Tag Archives: National Institutes of Health
Rolling Back the Gender Insanity
One factor in the Republican victory on November 5th was the transgender issue. Promoting transgender ideology was a high priority of the Biden Administration. Among the first executive orders issued by President Biden on January 25, 2021, was to allow transgenders to serve in the military.
Posted in Child Exploitation, Federal, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sexuality
Tagged Biden Administration, Bostock v. Clayton County, Center for Transyouth Health and Development, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Diversity Equity Inclusion, Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, Lisa McClain, National Institutes of Health, NIH, President Trump, Rachel Levine, surgeries, Title IX, Trans Youth Care, transgenderism, U.S. Supreme Court
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Fauci Lied and People Died
Not to bring up a sore subject, but think back to April and May of 2020. Do you remember how you felt, watching the nation and the world react to an unknown menace, suddenly ordered to isolate in place and unsure when, if ever, things would go back to normal? That spring began a string of “unprecedented” events that continues even today, with possible consequences reaching into the future, if the WHO has its way.
Posted in COVID Information Center, Federal
Tagged Anthony Fauci, Chris Cuomo, COVID, Fauci, Francis Collins, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health
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How The Federal Government Used Evangelical Leaders To Spread COVID Propaganda To Churches
In September, Wheaton College dean Ed Stetzer interviewed National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins on his podcast, “Church Leadership” about why Christians who want to obey Christ’s command to love their neighbors should get the Covid vaccine and avoid indulging in misinformation.
Posted in Religious Liberty
Tagged Billy Graham Center, Christianity Today, City Journal, COVID–19, David Brooks, David French, Down Syndrome, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Ed Stetzer, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Francis Collins, Gavin Newsom, George W. Bush, Joe Carter, John MacArthur, LifeWay, Michael Gerson, N.T. Wright, National Institutes of Health, Pete Wehner, President Obama, QAnon, Rick Warren, Russell Moore, Southern Baptist Convention, The Atlantic, The Daily Wire, The Gospel Coalition, The New York Times, Tim Keller, Time Magazine, Vinay Prasad, Washington Post, Wuhan lab
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What Our Taxes Subsidize
(Warning–It’s Creepy)
Before anyone gets angry at me for the content of this article, please understand that you have paid for the research I’m about to describe, so don’t shoot the messenger.
Our tax dollars are funding research into the deviant sexual practices of homosexuals—much of it conducted by homosexuals. While countless Americans struggle to feed their families, “progressives” in academia are scarfing up tax dollars to fund pseudo-science about perverse erotic interests and the harmful effects caused by those interests. Unless and until Americans hold their elected leaders accountable, this outrageous abuse of the public trust and scarce resources will continue.
Our tax dollars are funding research into the deviant sexual practices of homosexuals—much of it conducted by homosexuals. While countless Americans struggle to feed their families, “progressives” in academia are scarfing up tax dollars to fund pseudo-science about perverse erotic interests and the harmful effects caused by those interests. Unless and until Americans hold their elected leaders accountable, this outrageous abuse of the public trust and scarce resources will continue.
Posted in Sexuality
Tagged Brian Mustanski, Carol Queen, David A. Moskowitz, Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, New York Medical College, Northwestern University, pre-exposure prophylaxis, PrEP, Ryerson University, Sex-Positive Movement, Trevor A. Hart
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(Warning–It’s Creepy)
(Warning–It’s Creepy)
Judge Rules Wisconsin Must Cover Sex-Change Treatments under Medicaid
U.S. District Judge William Conley has ruled that Wisconsin cannot exclude gender-reassignment treatments from coverage under the Medicaid program. Judge Conley struck down a 1997 Department of Health Services directive that excluded “transsexual surgery” and hormonal treatment, ruling that denying the treatments constituted sex discrimination under the federal Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
Posted in Sexuality
Tagged Affordable Care Act, detransition, Medicaid, National Institutes of Health, sexual reassignment surgery, William Conley
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Smart Phones Require Smarter Choices
Many of you are probably familiar with the opening lines from the classic Charles Dickens’ story A Tale of Two Cities. Well representing so many areas of our nation and our culture today, I choose to apply these opening words to the vast landscape—or virtual wasteland—of information and entertainment via technology that is only a click away via our devices.
Posted in Marriage/Family/Culture, Pornography
Tagged Bill Gates, digital addiction, Fortnite, Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, National Institutes of Health, smart phones, Steve Jobs, suicide, USA Today
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University Corruption
I'm thankful that increasing attention is being paid to the dire state of higher education in our country. Heather Mac Donald, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute, has just published "The Diversity Delusion." Its subtitle captures much of the book's content: "How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture." Part of the gender pandering at our universities is seen in the effort to satisfy the diversity-obsessed National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, each of which gives millions of dollars of grant money to universities. If universities don't make an effort to diversify their science, technology, engineering and math (known as STEM) programs, they risk losing millions in grant money.
Posted in Education
Tagged Black Freshmen Orientation, Cal State Los Angeles, George Mason University, Heather Mac Donald, John Searle, National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, STEM, The Diversity Delusion, the University of Connecticut, Thomas Sowel, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA
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