It Takes a Village, but…
By Mae Arthur   |   07.30.24
Hillary Clinton has always struggled with her public image. Even back when her husband Bill was president, a lot of Americans had a pretty low opinion of her.
American Parents Coalition: A Breath of Fresh Air for Parents
By Mae Arthur   |   07.26.24
Culturally speaking, there is perhaps no more concerning trend these days than the attempts of the far Left to undermine parents and divide them from their children. From schools and libraries to the courts and the medical profession, radical forces are coming with the authority we’ve given them, and they’re coming for our kids.
Why the LGBTQ Lobby Won’t Stop
By Mae Arthur   |   06.11.24
For Christians in our nation, the last decade has felt like holding onto the outside of a high-speed train. Fueled by exponentially increasing sexual license, it keeps picking up speed.
Fauci Lied and People Died
By Mae Arthur   |   06.01.24
Not to bring up a sore subject, but think back to April and May of 2020. Do you remember how you felt, watching the nation and the world react to an unknown menace, suddenly ordered to isolate in place and unsure when, if ever, things would go back to normal? That spring began a string of “unprecedented” events that continues even today, with possible consequences reaching into the future, if the WHO has its way.
The Global Threat of the WHO Pandemic Agreement
By Mae Arthur   |   05.01.24
Picture this: nations all over the world enter into a binding agreement, not with one another, but with a global governing body that they empower to essentially take over in case of emergency.
Progressives in Illinois Threaten Parental Authority Again
By Mae Arthur   |   04.22.24
No one knows for sure who first said the phrase, “If your only tool is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail.” Whether it was Mark Twain, Abraham Maslow, or someone else, it perfectly describes Illinois Democrats’ latest push to usurp control over our state’s kids.
Not An Obstacle, But A Heritage
By Mae Arthur   |   02.08.24
We are expecting our third child, due to join us in about a month. Life is full, a little stressful, often mundane, and infinitely more purposeful and joyful than it would be without our kids. I’m tired a lot of the time, but that’s a small price to pay in exchange for my daughter’s unbelievable sense of humor, the weight of my son on my chest when he snuggles after his nap, and the rolls and kicks I feel in my abdomen as I write.
Don’t Call it Conservatism
By Mae Arthur   |   01.23.24
With every passing year, it seems we Christian Conservatives find ourselves increasingly in the minority. There might be more of us than we know, but the loudest and best-funded voices are almost exclusively liberal. If we know our Bibles, this shouldn’t come as a shock to us. For many of us who are weary of fighting in relative obscurity, though, there is a real temptation to uncritically align with anything or anyone that seems allied to our purposes.
Freedom Versus Foolishness
By Mae Arthur   |   01.17.24
As of January 1, a new Illinois state law is in effect that removes grant funding from public libraries that ban books “because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.” House Bill 2789 was signed by Governor J.B. Pritzker last summer and is just the latest in a string of policies advanced by this administration and motivated by its apparent obsession with indoctrinating kids into sexual orientation and gender identity ideology.
Moral Clarity and Nuance Can Coexist: A Response to the ERLC’s Statement of Support for Israel
By Mae Arthur   |   12.14.23
Four days after Hamas’ brutal, barbaric attack on the nation of Israel, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention released an “Evangelical Statement in Support of Israel.”
When Compassion is Fatal
By Mae Arthur   |   12.05.23
Indi Gregory was a British eight-month-old who died last month after her parents were denied the right to take her to Italy for care, as well as the option to bring her home to die. Sadly, she is only the most recent in an unfortunate string of widely publicized cases of patients in the UK for whom parental rights were overridden or removed “in the best interests of the child.” Each of these cases ended in the death of children.
Exporting Abortion and An Honest Evaluation
By Mae Arthur   |   11.14.23
When you’ve already achieved the status as one of the most radically pro-abortion states in the nation, what’s left to do? Export your agenda, of course! That’s what Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker is doing with his newly established nonprofit, Think Big America.
Government Makes a Terrible Parent
By Mae Arthur   |   10.27.23
The story of Sage Blair is a worst-case scenario of epic proportions. At fourteen years old, Sage, who is being raised by her grandparents, began questioning her gender identity. At school, she was encouraged to socially “transition” and began using a male name, male pronouns, and the boys’ restroom. It was only after she was sexually harassed and threatened by male students in the restroom that Sage’s grandparents found out she was embracing a transgender identity.
Bad Ideas Have Victims
By Mae Arthur   |   10.16.23
To this point in my life, I have had the pleasure of visiting three foreign countries. The memories of each hold a special place in my heart, punctuated by stunning views, friendships (and delicious meals shared) with some of the strongest and kindest people I’ve ever met, and a life-changing realization of the depth of God’s love for the world.
Responding To American Secularization
By Mae Arthur   |   10.05.23
It’s a topic that’s showing up more and more in books, thought pieces, news outlets, podcasts, and blogs, inside and outside the church: the secularization of America. Pew Research and Gallup (to name a few) have recently highlighted the rise of the “nones” (religiously unaffiliated) across the nation, specifically in the last several years.
Mae Arthur
Mae Arthur

Mae is a freelance writer and editor, as well as a former staff member at a Washington, D.C. conservative policy group. An Illinois native, she now lives in south-central Pennsylvania with her husband and two children.

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