“Comprehensive” Sex Education Passes Illinois House
By David E. Smith   |   04.17.13
The Illinois House of Representatives passed the disastrous “Comprehensive” Sex Education (HB 2675) this afternoon by a vote of 66–52. This bill would mandate that public school who teach sex education teach “comprehensive” sex education in grades 6-12.
Counterfeit Marriage Legislation Passes in Illinois Senate
By David E. Smith   |   02.14.13
Despite an outpouring of calls, emails and faxes against redefining marriage and family, lawmakers in the Illinois Senate passed SB 10 on Thursday afternoon by a vote of 34 to 21 with 2 voting present.
Illinois Senate Approves Massive Gambling Expansion
By David E. Smith   |   05.31.11
How did they vote? SB 744 — the bill to expand gambling with casinos in Chicago, Rockford, Danville, Park City and South Suburbs as well as video slot machines at racetracks and in Chicago Airports — now moves to the...
Illinois House Approves Massive Predatory Gambling Proposal
By David E. Smith   |   05.30.11
How did they vote? SB 744 — the massive gambling bill that adds 5 new casinos and creates 6 new racinos — now moves to the Illinois Senate. Please take a moment to tell your state senator to oppose this...
Illinois Senate Passes Sex Ed Bill
By David E. Smith   |   05.25.11
How did they vote? HB 3027 — the “comprehensive” sex education bill now moves to the Illinois House. Please take a moment to tell your state representative to oppose this bill.
This afternoon, the Illinois Senate voted 30 to 28...
Illinois House Rejects “Medical” Marijuana Bill — Again
By David E. Smith   |   05.05.11
How did they vote? For the second time this year — and the first time during this new legislative session — the Illinois House of Representatives rejected a bill to legalize “medical” marijuana, this time by a vote of 53...
HB 3156
By David E. Smith   |   04.14.11
How did they vote? As I reported in my email update yesterday, HB 3156, sponsored by State Representative Darlene Senger (R-Naperville) fell just 3 votes short of passage on Wednesday, but may get another vote today or Friday. The bill...
Good News!! SR 92 to be Withdrawn!
You did it again! Another victory! SR 92 sponsor, State Senator Kimberly Lightford (D-Chicago), has informed our lobbyists that she is withdrawing her resolution on the disastrous treaty known as the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)....
State Democrats Pass Massive Income Tax Increase
How did they vote? Illinois lawmakers approved a 66 percent increase in the state’s income tax in the final hours of a lame duck session. Despite tens of thousands of calls, emails, faxes and letters in opposition to increased taxes,...
“Civil Unions” (SB 1716) Passes in the Senate
By David E. Smith   |   12.01.10
How did they vote? Thirty-two state senators vote to pass same-sex “civil unions” legislation. Homosexual activists mustered enough votes to legalize a new category of marriage — homosexual “marriage” — under the name “civil unions” early Wednesday afternoon. Illinois Governor ...
“Civil Unions” (SB 1716) Passes in the House
By David E. Smith   |   11.30.10
How did they vote? Sixty-one state lawmakers in the Illinois House cave into pressure from Gov. Patrick Quinn and Speaker Michael Madigan. Despite an outpouring of calls, emails and faxes against redefining marriage and family, legislators in the Illinois House...
Illinois FOCA Moves Out of Committee
By David E. Smith   |   03.11.10
Pro-Life and Pro-Family citizens must contact their State Representatives to oppose HB 6205. Early Wednesday morning on March 10th, the Illinois House of Representatives’ Human Services Committee passed HB 6205 (Illinois FOCA) by a vote of 5-2. This was fully...
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