To be Most Happy, You Should Marry Your Soul Mate
By Micah Clark   |   05.28.20
You may have noticed in modern movies that there is an ideal of finding one’s soulmate in romantic movies. Modern progressive ideology of a marriage being about self-fulfillment, more than commitment, is clearly evident in our culture.
Coronavirus Should Remind Us Big Government Isn’t The Answer
In mid-March, Politico ran a series of short essays from "experts" on how coronavirus would change the world permanently. If you're curious why I designate them as "experts" rather than experts, the authorities they assembled consisted of a cadre of college professors, including commentator Tom Nichols. Predictably, Nichols spent the majority of his time taking hyperbolic hate shots at the president...
Improving the Time
By Jonathan Lewis   |   05.02.20
My wife and I have noticed something interesting recently, and it’s one of the more visible—and positive—side effects of the coronavirus lockdown we’ve observed. There’s a nature park just outside our town that I’ve been visiting for virtually my entire...
Dr. Michael Brown: Jezebel’s War With You
By David E. Smith   |   04.24.20
One of the featured speakers at IFI’s recent Worldview Conference was Dr. Michael L. Brown, professor, author, radio host, and apologist. Dr. Brown’s presentation, The Culture of Death: Abortion, Contraception, Euthanasia, Pornography, and Childlessness, cites the actions and characteristics of the Jezebels of the Old and New Testaments to draw a parallel with America’s depraved culture – a culture that proclaims as freedom that which is truly enslavement to sin and the devil.
How to Expose the Unsavory Underside of Socialism
By Terrell Clemmons   |   04.17.20
It’s Simple: Just Invite the Socialist to Talk Isadore Johnson is a libertarian-leaning student at the University of Connecticut and a member of Young Americans for Liberty. Last fall, he asked Nathan J. Robinson, author of Why You Should Be...
Watching for God’s Working
By Jonathan Lewis   |   04.14.20
In his letter to the Philippian church, the Apostle Paul shared how God was using the difficult circumstances of his life to bring about tremendous good: But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me...
Serving Others in a Time of Crisis
By Jonathan Lewis   |   04.08.20
The events of recent days have thrown all of us into unchartered territory. With schools, restaurants, libraries, events, and even churches suspending normal operations, our lives have been disrupted in ways large and small. The impact is real, and depending...
Ideologically Grooming Kids Through Storytelling
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.07.20
Still don’t believe sexual anarchists are coming for the hearts and minds of the nation’s children? Well, check out this just-released book published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Penguin books, and geared toward children 10 and older: Middle School’s a Drag, You Better Werk Harder!, a book the publishers describe as a “hilarious, heartfelt story,” “full of laughs, sass, and hijinks” that “shows that with a little effort and a lot of love, anything is possible.”
Stories: How Cultures Are Changed
By Jonathan Lewis   |   03.24.20
Now and then I venture onto left-leaning websites and read some of their articles. On a visit to earlier this year, I saw an article that caught my attention. The headline was “I Used To Be An Anti-LGBTQ Evangelical....
Dr. Allan Carlson: What is a Politics of The Family?
The third excerpt from Pastor Derek Buikema’s interview with Dr. Allan Carlson is a fascinating discussion of how public policies can be family-friendly–that is, can support and encourage the creation of natural marriage and childbearing—or family-unfriendly. Dr. Carlson discusses how,...
The Rise of Homosexual Family Madness
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.20.20
A British man now living in Florida who freely chooses to be in a type of erotic union that is by design sterile believes it is his right to create children who will have no connection to their mothers and no certainty about who their father is. Here is his morally repugnant, convoluted story.
Are Divorce Rates the Same Among Christians and Non-Christians?
By Micah Clark   |   03.13.20
One of the often-cited claims that seems to have taken hold is that the divorce rate in the church is the same as outside of the church. Yet, is this really true? The claim overlooks what the research really says...
Illinois Thinks it is a Better Parent than You
By Ron Citlau   |   03.05.20
Mandated Vaccines & the “LGBTQ” Agenda A troubling trend is occurring in Illinois. It has happened mostly in the background but has become visible with the introduction of two new proposed laws concerning vaccines. If these proposed laws were to...
Just Say, “No!” to Illinois Legislators Usurping Medical Rights
By Terrell Clemmons   |   02.25.20
Earlier this month, State Rep. Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston) introduced a bill in the Illinois House that would require all students in public, private, and parochial schools to receive a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine before entering sixth grade and to complete the series before entering ninth grade. The vaccination (brand name Gardasil, manufacturer Merck Pharmaceuticals) consists of a series of 2-3 shots, depending on the age of the child. We’re already used to vaccination requirements for schoolchildren. Is this one additional requirement a good idea?
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