Christians in America, Take Up Your Crosses!
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.28.18
I recently posted this on my personal Facebook page: How many conservatives say or do anything about their public schools teaching positively about homosexuality or the "trans" ideology in English classes, health classes, or in purported "anti-bullying" activities? How many say or do anything when their local schools allow "trans" identifying students to use the restrooms and locker rooms of opposite-sex students?
Two Things We Need To Do This Election Season
By David E. Smith   |   10.30.18
If you haven’t heard the mid-term elections are coming up, you’ve obviously been living under a rock–a giant rock.  Between the constant political calls, mailings, TV and radio ads, and social media headlines, most of us are very aware of...
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy
Forty years ago, a group of evangelical leaders and scholars took a clear and unapologetic stand on a fundamental tenet of the faith. This month marks the fortieth anniversary of the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, which was signed in October of 1978 by more than 200 evangelical leaders, including R.C. Sproul, J.I. Packer, and Francis Schaeffer. The Chicago Statement was not only a landmark document in evangelical history...
Jews as Parasites and Jews as Termites: From the Nazis to Farrakhan
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   10.22.18
There is no hiding the ugliness of Louis Farrakhan’s latest antisemitic comments, in which he likened Jews to termites. There is one thing you do with termites. Exterminate them! Termites are destructive. Termites are nasty. Termites survive by destroying. Termites do nothing good. Rid the earth of them
Take Up The Cross of Self-Denial
By David E. Smith   |   10.20.18
How is it possible – in fact, necessary – for the sinless, perfect, and holy Son of God to deny Himself? John 10:30 clearly states: I and My Father are one. Yet, in Philippians, the Apostle Paul tells us that Jesus, being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to be used for His own advantage.
Call to Prayer for Brett Kavanagh and Donald Trump
This call-to-prayer is in response to an event taking place tomorrow in New York, when witches claim they will place hexes and curses on President Donald Trump and U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. They are selling tickets for $10 to attend this event. Twenty five percent of the proceeds will be donated to Planned Parenthood.
Healing a Fractured Nation
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   10.08.18
Never in our lifetimes has America been so divided, and we are in danger of tearing ourselves at the seams. What’s more, it looks like things will only get worse — much worse — in the days ahead. An article ...
The Tale of Two Accusations
By David E. Smith   |   10.04.18
Recently, accusations of sexual assault against U.S. Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh have dominated the news. Judge Kavanaugh adamantly declares his innocence, while his accuser proclaims his guilt. Some say the accusation is false, while others believe the accuser....
Why Christianity Is the World’s Most Eco-friendly Philosophy
Environmental problems have become part of our everyday lives. There isn’t a news website homepage that does not highlight news related to our environment, and environmental issues have become central themes of major elections. But we have reached a point where we no longer understand the role of man in the environment around us. What brought us here?
Homosexuality in the Catholic Church
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.27.18
~UPDATED on 8/28/2018 at 10:00 a.m.~ Warning: not for younger readers As the Catholic Church is rocked by yet another sex scandal involving priests who abuse children and teens, the bizarre claim that these scandals have nothing to do with...
Does Church Abuse Discredit Christianity?
By Israel Wayne   |   08.24.18
In August 2018, the results of a grand jury investigation were published regarding sex-abuse allegations within the Roman Catholic dioceses of Pennsylvania. While it is shocking and disturbing to read, we need to be impacted by the full force of...
Barna Research Finds Many Americans Still Read Bible, But What Are They Learning?
By   |   08.23.18
Nearly half of Americans continue to be “Bible users,” according to the State of the Bible 2018 report published by Barna research in July in partnership with the American Bible Society. The Barna Group defines “Bible users” as “individuals who...
Barna Research Finds Many Americans Still Read Bible, But What Are They Learning?
By   |   08.20.18
Nearly half of Americans continue to be “Bible users,” according to the State of the Bible 2018 report published by Barna research in July in partnership with the American Bible Society.
The Real Reason for the Left’s Double Standard on Hate Speech
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   08.15.18
Why is it that organizations like the SPLC can designate conservative Christians as hate groups while ignoring radical leftists like Antifa? Why is it that Facebook and Google and YouTube and Twitter appear to punish conservatives disproportionately for alleged violations of community guidelines? The answer is as disturbing as it is simple. The left believes it is so morally and intellectually superior to the right that it can see nothing wrong with its extreme positions and hostile words. Is it wrong to be intolerant of bigots? Is it wrong to hate (or even punch) a Nazi?
Does Gender Really Matter?
By David E. Smith   |   08.13.18
In a 20/20 interview with Diane Sawyer in April 2015, Bruce Jenner announced he is a “transgender woman,” saying that he had dealt with gender dysphoria since his youth and that, "for all intents and purposes, I'm a woman." In the summer of 2017, Pastor Paul Williams, who led the conservative church-planting organization Orchard Group for 20 years, announced he is a “transgender woman.”
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