By Alyssa Sonnenburg
Earlier today, the Chicago City Council heard a proposal to institute a "quiet zone" around a particular abortion facility in the city to muzzle pro-lifers reaching out to abortion-bound mothers. Thankfully, this controversial proposal was deferred.

By David E. Smith
This week, the Chicago City Council is expected to debate and vote on an ordinance that would ban the use of megaphones, bullhorns or other amplified sound outside a downtown abortion mill.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
A recent One America News article reported that a male athlete who goes by Sadie Schreiner “took first place in three women’s events at the Division III Liberty League championship meet.”

By Brandon Myers
“How Should We Then Live?” is the question the late influential Christian apologist and author Francis Schaeffer set out to address and answer.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
Frederick Douglass once said, “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” Reading is vitally important to a child’s imagination and education. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) notes, "At all three grades, students who more frequently read for fun on their own time had higher average proficiencies."

By Mae Arthur
Picture this: nations all over the world enter into a binding agreement, not with one another, but with a global governing body that they empower to essentially take over in case of emergency.

By Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer
It comes as no surprise to me that the so-called “progressive” mind embraces the idea of a woman’s choice to end a pregnancy. Nor does it surprise me that those of the libertarian mindset are willing to jump on the bandwagon for “choice" as well. It’s their “keep government out of our bedroom” mentality.

By Rev. Thorin Anderson
The atheistic Left began their assault on America over seventy years ago. Their progress was quite slow in the beginning, and one must give them credit for their determination. They have not quit to this day! A principal actor in this effort has been the Communist Party USA, but it is only one of numerous Leftist groups seeking to divide and destroy this great nation (They all lean Marxist).

By Ecce Verum
Doors are insensitive. They just stand there, entirely filling up the entrance to their houses and obstinately obstructing the way without caring who's at the doorstep. Society would seem a lot more hospitable without doors, wouldn't it? Sure, maybe—but society would also be a lot less safe. The insensitivity of a door is precisely what protects you at night.

By Brandon Myers
Pray faithfully in secret and grow in your prayer life by reading God’s written revealed Word and responding with heartfelt praise, sincere thanks, and bold-and-specific petitions for Christ’s church, candidates, and other civil magistrates. If you are a pastor pray faithfully and regularly in your Lord’s Day worship services for our state, our nation and the nations.

By Ecce Verum
Have you ever wondered why so many companies invest so much energy and resources into being woke? After all, business seems like it should be about, well, business! Basic economics tells us that resources are always scarce, and the goal of a successful corporation is to use its resources more effectively than its competitors and thus make a profit.

By Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer
I saw a Facebook post recently re-shared by a friend I admire. You will need to read it all the way through to get the gist of it. Since it was a public post, here’s some of it:

By Rev. Thorin Anderson
It is quite unfortunate that the most important date on the Christian calendar is misnamed! While of uncertain origin, the best guesses are that the title “Easter” is derived from a pagan religion, but that is a subject for another time. My point is, however, that the name gives no indication of the reason for the holiday in the first place, which is to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Most Americans see the date as a time for easter egg hunts or to enjoy Spring.

By Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer
Hard to believe is was four years ago when the dreaded COVID-19 virus scare virtually shut down America. You recall those days, right? Limited groups were allowed in stores. Schools were doing remote learning. Restaurants had restricted space or even outdoor-only seating. Family events were cancelled, including big weddings and farewell funeral gatherings.

By Rev. Thorin Anderson
Every American citizen has, among other things, the right and responsibility to vote. If too many fail to take this responsibility seriously, it allows for a few, with bad intentions, to transform the state into an oligarchy or dictatorship!