No, Hitler Was Not a Christian
By   |   05.24.16
Yes, there have been evil men who have done evil things in the name of false Christianity. To a limited degree, Adolf Hitler was one such man. Still, and as even he frequently admitted outside the public eye, he was no Christian.
Campus Conservatives and Pro-lifers Fight for Truth
By   |   05.06.16
Discrimination against conservatives on campus is a dramatic story being told by Peter Fricke and other great reporters at In many cases, however, pro-lifers at colleges and universities across the country are pushing back. Kristan Hawkins, president of Students...
How I Discovered True Masculinity
My adolescence was a social nightmare. I grew up in the rural South but didn’t fit the mold of Southern masculinity in the slightest. Sports piqued no interest in me; roughhousing made me nervous; slaying innocent animals seemed cruel and gross. Of course I never expressed such blasphemies...
Encroaching Tyranny
By David E. Smith   |   04.04.16
Outrageous!  The Illinois Human Rights Commission has issued a decision in which they fined a Christian business-owner $80,000 for refusing to violate his conscience regarding hosting a same-sex ceremony. And to make matters worse, they are mandating that this Christian...
Gov Can Force Coverage of Birth Control and Abortion Drugs on Churches?
Sister Loraine McGuire with Little Sisters of the Poor speaks to the media after Zubik v. Burwell, an appeal brought by Christian groups demanding full exemption from the requirement to provide insurance covering contraception under the Affordable Care Act, was heard by the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington March 23, 2016.
Good Friday Meme_SM...
Pediatricians Call It What It Is – Child Abuse
By Micah Clark   |   03.18.16
The American College of Pediatricians has released an in-depth report stating that the move to indoctrinate children with the idea that they can pick their gender amounts to child abuse.  They are urging legislators and educators to reject all policies...
Attorney General Lynch Looks Into Prosecuting ‘Climate Change Deniers’
In news that should shock and anger Americans, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that not only has she discussed internally the possibility of pursuing civil actions against so-called “climate change deniers...”
Letter to University of Notre Dame About Medal Award to Biden
The The Laetare Medal is awarded each year to American Catholics “whose genius has ennobled the arts and sciences, illustrated the ideals of the Church and enriched the heritage of humanity.” This year, one of the two recipients was Vice President Joe Biden. With your award of the Laetare Medal to Mr. Biden, I am once again stunned that you choose to celebrate a politically influential person known for his ability to make moral compromises which abet the ongoing destruction of millions of children.
Secularization and the Sexual Revolution (Part 1)
By   |   02.29.16
In the face of the sexual revolution the Christian church in the West now faces a set of challenges that exceeds anything it has experienced, of a similar magnitude, in the past. This is a revolution of ideas—one that is...
Let’s Not Pray for What We Deserve
By   |   01.25.16
There is no doubt about it, many of us are hoping that 2016 will bring real change. Remembering back to the mantras of 2008, there were those who were anticipating “hope and change.” However, what we have seen over the...
Life Without Exception
Most of us are familiar with the “exceptions” of the pro-life stance. That is to say the majority of people in this nation are pro-life with the “exception” of rape, incest, or endangerment to the mother’s life. My question is this: How can we be truly pro-life if we include exceptions?
Pastor David Jones on Homosexuality and Marriage
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.22.16
There has been a sustained assault on truth with regard to sexuality for the last 55 years. For the last 45 years that assault has included successful efforts to normalize homosexuality and gender dysphoria, efforts that have intensified over the...
Don’t Miss IFI’s 2016 Worldview Conference with Dr. Wayne Grudem
In the service of helping families in their efforts to firmly establish and maintain a biblical worldview, IFI is hosting worldview conferences. How do we think about the issues of the day? Do we think clearly and biblically about the...
life is sacred Jeremiah...
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