In late June of this year, the Brown University newspaper published a startling statistic:

the percentage of LGBTQ+ students at this Ivy-League school has doubled since 2010.
While the numbers from the fall of 2010 showed the student population at 86% heterosexual and 14% homosexual/bisexual, the most recent data from last spring reveals that the school is now only 60% heterosexual.
The last 40% is a veritable miscellany of designations, including homosexual, bisexual, queer, questioning, pansexual, asexual, and “other.”
Think about that.
A full 40% of Brown students don’t profess an accurate understanding of who God made them to be.
That’s not all, however—the Brown Daily Herald also gives us a closer view of how the increase over the last decade-and-a-bit is broken down by category.
Over the last 13 years, the gay/lesbian proportion has increased by 26%. However, the bisexual proportion has increased by 232%, and the proportion of those identifying as “other sexual orientations” has increased by a whopping 793%.
So not only has the LGBTQ+ population doubled as a whole, but the fastest growth happened specifically in the “…BTQ+.”
To be fair, they only started polling for “…Q+” in 2022, so some of that spike is to be expected. But the very fact that they started polling for it signifies that it had grown to be a much more conspicuous portion of the population than it was in earlier years.
One other thing—comparing the data just between 2010 and 2023 does give us an average increase, but doesn’t tell us when things really started to take off. Thankfully, the Herald provides readers with a handy chart breaking things down by year.
A quick survey of this chart reveals that overall proportions between heterosexual and all other categories were actually relatively constant for more than two-thirds of the time period studied, all the way until the spring of 2019 when heterosexual numbers were still at 80%.
According to their data, the fall of 2019 is the plot point beginning the major decline in heterosexual numbers, so it’s really only been over the last three and a half years that the heterosexual population dropped by 20% of the overall percentage.
Brown’s LGBTQ+ numbers are strikingly higher than national averages—nationally, only 20% of 18-to-25-year-olds identify as LGBT, as opposed to Brown’s 40%. However, research from late last year indicates that Brown isn’t alone in recording such high percentages of unbiblical sexual orientations.
The Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology released a study of “American Elite Students” last October, and found that not only are
“a quarter of students are LGBT,” but liberal arts colleges in particular report “nearly 40 percent LGBT.”
And yes, 40% is still less than half. But percentage-wise, it is a huge number.
At this point, it’d be natural to flip from fact-presentation mode to cultural-commentary mode and write up a scathing piece on how our cultural and academic elite can’t seem to get basic biology right.
Or maybe I could rant on how academia is indoctrinating the next generation into all sorts of deceptive lies and perverse temptations.
And I could even take it all the way back to Scripture and rehash the well-worn but ever-timely Romans 1 description of how people slip into immorality.
I’ve done all of these before, and I probably wouldn’t be saying anything you haven’t already heard.
But there is one thing I can say—it doesn’t have to be this way.
I think many of us are starting to feel like Elijah, despairing that there is no one left in the land who serves the Lord, and we are the only ones left (1 Kings 19:14). And on one hand, things do seem to be heading in that direction.
But while vast swaths of academia have indeed succumbed to the flood of perverse sexual ideology, not all of it has. Just as God reassured Elijah that he was reserving seven thousand faithful worshipers in Baal-dominated Israel (1 Kings 19:18), so there are still faithful academics still standing their ground.
Consider New Saint Andrews College (NSAC), a small Christian classical college of only a few hundred students situated in the middle of the north Idaho fields. Defying the standard liberal arts school stereotype we previously discussed, NSAC is a stalwart voice for biblical sexuality. Their statement of faith explicitly holds that
“We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female. . . . Rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person.”
and that
“We believe that any form of sexual immorality . . . (including . . . homosexual behavior, bisexual conduct . . . ) is sinful and offensive to God.”
In a recent post, the school explained that they want their students to
“celebrate that God made us male and female. Mock the LGBT agenda. Teach boys to be men and girls to be women.”
And while Bible-believing Christians may have genuine disagreements on what is the appropriate way to “mock” lies, we’d all agree that the school’s main stance is spot-on. This manifests itself in a student body that affirms the truth about biblical sexuality—try looking up “New Saint Andrews College LGBT percentage.”
There isn’t one.
There are a number of reasons why NSAC has turned out so differently from Brown and other “elite” universities that have succumbed to an agenda of lies. NSAC is an explicitly faith-based institution founded on a rigorous faith confession that faculty must agree to. NSAC doesn’t accept federal funding and thus is not beholden to the government diktats that many other schools must submit to.
NSAC is also firmly connected to a network of local churches who stand strong on the Word of God and preach it boldly. But all that aside, I believe that there is a more fundamental reason why NSAC is so different from the norm.
It’s because, no matter how wicked the world gets, I believe that the Lord will always preserve a remnant of His faithful ones in any field that can seem so otherwise corrupted.
Education is important to the Lord (Deuteronomy 6:7, Proverbs 4:7), and it ought to be important to us.
While we should keep on speaking out against the wickedness so prevalent in our contemporary education system (and believe me, I’ve done so time and time again), we can also take heart that the Lord is still preserving a remnant of solid education that seeks after God’s truth, not man’s agenda.
Let’s pray for solid Christian schools like NSAC!