites?
By   |   01.28.15
Alliance Defending Freedom says it will be interesting if the state of Colorado decides to disregard the fundamental freedoms of all its citizens – or instead decides to play favorites when it comes to bakeries, wedding cakes, and same-sex "marriage."
Christian Expresses Biblical Worldview, Gets Sacked By Mayor
By   |   01.12.15
A fresh campaign has been launched on behalf of an official with the Atlanta fire department – a Christian – who was fired after making public his biblically based views on homosexuality. Kelvin Cochran, chief of the Atlanta Fire Rescue...
Amid Competing Petitions, TLC Says Duggars Will Stay
By   |   12.18.14
Petition drives in support of the Duggars' show "19 Kids & Counting" on The Learning Channel provide an example of how Christians, by standing together, can contend successfully against the secular world.
AFA to Duggars:  We’ve Got Your Back
By   |   11.26.14
A prominent pro-family group is urging the public to take action on behalf of the Duggar family, who the group says is under a "malicious attack" because of their uncompromising, Christ-centered stand on several social issues.
Two Views on Danger of ‘Net Neutrality’
By   |   11.17.14
Many people and organizations are concerned about so-called net neutrality and its possible effects on free speech, but OneNewsNow talked to one person who is concerned for another reason: the free market. If this is a free speech issue, says...
The Intact Family: Best Foundation for Youngsters, for Society
By   |   11.15.14
Yet another study is showing that the traditional family within the confines of a committed marriage is best for children and for society. The study conducted by the American Enterprise Institute suggests that a couple who marries, stays married, and...
A Veterans Day Story that Focuses on … Homosexuality?
By   |   11.11.14
An attorney who supports traditional values is questioning a news story today about Veterans Day.
Should Pro-Life Groups Be Forced to Help Destroy Life?
By   |   11.10.14
Another legal challenge to ObamaCare that raises crucial questions related to other pro-life cases awaits a federal court decision within the next few months. March for Life has challenged the Obama administration’s mandate to provide free insurance coverage for contraception...
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