High Court Says No to Protecting Minors From Porn
By Charlie Butts –OneNewsNow The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to revive the Child Online Protection Act, designed to protect children from sexual material and other objectionable content on the Internet. Pat Trueman, who was a pornography prosecutor in the ...
Social Costs of Pornography
By   |   01.28.09
Presentation at Kings College (NYC,) January 2009 By way of a brief introduction, I would like to say the following. My father had three stashes of smut in the basement: a stash of Playboy magazines, a stash of “men’s magazines,”...
Family Research Council Calls On Department of Justice, Presidential Candidates to Enforce Obscenity Laws
by – Family Research Council Today, the Family Research Council joined leading pro-family and pro-decency organizations at the National Press Club, in urging the United States Department of Justice to vigorously enforce obscenity laws. Cathy Ruse, Senior Fellow for Legal...
ADF Update: Supreme Court Upholds Law Aimed at Child Pornography
By David Stout –New York Times The Supreme Court on Monday upheld a 2003 federal law aimed at child pornography, concluding in a 7-to-2 opinion that a federal appeals court was wrong to find the law unconstitutionally vague. “Child pornography...
Wikipedia Peddles Porn to Kids
From Concerned Women for America It would be a tall order, but parents around the world may want to make every effort to keep their kids away from Wikipedia.com, the enormously popular, user-generated online encyclopedia. While doing homework, research for...
Video Games New Frontier For Sexual Predators
From WAPT.com Special Report: Video Game Predators Video game systems are more high tech than ever. They are also more popular than ever before, not only with kids but with the sexual predators searching for young victims. In a cyber...
Open Letter from MIM President to FBI Director: Failing to Enforce Federal Obscenity Laws Undermines FBI Efforts to Curb Traffic in Child Pornography
by –Morality in Media On April 28, Morality in Media President Robert Peters released the following open letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller, in response to Mr. Mueller’s statement during a House Judiciary Committee hearing last week that “We’re losing”...
Supreme Court to Hear “Fleeting Expletives” Case
By David E. Smith   |   03.18.08
Most Americans agree that there are some appropriate limitations to the First Amendment’s right of free speech and press. Consider the fact that libel and slander are not protected free speech. Inciting panic in the public by yelling, “FIRE!” is...
Porn’s Stranglehold
By Timothy C. Morgan –Christianity Today Seventy percent of American men ages 18-34 view Internet pornography once a month. This shocking fact is one of many that CT consulting editor John W. Kennedy found during his research for this month’s...
Hard-Core Pornography Isn’t “Free Speech”
By   |   02.01.08
In recent years, the U.S. Department of Justice has paid only lip service to the enforcement of federal obscenity laws. In some instances, DOJ has gone after child pornographers and – in a scant few cases – has prosecuted purveyors...
ABC Faces Indecency Fine For 2003 ‘NYPD Blue’ Episode
By Frank Ahrens –WashingtonPost.com The Federal Communications Commission yesterday proposed a $1.43 million indecency fine against ABC television stations for a 2003 episode of “NYPD Blue,” the second-largest proposed indecency fine against a television broadcaster ever. The agency proposed a...
Many Libraries Circumventing Laws Meant to Protect Kids
by Steve Jordahl –Family News in Focus An El Paso, Texas man was taking his little brother and a young cousin to the public library when he saw another child looking at pornography. Junior Valera complained to the attendant, but...
By David E. Smith   |   05.25.05
“I have been treating sexual violence victims and perpetrators for 13 years. I have not treated a single case of sexual violence that did not involve pornography.”
–Dr. Mary Anne Layden, Director of Education at the University of Pennsylvania Health...
Taxpayer Funded Porn — Is there a Connection to Child Abductions
By David E. Smith   |   07.30.02
Recently, there has been an alarming number of news stories nationwide reporting the abductions of young girls. Often, the bodies of these young girls, some no older than 5 years of age, are found, sexually assaulted, beaten and savagely murdered....
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