U.S. Senate Sees First Win in Obamacare Fight
By John Biver   |   01.05.17
Yesterday a Washington Times headline read “GOP wins first Obamacare fight in Senate budget vote.” Katie Pavlich reported this at Townhall.com: Republicans eager to show quick action against Obama’s health care law took an initial procedural step Tuesday, introducing a...
isaiah-9-6 We hope your days and weeks leading up to Christmas Day have been filled with opportunities for rich worship and contemplation of the enormity of what Jesus Christ’s first coming means to you in this life and what His second...
Six Comprehensive Ways to Pray During This Election Season
When you pray and list your desires before the Lord, is your habit to go on a tangent for the things you desire and how you want things to be? When your church sings a song you don't like, or when a bill is passed in Congress you don't care for, do you begin to pray the Lord will do what you desire to be done? In our prayer lives, we must be humble and thoughtful enough to ask the Lord what His desire is.
The Gates Foundation: Philanthropy Cloaked Abortion
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   10.25.16
When William “Bill” Henry Gates III was born to William Henry Gates II and Mary Maxwell Gates, in Seattle in 1955, little did they know he would grow up to be (reportedly) the world’s wealthiest man. Bill III and Paul...
Remembering September 11, 2001
“The memory of the righteous is a blessing,
but the name of the wicked will rot.”
~Proverbs 10:7~...
Target Is Being Deceptive
By Tim Wildmon   |   08.23.16
Last week, Target announced a $20 million public relations diversionary tactic to make you believe the company has changed its bathroom policy. Don’t fall for it. Target has not changed its policy. While it is true the company is adding...
Six Ways Christians Can Respond to the Growing Police Dilemma
When we heard about the shootings last week, my wife and I were heartsick. Seven people died in what feels like an escalating national crisis. Two people died at the hands of police officers, while five officers died at the hands of a single suspect. The tension and distrust between African Americans and police officers is at the highest level in my lifetime. As my son Jimmy (a third-generation police officer himself) flew as a member of the Honor Guard to represent our agency at five officer funerals in Dallas this week, I began to gather my thoughts about how we, as Christians, might respond to the growing dilemma.
Repent, For Something Wonderful is About to Happen!
The Kingdom of God was the central theme of Jesus’ preaching in Galilee. His words and deeds captured the attention of the whole country. Multitudes thronged Him crying out, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” And there was nothing that delighted His heart more than this, because He could meet the needs of every one of them! Crowding into His Presence they came, and He healed them all!
A History of the Coalition of Concerned Citizens
Over 2,000 years ago Solomon, the writer of Ecclesiastes penned these words: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven; … a time to weep, and a time to laugh;… a time to cast...
By   |   06.18.16
  FathersDayCartoon Editor’s Note:  On this Father’s Day weekend, it is our hope and prayer that at every opportunity we will commit ourselves to promoting and encouraging God’s design for the family and the optimum environment for a child’s future well...
U.S. Senate Approves Defense Bill to Require Selective Service for Women
By David E. Smith   |   06.15.16
According to an Associated Press report, the U.S. Senate voted to approve a $602 billion defense bill which also mandates that our daughters register for Selective Service and a possible future draft.  This gender blind, biologically indifferent proposal was sponsored...
Orlando’s Night of Horror
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.13.16
Tragedy struck again in the United States at the hands of a young man whose mind was poisoned by pernicious ideas and perhaps darkened by mental illness, this time at a well-known homosexual night club in Orlando, Florida. There are...
IFI Joins AFA Calling for a Boycott of Target Stores
By David E. Smith   |   05.25.16
Illinois Family Institute joins our long time friends and national affiliate at the American Family Association calling for a boycott of Target. The boycott was called for after the retail giant said it would allow men to use the women’s...
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