Praising God, Proper Perspective, & Pressing Forward: What Christian Americans Must (Continue to) Do
By Brandon Myers   |   11.08.24
In many ways the Lord has answered our prayers and been merciful to us as a nation. Praise be to the God of heaven for His kindness and blessings! We did not deserve this—never forgot it.
Staying Informed and Voting
By Brandon Myers   |   11.02.24
If you claim the name of Jesus Christ and consider Him your Lord and Savior, your Master and your King, or even if you are just a U.S. citizen with common sense and respect for our nation’s heritage and the Christian faith of many of your neighbors, I pray you are informed on the upcoming election and ready to vote
The Rise of a Sad Demographic: How Christians Should Respond to the So-Called DINKWADs
By Brandon Myers   |   09.18.24
DINKs are couples who have “taken over social media,” according to Christian podcast host and 2024 Illinois Family Institute banquet speaker Allie Beth Stuckey. Other thoughtful commentators like Steve Deace recently analyzed the DINK group and went so far as to ask if this group would be the death of the U.S.! Increasingly we are hearing of and learning more about this present and deeply disturbing demographic challenge of childless adults. How ought Christians think of and respond to this trend?
Compromising Truth, Partnering with Unrighteousness, and Promoting Division… for what?
By Brandon Myers   |   07.24.24
It is easy to claim you stand under God’s truth, but the real test of faithfulness comes when God’s Word is being contradicted and you are called upon to act on the courage of your convictions.
Will The Real Church Please Stand Up!
By Brandon Myers   |   05.09.24
 “How Should We Then Live?” is the question the late influential Christian apologist and author Francis Schaeffer set out to address and answer.  
Practical Steps Related to Prayer
By Brandon Myers   |   04.16.24
Pray faithfully in secret and grow in your prayer life by reading God’s written revealed Word and responding with heartfelt praise, sincere thanks, and bold-and-specific petitions for Christ’s church, candidates, and other civil magistrates. If you are a pastor pray faithfully and regularly in your Lord’s Day worship services for our state, our nation and the nations.
How to Pray with Power
By Brandon Myers   |   04.08.24
Many, if not most (dare I say all of us), who belong to Christ need to pray more. We need to call upon the Lord with confidence that He cares more than we do. He knows more than we do. He has resources far beyond what we have, and He is far more just, wise, loving, and kind than any of us are. Prayer cannot be an afterthought for the believer.
Why We Must Pray Now
By Brandon Myers   |   04.02.24
In a world where so many of the challenges in our state, our nation, and our world seem insurmountable, where should we start? In a world where many of our neighbors and even some self-professing Christians believe prayers are useless and the only thing that counts is “good deeds,” how should we as Christians respond?
A Christian Response to “Death with Dignity”
By Brandon Myers   |   02.27.24
The forces of darkness in Illinois want to take the state’s death agenda to the next level. Some deceived politicians have now introduced an assisted suicide—euphemistically referred to as a “Medical Aid in Dying” or “Death with Dignity”—bill in Springfield. A bill sponsored by Illinois Senator Linda Holmes (D-Aurora), SB 3499 creates the “End-of-Life Options for Terminally Ill Patients Act.”
The Mistake by the Lake: Alistair Begg, Public Sins, and the Decay of Evangelicalism
By Brandon Myers   |   02.01.24
In a recent American Reformer article detailing the decay of doctrine among Evangelicals, the point that generated the most attention by far concerned popular pastor Alistair Begg’s counsel from September of last year in which he advised a woman to attend her grandchild’s transgender “wedding.”
Christian Emergency League Update on the Orchard EV Free Church
By Brandon Myers   |   08.23.23
In this recent dialogue local Chicagoland area Pastors Calvin Lindstrom, James Pittman and Brandon Myers give an update on The Orchard Evangelical Free Church (EFC).
Christian Emergency League Interviews Trevor Myers<br>(The Orchard EFC Issue Part 4)
By Brandon Myers   |   06.30.23
The forth CEL interview highlights an insider’s view-- the story of former Orchard EFC member Trevor Myers. Specifically, Trevor shares how he--a previously committed Orchard EFC member with no intention of he and his family leaving the church eventually did leave. Trevor was well known and well loved by many at The Orchard and here he describes how he went about prayerfully and respectfully addressing these grave matter while an Orchard EFC member.
The Orchard Evangelical Free Church Issue (Part 3)
By Brandon Myers   |   06.27.23
After many months of prayerful, private correspondences with leaders of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church (see the first article and video for more details here), a group of concerned Chicagoland pastors (who wished to keep this matter private) shared with The Orchard Evangelical Free Church (EFC) that due to the Orchard EFC leader’s unwillingness to meet and address these grievous concerns privately a more public approach would be pursued.
Brandon Myers
Brandon Myers

In the Lord’s providential kindness, Brandon first heard the gospel of Jesus Christ from his mother and father, extended family, and many other brothers and sisters in his parent’s local church. When he was a boy, the Lord convicted Brandon of his sin and led him to repent and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for forgiveness and salvation. He was baptized a few years later within the church he grew up.

Brandon is blessed to be married to Kaiti, his wonderful wife, and God has granted them two daughters and three sons. He is the Senior Pastor of Christ The King Reformed Baptist Church in Niles, Illinois. A few of Brandon’s favorite verses are Romans 5:6-11 and 1 Peter 3:18.

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