Tag Archives: Marriage
Court Rules Marriage Must Be Redefined Under 14th Amendment. Why That’s Wrong.
This week the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals issued an important ruling on Utah’s marriage amendment. This is the first time a circuit court has ruled on marriage since the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) this time last year. In a 2-1 split decision, the 10th circuit ruled that Utah’s marriage amendment defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman violates the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Posted in Marriage/Family/Culture
Tagged Fourteenth Amendment, John Roberts, Judge Paul Kelly, Marriage, Samuel Alito
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The Left Just Wants You to Follow Your Dream, Right?
Why was Peter LaBarbera, a critic of the same-sex lobbies, recently jailed in Canada? Why have Illinois Family Institute and Family Research Council been labeled “hate groups” by the Left? In simple terms, because they oppose the acceptance of homosexual behavior as normal.
According to the Left no one has the right to “judge” or “impose” their moral standards on others. The right to express one’s sexual desires, whatever they might be, is so absolute in the mind of the Left that to speak or act to challenge them is an unacceptable affront.
This is what I used to …
Posted in Marriage/Family/Culture
Tagged gender roles, Marriage, motherhood, War on women
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