Tag Archives: Dr. Judith Reisman


The SHIELD Act (S.412) passed in the U.S. Senate in July. This bill would address image-based sexual abuse by establishing new laws to knowingly distribute sexually explicit content of an individual without their consent. It will also outlaw the distribution of pornographic images of minors that are intended to humiliate, harass, or degrade the minor. But, if S.412 passes the U.S. House and is signed into law, will it be enforced?
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Sound of Freedom?

No problem can be solved unless you can see it clearly. Too often, people jump in and act without having any real understanding of the problem--its nature and scope, its scale and dimensions. They make assumptions and conclusions, without proper investigation and clarity. The result is always the same when you act without understanding. Failure.
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Perverted University Sex Institute With Child-Abuse Legacy FINALLY Defunded

After years of growing public pressure and scandal, Indiana lawmakers finally defunded an institute for “sex research” at Indiana University founded by and named after infamous pervert and sex maniac Alfred Kinsey. Critics of Kinsey’s horrific perversion and his legacy of “scientific” child sexual abuse celebrated the news, while perverts and leftists whined about it.
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The Totalitarian Agenda Behind LGBTQ Sex-Ed Revolution at School

Presented as a tool for 'health' and 'tolerance,' so-called Comprehensive Sexuality Education is really a weapon in the Marxist war on the family.
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The Sordid History and Deadly Consequences of ‘Sex Ed’ at School

This article was originally published in April 2020.

Very few people realize that the reason children today are being sexualized at school is because pedophiles sexually abused hundreds of children, then claimed that the victims enjoyed it. That’s a fact, and the documents prove it.

In government schools all across the United States today, young children are literally being encouraged to experiment with fornication, masturbation, sodomy, oral sex, and all manner of sexual activities. It often begins as early as kindergarten and elementary school.

In fact, what passes for contemporary “sex education” in the United States and around the Western …

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‘Gay Marriage’ Rooted in Fraud

The very notion of “gay marriage” is an artificial construct. It’s the aberrant byproduct of the sexual revolution, which, itself, was largely instigated by bug doctor turned “sexologist,” Alfred Kinsey.

Though married to a woman who took part in his many filmed “scientific” orgies, Kinsey was a promiscuous homosexual and sadomasochist. He managed to completely upend and twist the world’s perception of human sexuality in the 1950s and ’60s with his world famous “Kinsey Reports.”

While his “research” has been universally discredited and exposed as fraudulent, ideologically motivated and even criminal, it remains, nonetheless, the primary source behind today’s …

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Republican Party Elites Abandon Traditional Marriage

Only six of 54 Republican members of the U.S. Senate signed a pro-traditional marriage legal brief to the U.S. Supreme Court that was submitted on Friday. USA Today noted, “By contrast, 44 Democratic senators and 167 Democratic House members filed a brief last month urging the court to approve same-sex marriage. The brief included the full House and Senate [Democratic] leadership teams.”

These developments strongly suggest that while the homosexual movement remains solidly in control of the Democratic Party, the tactics of harassment and intimidation that we saw wielded against the religious freedom bill in Indiana last week are …

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From Homosexual Marriage to Polyamorous Pods

Marriage “progressives” ridiculed opponents of homosexual “marriage” when they suggested the next logical step would be the legalization of plural unions. The conservative argument is that if natural marriage is allowed to be redefined by jettisoning the central defining feature of sexual complementarity, the next feature to be jettisoned will be the criterion regarding numbers of partners. It’s been a little less than two weeks since Governor Patrick Quinn celebrated the signing of SB 10, which redefined marriage to allow two people of the same sex to “marry,” and the media are once again eager to give voice to yet …

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‘Time to Normalize Pedophilia’: Firsthand Report on B4U-ACT Conference

On Wednesday, August 17, child advocates Matt Barber, Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action, and Dr. Judith Reisman, a visiting law professor at Liberty University School of Law, attended a Baltimore, MD conference hosted by the pedophile group B4U-ACT. Around 50 individuals were in attendance including a number of admitted pedophiles – or “Minor-Attracted Persons” as they prefer to be identified (MAP “sexual orientation”) – as well as several supportive mental health professionals. World renowned “sexologist,” Dr. Fred Berlin of Johns Hopkins University gave the keynote address, saying: “I want to completely support the goal of B4U-ACT.”

Highlights …

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