IFI has a number of topical brochures that you may find beneficial for your family, friends, homeschool co-op, Bible study or, if approved, the church literature rack. There is no charge for these, but you may want to help us cover the cost of shipping.
Please let us know how many you’d like and which ones. Email me: v.kathy@illinoisfamily.org or call (708) 781-9328 during normal business hours and we will get them out to you in a timely manner.
IFI Brochures
Eternity Has 2 Choices. What’s Yours?
The clear Gospel message is explained in this brochure
and why “good” people can’t earn their way to heaven.
Sanctity of Life: No Exceptions.
This brochure lays to rest the misguided notion
that abortion is okay in cases of rape and incest.
Take The Quiz
A 4” x 9” card with 12 true or false questions
related to Life. The answers are eye-opening.
Meditations On the Sanctity of Life
A beautiful reminder of how important all human life is to Our Creator.
Illinois School Proficiency Failure Brochure
This brochure shows the proficiency rates in math, ELA,
and science from 40 large school districts in Illinois. It
includes per pupil spending and the graduation rate. You
just might be shocked.
Comprehensive Sexuality Education: What Is It?
A brief history, how wicked it is, and how it’s grooming young children for early sexual activity.
Reasons to Exit Illinois Government Schools
What children who attend government schools are being taught and why parents should remove them.
Overcoming Objections
Many parents are very concerned about the education their children receive in public schools. This brochure is an encouragement for parents that are seeking Christ-centered alternatives.
Did You Know?
This brochure compares the stark difference in
outcomes between children who attend government
schools vs. those that are homeschooled.
Biblical Reasons for Sending Children to a Christian School
The title is self-explanatory.
The History of Slavery and the Political Parties
An eye-opening brief historical account of both party’s involvement in slavery in America.
Should Christians Be Involved in
Government and Social Issues?
The answer is in Scripture.
What Does Your Party Stand For?
In this brochure, we compare the Democratic and Republican Platforms on 8 issues: Abortion/Life, Marriage/Family/LGBTQ+, Immigration, Judiciary, Religious Liberty, Education, Inflation, Crime/Military/Safety.