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Pro-Lifer Warned About Planned Parenthood-Trained “Navigators”
By   |   09.13.14
Planned Parenthood has received over a half-million dollars to hire and train so-called “navigators” to sign up people for medical insurance. But it’s allegedly a backdoor approach for the abortion business to generate more income. “These people are going to...
Abortion Industry Covering Up for Pedophiles
By   |   09.05.14
Life Dynamics has posted a report on, and founder Mark Crutcher explains what that report has found. “[We] reviewed criminal cases in which men have been convicted of sexual relationships with minor girls,” he says. “During those trials it...
Pastor De Jesus “The Gap is Waiting for Leaders”
By   |   09.04.14
Wilfredo De Jesus is pastor of New Life Covenant Church in Chicago and is the author of “In the Gap: What Happens When God’s People Stand Strong.” A gap, as in Ezekiel 22:30, is a place of vulnerability, exposure, risk...
Tolerance:  A Tough Business
By   |   08.20.14
Christian business owners are still under legal attacks for refusing to participate in same-gender "weddings" -– a call that a pro-family research and education organization thinks Americans should be free to make.
Warning Goes Forth, Again, Over Ratifying UN Treaty
By   |   07.30.14
A U.S. Senate panel has advanced to the full senate a treaty that could pose a danger to parents and to pre-born babies.  After a contentious hearing this week, the Judiciary Committee advanced the United Nations Convention on the Rights...
Hobby Lobby Case Bringing Out the Truth
By   |   07.10.14
According to one attorney, homosexual activists consider the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision granting religious rights to business owners a temporary stumbling block to their campaign. Because of the ruling, some homosexual groups have withdrawn their support of the Employment...
NRTL Warns About U.S. Senate Bill
By   |   06.30.14
Democrat members of the U.S. Senate are seeking a blank check to limit free speech, and the National Right to Life Committee is warning about the impact.  “This proposed constitutional amendment would give Congress and the 50 state legislatures complete...
Are Obama and LGBTQ Ganging Up on Exxon?
By   |   06.18.14
Traditional Values Coalition says one major corporation may be a special target of the Obama administration in forcing acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle. President Barack Obama has announced plans to sign an executive order banning government contractors from discriminating against...
LGBTQ Activists Demanding More from Exxon
By   |   06.05.14
Homosexual activists are looking to the White House to force a major corporation to bow to their lifestyle. Last week, for the 17th year in a row, shareholders of ExxonMobil refused to adopt a non-discrimination policy to provide special protections...
New BSA Leader: Didn’t He See What Happened to the Military?
By   |   05.30.14
A pro-family lawyer says the new president of the board of the Boy Scouts is wrong in saying the organization won’t revisit the ban on homosexual leaders.  The statement comes from former U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who says he...
Court Ruling: “God” Isn’t a Dirty Word
By   |   05.10.14
A Massachusetts court has ruled that a “heckler’s veto” will not be tolerated in public schools when it comes to the Pledge of Allegiance. Dianna Verm, an attorney with the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, tells OneNewsNow that the American...
How Far Have We Fallen? A Postage Stamp Will Honor a Sexual Predator
By   |   04.17.14
The postal services in the U.S. and in Finland are honoring two homosexuals who have contributed to moral decline by announcing each will get their own stamp.
Judge, State AG Stepping Over the Line on Illinois Marriage Law
By   |   03.10.14
A traditional values group in Illinois maintains certain state officials aren’t only usurping the legislative process when it comes to same-gender “marriage,” but they are also violating the law. At both state and federal levels, making and implementing law is...
FDA Opening the ‘Barn Door’ to Human Cloning?
By   |   03.06.14
The Federal Drug Administration is considering technology to produce three-parent babies, but an expert who testified before Congress believes it’s a bad idea. The federal agency is considering allowing scientists to use one of several methods to create babies from...
Federal Judge Who Struck Down Marriage Law Confused Constitution and Declaration
By   |   02.17.14
Judges are ignoring the fact that the U.S. Constitution doesn’t provide for homosexual “marriage” – regardless of recent rulings. 
While homosexual activists filed lawsuits against marriage laws in four states, last week two federal judges ruled against constitutional amendments. Mat...
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