Locked Out by Twitter for Telling the Truth
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   01.26.21
After preaching at my home congregation Sunday morning, I got into my car in the church parking lot to check my voicemails and messages. One of my colleagues had sent me the link to his new article, which I decided to share with my Twitter followers. To my surprise, I discovered I was locked out of my account for 12 hours for violating Twitter Rules.
Leftists Exploit Violence to Cancel Conservatives
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.18.21
This is how it's going down, my friends—the eradication of speech rights for conservatives, that is. The stage was set years ago when "hate speech" laws were passed.

The Left argues that any rhetoric that is or may be in any distant way at any time related to acts of violence should be banned. So, if I say that volitional homosexual acts and relationships are abhorrent to God as Scripture teaches, and a lone, crazed, alienated, Godless sociopath or a few hundred alienated fatherless, Godless anarchists—people who may or may not have read my words—commit acts of violence against homosexuals—my words should be banned....
Project Veritas’ Exposé of PBS Attorney’s Dark Heart
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.14.21
Those who have worked closely with leftists or who have been exposed to their beliefs in other ways know what evil lurks in the hearts of many of them. Yet, it’s still shocking to hear them express their views aloud....
Nancy Pelosi and Emmanuel Cleaver Womentally Unhinged
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.05.21
Womaniacal House Speaker Nancy Pelosi—another Democrat leader with compromised cognitive abilities and no moral principles—has womanaged to womangle her first day of the new congressional session.
From Gulag to Google
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   12.19.20
It is true that Google is not imprisoning dissenters in a vast network of prison camps, similar to what Alexander Solzhenitsyn described in The Gulag Archipelago. But there is a good reason that retired NYU professor Michael Rectenwald titled his 2019 book Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom.
Uncensored: Social Media Alternatives for Christian Conservatives
By David E. Smith   |   12.18.20
I am finally doing it: creating profiles on social media platforms that are friendlier to conservative points of view and that do not censor speech. Why? Like so many others, I have had enough of the interference, outright censorship, suppression of conservative views, and suspension of accounts. I am fed up with the unwelcome disclaimers by social media giants and partisan search engines that suggest my opinions and news posts are untrustworthy and/or dishonest. For these reasons, I have decided to say "goodbye" to liberal social media platforms.
The Ideological Non-Sense and Hypocrisy of Leftists
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.19.20
One of the more grotesque demonstrations of leftist non-sense and hypocrisy was demonstrated a week ago following an episode of the wildly popular Disney show The Mandalorian when “Baby Yoda” eats the unfertilized eggs of a Frog Woman who is...
Will Christian Conservatives Be Prosecuted and Removed from Society?
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   11.12.20
I want to assure you that the title to this article is not click bait. Rather, it reflects the very open sentiments of the extreme leftist, political commentator Keith Olbermann. He has made himself perfectly clear... My answer to the question of whether Christian conservatives will soon be prosecuted by the millions and removed from American society is an emphatic (but qualified) no.

It is an emphatic “no” because there is no way that tens of millions of Christian conservatives would simply stand by and let this happen. Not a chance.
Skipping Hollywood for the Promised Land
By Robert Knight   |   10.22.20
Created by evangelical Christian filmmaker Dallas Jenkins, son of “Left Behind” co-author Jerry Jenkins, “The Chosen” has gripping stories and superb acting.  At the 2020 Christian Film & Television Commission’s MOVIEGUIDE awards, “The Chosen” finished in the top three in television for the Epiphany Prize.  Mr. Roumie won the television Grace Award for his portrayal of Jesus in “The Chosen: Episode 8: I Am He.” 
Hulu Promotes Smutty Content to Teens
Do your kids watch Hulu? Are your kids safe when they are watching their favorite TV shows on Hulu? Have your kids signed up to receive emails from Hulu? If so, you should know that Hulu sends out program recommendations that are absolutely inappropriate for all ages. In the last month, my friend’s daughter received one such email recommending that she watch PEN15.
Data Show Google Burying Search Results From Conservative News Sites
New data from the search consultants at Sistrix indicate that online search giant Google may be intentionally burying search results for major conservative news websites to prevent the public from finding and reading them.
‘Unpregnant’ Movie Encourages Secret Abortions for Minors
From HBO Max comes the new abortion comedy Unpregnant, and it is anything but funny. The movie mocks the sanctity of human life and turns one teenager's pursuit of an abortion without parental consent into a fun cross-country road trip in which a broken friendship is restored.
The Depravity of a Culture That Celebrates the Sexploitation of Young Girls
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   09.11.20
Now that the new Netflix movie “Cuties” is available for viewing, we know that it is far worse than we imagined. Yet there are movie critics and movie stars who are celebrating this trash rather than denouncing it. What has...
Words Matter
By Robert Knight   |   09.03.20
One of the most effective ways that Marxists advance their agenda is to change how we talk about things. When clever rewordings replace the truth, it’s easier to fool people. For example, the Washington Post this past week said a transgender plaintiff “was designated female at birth, but identifies as male.”

In the blink of an eye, a biological fact – that someone was born a girl – is brushed aside and replaced with a term that implies that male or female sex is assigned, not a natural phenomenon.
Outrage for the Children
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   08.24.20
At what point does this stop? At what point does our society say, “Enough is enough” when it comes to the assault on our children? At what point do we stand up as a nation and put a stop to...
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