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NY Post Recommends that Obama Tell Still More Falsehoods About Islam
By   |   03.05.15
Yet another non-Muslim assures us that the Islamic State is not Islamic. And once again, his analysis is based on comforting falsehoods about Islam that will not convince even one young Muslim who is considering joining the Islamic State not...
Obama’s Claim on Islam
By   |   02.03.15
According to President Barack Obama, 99.9 percent of Muslims reject the terrorists’ understanding of Islam. That still leaves 1.3 million jihadis or jihad sympathizers, but never mind that for now — where is this 99.9 percent? Where are the Muslim...
Sharia No No-Go Zones? Really?
By   |   01.24.15
The Leftist media and Islamic supremacist groups have been doing a victory dance ever since Saturday night, when Fox News issued an apology for statements made on the air by terror expert Steve Emerson and others about Muslim no-go zones...
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Files Bill to Ban U.S.-Based Islamic State Jihadis From Returning to the U.S.
By   |   01.24.15
This is simple common sense. By going to Iraq and Syria to join the Islamic State’s jihad, these Muslims have joined an entity that has declared war against the United States. They have committed treason. They have forfeited the rights...
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