Book Banning, Propaganda, and Shaming in Government Schools and Society
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.27.21
While claiming allegiance to “openness,” “diversity,” “inclusivity,” “tolerance,” and “safety,” public schools now ban books, censor ideas, criticize moral and theological beliefs, promote disordered sexuality and anti-white racism, expose students to obscene material, prohibit correct pronoun usage, sexually integrate private...
Illinois Democrats Trying to Give More Power to Bureaucrats During All Health Crises
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.26.21
Leftists here in Illinois have been heeding the opportunistic control freak Rahm Emanuel’s instruction: You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not...
Pritzker’s Recommendations for Corrupting All Government Schools
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.22.21
In June 2019, Governor J.B. Pritzker issued an executive order that should have been the proverbial straw that broke the backs of already oppressed conservative families with children remaining in our broken school indoctrination centers. The order had two parts.
UNESCO: Indoctrinating Humanity With Collectivist ‘Education’
By Alex Newman   |   04.19.21
As the tyrants of the world have discovered by experience over more than a century, subduing people under collectivist rule for any length of time can be difficult—especially if the people can read and think, and if they know their history. But if the children can be brainwashed into collectivism early on in government schools, the process becomes much easier.
A Plea to Exit Public Schools ASAP
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.18.21
While claiming they don’t believe homoerotic attraction is biologically determined, far too many conservatives act as if they do so believe. If conservatives really disbelieved the assertion by leftists that homoerotic attraction is biologically determined, they—that is, conservatives—would be far...
Child Abuse in Plain Sight
The COVID-19 school lockdowns have led children to live lives of social isolation, which have increased rates of anxiety, depression and suicide. Additionally, the learning loss has been incalculable. And now, many of those who have been able get back to in-person classes are being subjected to woke schooling and its foundational underpinning, Critical Race Theory (CRT). Those who condemn CRT pedagogy... usually comes from those who have an issue with its inherent radicalism. But what about its effects on children’s psyches?
How Socialists Used Teachers Unions Such as the NEA to Destroy Education
By Alex Newman   |   04.13.21
When examining the hydra that is the collectivist “education” establishment that dominates public schools in the United States, among the most important tentacles have been the teachers’ unions—especially the National Education Association (NEA). Along with other leading unions, the NEA...
Hollywood Actress Calls Christians to Pull Their Kids from Public Schools
By Israel Wayne   |   04.10.21
Actress and former model, Sam Sorbo, has been featured in many movies and television shows, including appearances in the popular tv show Hercules, starring her husband, Kevin Sorbo. As a mother of three, Sam has been concerned for some time about the negative influence the American public school system has on the hearts and minds of children.
Big Foundations Unleashed Collectivist ‘Revolution’ via U.S. Schools
By Alex Newman   |   04.06.21
It may seem counterintuitive, but massive tax-exempt foundations funded by some of America’s most prominent capitalists and industrialists helped foment what congressional investigators described as a collectivist “revolution” in the U.S.

The goal was to “so alter life in the United States that it could be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.” Many tools were used, but the public education system was the most important and effective.
Frankfurt School Weaponized U.S. Education Against Civilization
By Alex Newman   |   03.29.21
Understanding that future generations are the key to building political power and lasting change, socialists and totalitarians of all varieties have gravitated toward government-controlled education since before the system was even founded. The communist “Frankfurt School” was no exception in...
Socialists Used Public Schools to Destroy Literacy in America
By Alex Newman   |   03.24.21
Widespread illiteracy and the ignorance it produces represent an existential threat to the United States today. But it wasn’t always this way.

And it can be fixed.

Fortunately, neither the cause of this crisis nor the solution to it is a mystery—at least to anyone who has studied the issue.
Gov. Pritzker Wants To Drastically Cut Tax Credit Scholarship Program
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   03.22.21
In 2017, the state of Illinois surprisingly made a very good decision in establishing the Invest in Kids Act which allowed private citizens to make a contribution for private school scholarships and receive a tax credit for their donation. It is a carefully regulated process, but it works.
John Dewey’s Public Schools Replaced Christianity With Collectivist Humanism
By Alex Newman   |   03.19.21
When Dewey launched his crusade to erode the faith and individualism of Americans, the United States of America was among the most devoutly Christian nations that the world had ever known. Church and the Bible were an inseparable part of life and education for virtually everyone.
How John Dewey Used Public ‘Education’ to Subvert Liberty
By Alex Newman   |   03.13.21
Dewey is often lauded as the founding father of the “progressive” education that now has more than 85 percent of American children in its grip. Although he wasn’t alone—he stood on the shoulders of fellow collectivists Robert Owen and Horace Mann—Dewey certainly deserves much of the credit, or blame, for unleashing it on the United States and humanity.
IFI Urges Supreme Court to Take a Case to Stop Discrimination Against Religious Schools
Last Thursday, IFI’s lawyers filed a “friend of the court” brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to take a case (Carson v. Makin) that could end discrimination against religious schools. The case involves a Maine school program that pays the private school tuition for students who live in an area that lacks a public high school. The schools eligible to receive this tuition are, according to the Maine Department of Education, private secular schools and nominally religious schools, but not schools that intentionally teach subjects from a religious perspective.
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