Media Bias That Makes You Sick
By   |   11.30.15
The cause of “media activism,” now popular at some American colleges and universities, is taking an ominous and interesting turn. If this trend continues, the moderators of the stacked anti-Republican CNBC presidential debate will look like moderates. Quite literally, the...
The Progressive ‘Super Story’ That Wasn’t
By Robert Knight   |   11.18.15
Media bias is less about slanted stories than about what’s covered – or not. For example, when a Muslim extremist cut off a woman co-worker’s head in Oklahoma City in September 2014, there was minimal coverage. A year later, the...
Salman Rushdie Redefines Censorship, Criticizes Christian Students
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.10.15
I read with amusement a recent Chicago Tribune article about writer Salman Rushdie’s appearance at the Chicago Humanities Festival in which he “railed against censorship.” When asked about censorship, Rushdie waxed irritated about some Duke University students who chose not...
‘Snapping of the American Mind:’ Good Medicine
By   |   10.26.15
No, you haven’t lost your mind. Yes, America has. If someone just 20 years ago had said, for starters, that we’d someday elect an anti-American president who would intentionally flood our borders with millions of illegal immigrants and Islamist “refugees,”...
Intellectual Cowardice of Chicago Tribune Columnist
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.09.15
Rex Huppke demonstrated his usual glib condescension yesterday in his ridicule of a Tennessee county commissioner's odd proposed resolution. What is striking in Huppke's relentless efforts to mock anyone who believes marriage has an ontology central to which is sexual differentiation is that he studiously avoids engagement with the ideas expressed by the foremost scholars defending the historical understanding of the nature of marriage. Such avoidance smacks of intellectual dishonesty and cowardice.
Study Finds a Profane Difference on Social Media
By Micah Clark   |   09.28.15
There is a new study from Queen Mary University in London, England, which looked at the words used on Twitter.  Keep in mind that Twitter is an Internet medium that only allows posts of up to 140 characters in length...
Social Issues More Important to Voters
By Micah Clark   |   09.24.15
This will shock the political establishment as much as it probably shocked CNN. The cable news outlet has a new poll that finds that the importance of social issues to voters has jumped in recent years.  (The political leadership of...
Rod Dreher Predicts Kim Davis Will Usher in a Parade of Horribles
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.10.15
Senior editor of The American Conservative, Rod Dreher, opposes Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis’ act of civil disobedience. As most adults know—with the possible exception of those interviewed on Watters’ World—Kim Davis is refusing to issue marriage licenses with her...
Liberal Journalist Gets Marriage, the Bible, and Kim Davis Wrong
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.09.15
If Chicago Tribune columnist and arch-defender of all things sexually deviant, Rex Huppke, had the humility to know that he doesn’t understand the Bible, he might refrain from using it foolishly to mock Christians. In a column last week, he...
‘War Room’ Is Better Than ‘Courageous’ and ‘Fireproof’
Every time I begin watching a new movie by filmmakers Alex and Stephen Kendrick, a thought crosses my mind. Will this be the one that bombs?
Anti-Marriage Deceivers and Fools
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.07.15
If I had a nickel for every time a liberal said it’s a slippery slope fallacy to claim that the legalization of homoerotic marriage would necessarily result in the legal recognition of plural unions, I would be a very rich...
The Demise of Newspapers?
By Micah Clark   |   05.28.15
A new poll has found that newspapers continue to decline losing revenue, readers, and value. Over the past decade, weekday circulation has fallen 17 percent and ad revenue has fallen more than 50 percent. Change in ownership is more common...
“Gay Conservative” Is an Oxymoron
By   |   05.11.15
The political editor of a nominally conservative website,, revealed this week that he is a practicing homosexual. Guy Benson will write in a book coming out soon that he is gay and a supporter of marriage based on the...
Liberal Media Work With Jihadists
By   |   05.08.15
It’s strange that the liberals in the media who always complain about Joe McCarthy once having a list of communists in government are so quick to cite the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of so-called right-wing extremists or “haters.” With...
Obama Gives Interview to Gay Porn Outlet
By   |   03.31.15
President Obama’s interview with The Huffington Post (HuffPost) has been treated as if the on-line publication is somehow respectable and legitimate. The topics of the interview included budget sequestration, the Iran nuclear talks, presidential pardons, overtime pay, athletic scholarships and...
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