Anti-Baby Bill Passes in Illinois House
By Kathy Valente   |   04.26.17
How did they vote? After passionate testimony from both sides, HB 40 passed by a vote of 62-55 yesterday afternoon. Sixty votes are needed for passage. This proposal for taxpayer funding of abortion will now proceed to the Illinois Senate...
Leftist “Illinois Women March on Springfield”
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.25.17
If there were laws requiring truth in political advertising, today’s evasively-named “Illinois Women March on Springfield” would be called “Illinois Feminists’ Jackbooted March for Womb-Killing and Sexual Perversity.” “Progressive” feminists will be stomping into Springfield later today lobbying...
IL Lawmakers Gather for Prayer as Key Bills Go to a Vote
By Monte Larrick   |   04.25.17
Lawmakers and faith leaders are touting the power of prayer in keeping Illinois safe from a legislative agenda that could be a major roadblock to the state's turnaround.
Senators McCarter and McConchie Provide a Sign of Life in the General Assembly
By John Biver   |   04.24.17
There is little doubt that many Illinois citizens tune out their state’s political and governmental news because like any soap opera, the characters may change, but the basic drama remains the same. The plot hasn’t advanced much since Governor Bruce...
Making Illinois a Shelter State for Abortion
By Monte Larrick   |   03.23.17
A legendary life leader says Illinois could become a safe haven for abortion if House Bill 40 is enacted. Not only does the Planned Parenthood-backed legislation force taxpayers to fund abortions, it removes language in state law that protects unborn children.
Illinois is Broke, but Lawmakers Still Want to Start Paying for Abortions
By Monte Larrick   |   03.16.17
Illinois lawmakers haven't been able to craft a truly balanced state budget for years and now the Left wants to add funding for abortions to the spending list. Enactment of House Bill 40 will likely come at the expense of programs that help women and children.
Springfield Update (March 2017)
By David E. Smith   |   03.08.17
The 100th General Assembly is well underway in Springfield. Our state lawmakers have introduced more than 6,000 bills since January 11th when they were sworn in, and they still have two and a half months to go before they...
Rep. Batinick: How to Return Illinois to Fiscal Sanity
By Monte Larrick   |   03.02.17
One of the Illinois General Assembly's top budget minds is offering some common sense ideas on how the state can return to fiscal sanity and once again become a go-to state for business.
Illinois Lawmakers Push for Taxpayer Funding of Abortion
By Monte Larrick   |   02.24.17
Life leaders are warning that the number of abortions will dramatically increase in Illinois if House Bill 40 becomes law. They say the measure is a response on the state level to efforts in Congress to end the $430-million dollar annual taxpayer subsidy to Planned Parenthood.
Support for Abortion Funding Should Sink Any Legislator’s Re-Election
By John Biver   |   02.18.17
Here is some bad news: Illinoisans who support the use of your money to pay for abortions have been calling their legislators asking them to support HB 40. A vote on this bill could come at any time. The good...
Are Progressives Targeting Minorities with Abortion?
By John Biver   |   02.08.17
Pro-life advocate Chris Iverson noted this fact in an article here at IFI recently: The U.S. abortion rate is the lowest in recorded history! The Guttmacher Institute found that there were 14.6 abortions for every 1,000 women aged 15-44 in...
Illinois Abortions Increased 3.5%
By Chris Iverson   |   01.05.17
The Illinois Department of Public Health recently released updated statistics on abortions for 2015.  The number of pre-born human babies aborted in Illinois increased by 1,384 in 2015 to a total of 39,856.  The Illinois Abortion Law of 1975 (720...
Are Trigger Warnings Needed for Invocations?
By John Biver   |   12.24.16
In today’s “politically correct” America, it is evidently a possible offense to quote a former president and discuss the role of Christianity in the founding of the nation. The State Journal-Register’s political reporter Bernard Schoenburg recently reported on an invocation...
Pregnancy Care Center of Rockford Wins Injunction
By John Biver   |   12.21.16
It seems that our nation's founding fathers were not clear enough with their use of language in the First Amendment, which protects some of our God-given rights. That "make no law" thing is confusing for many, and that "abridging" business, well, that's way over the heads of Illinois Leftist lawmakers.
Baby Jesus Goes to Springfield
By Monte Larrick   |   12.19.16
The very secular home of state government in Illinois is now the site of a nativity scene and it is all so legal for it to be there.
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