Trans-Gendered, Trans-Raced, Trans-Abled, Trans-Aged, Trans-Specied Solipsists
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.12.15
Once more for the hard of hearing or weak of understanding: The athlete formerly known as Bruce is not now nor ever can be a woman. Further, it is the apex of cruelty and ignorance to pretend along with him...
Hurling Boulders at the Duggars
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.09.15
The Duggar controversy illuminates the truth that the cultural battle in which Christians are engaged is first and foremost a battle with principalities and powers:  “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the...
Bruce-Caitlyn Jenner And A Warning About The Coming Transanity
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   06.08.15
To all those celebrating the transition of Bruce Jenner to Caitlyn Jenner, I have a word of warning: Be careful watch you wish for. You see, if gender is whatever you perceive it to be, then there is no way...
Reparative Therapy: How Does it Work, What Does it Achieve?
Thirty one years ago I chose a new path. I’d been apprehended by God, who I now fondly call the Great Interrupter, and a clear reading of the scriptures told me I’d been wrong for years – wrong when I had lived as an openly gay man, wrong when I identified myself as a gay Christian, and wrong when I promoted the idea that homosexuality and Christianity were compatible.
Scientists Oppose “Conversion” Therapy Bans for Gender-Confused Minors
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.28.15
In a stunning, counter-cultural op-ed appearing in the LA Times and Chicago Tribune, Dr. Eric Vilain, professor of pediatrics and human genetics at UCLA and director of the Center for Gender-Based Biology, and J. Michael Bailey, psychology professor at Northwestern...
The Long, Legal Road to Marital Anarchy
By Robert Knight   |   05.27.15
As the calendar slips toward the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, there’s a storm cloud hanging over America that will release its thunder in late June. That’s when the U.S. Supreme Court is widely expected to declare a constitutional...
‘Be Prepared’: ‘Gay’ Men with Boy Scouts in Tents
By   |   05.27.15
I said it was coming. Many of us did. Two years ago this week the Boy Scouts of America voted to welcome into its ranks “open and avowed” homosexuality (boy-on-boy sexual attraction and behavior), thereby disavowing the “morally straight” Scout...
Professor Retracts Same-Sex “Marriage” Study Over Fake Data
By   |   05.26.15
The co-author of a study that claimed opponents of same-sex “marriage” can be quickly persuaded to change sides on the issue has retracted the findings after learning that the data used to make the assertion was fake.
Not Your Typical Neighborhood “Museum”
By   |   05.26.15
People living in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood are in for a shock, says an Illinois-based family advocate.
“Gay Conservative” Is an Oxymoron
By   |   05.11.15
The political editor of a nominally conservative website,, revealed this week that he is a practicing homosexual. Guy Benson will write in a book coming out soon that he is gay and a supporter of marriage based on the...
Does Same-Sex “Marriage” Lead to More Abortion?
By Micah Clark   |   05.01.15
Two men, two women, or three men, cannot create a baby without an opposite gender.  So, at first glance, the idea of a link between same-sex marriage and higher abortion rates seems unlikely.  Yet, as over 100 marriage scholars and...
SCOTUS Hearings on Same-Sex Faux-Marriage
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.29.15
This is a collection of random thoughts on the U.S. Supreme Court’s hearings on whether to deconstruct marriage and refashion it in accordance with the desires of homosexuals. Some of my thoughts are in response to comments made by U.S....
Christian Leaders Affirm Support for Traditional Marriage Ahead of Supreme Court Case
Religious leaders from a wide array of denominations have released a joint statement reaffirming their support for traditional marriage ahead of the Supreme Court's hearing of oral arguments on Tuesday. The Christian leaders have said that reaffirming marriage as being between one man and one woman is vital for protecting children and offering them both a father and a mother.
The Latest Downward Slide for Girl Scouts: ‘Girl’ is Now Optional
By   |   04.28.15
A traditional values leader is exposing the Girl Scouts for its continued move toward far-left causes. The latest announcement, says Linda Harvey of Mission America, is that little boys from kindergarten through high school can join the Girl Scouts, if...
LGBT Activists’ Comical Rhetorical Ingenuity and Conversion Therapy Bans
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.27.15
The Left believes minors should be able to access medical help in rejecting their unchosen, unwanted physical embodiment but then wants to prohibit minors from accessing medical help in rejecting their unchosen, unwanted same-sex attraction. So, how do “LGBTQIAAP” activists...
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