What Does it Mean to be a Conservative?
By David E. Smith   |   06.13.18
What does it mean to be a Conservative? Historically, issues of faith and family that reflect traditional morals and values – the sanctity of life, heterosexual marriage, and belief in God and in His Word – have been the primary...
I’m No Murphy Brown
By   |   06.08.18
I hated being a single parent. Still do. I am sure my grown children agree that being raised by Homer Simpson was horrible. They are all healthy and productive members of society, despite being raised by an ogre, in no...
I’m Glad My Parents Were Boring
By Jonathan Lewis   |   05.31.18
Today my wife and I are celebrating our seventh anniversary. I know seven years isn’t very long compared to many couples, but it’s certainly been long enough for us to experience our share of life changes, special moments, and challenging times. Our culture has become increasingly mixed up in its portrayal of marriage.
The Myth of the Boring, Unhappy, Long Term Marriage
By Micah Clark   |   05.26.18
Marital challenges and changes are not often on the minds of the young or newlywed.  However, five or ten years into a marriage and the dreams of a honeymooning couple can fade pretty quickly as the pressures of family life,...
Mormon Exodus from Scouting Is Good for Boys
By Robert Knight   |   05.18.18
It’s official. The Mormons have finally figured out that they can’t do business with the devil. Bully for them. More specifically, the Salt Lake City-based denomination is flipping off the demonic forces assigned by Beelzebub to wage war on God’s...
The Father I Want to Be
By Jonathan Lewis   |   04.28.18
My wife is about to give birth to our fourth child in six years. Our first two—both boys—were born just seventeen months apart. Our third—a girl—came just over two years later. Now, we’re about to become parents again. Becoming a...
Worldview Work Isn’t Optional
By   |   04.25.18
Some are saying that Christians have lost the culture. But what if it was never a war to win, instead it was a calling to embrace? If there is an overarching theme for BreakPoint—starting with Chuck Colson and now with ...
Another Shooting, Another Son of Divorce or Fatherlessness
By Micah Clark   |   03.29.18
The nation is in the midst of a debate over gun control and to a lesser extent, mental health issues, stemming from another school shooting. Not to diminish those two issues, researcher Bradford Wilcox points out that nearly every shooting...
More Divorces Are Unnecessary Than You Might Think
By Micah Clark   |   03.15.18
When no-fault divorce swept across America in the early 1970’s it was presented as a way to end high conflict abusive situations with greater ease and speed.  It was also said to be helpful to children by reducing conflict, though...
Federal Family-Planning Program to Prioritize Faith-Based Clinics
By   |   03.03.18
The Trump administration has made a decision to protect women's health – along with the health of their pre-born babies – and serve them better. This new grant program (under the Title X family planning program) has $260 million available to grantees that do not perform abortions.
Man Up to Marriage
By Micah Clark   |   02.17.18
The benefits of marriage for men are substantial by every conceivable measure, including more money, a better sex life, and significantly better physical and mental health. Yet, many men remain ignorant of these benefits, a view seemingly promoted by popular culture.
School Shootings and Hope
By Israel Wayne   |   02.15.18
The nation was rocked again by a recent school shooting in Florida. This incident makes it the eighth school shooting to result in injury or death in just the last seven weeks. Every time these events happen, pundits on both...
Seven Reasons to Beware the Southern Poverty Law Center
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) says its primary mission is to fight hatred, teach tolerance, and seek justice. These are noble goals for most Americans, but this is not a noble organization. It is the exact opposite. Given the SPLC’s power and influence over the media and members of Congress, this once highly-regarded civil rights organization deserves fresh scrutiny. Here are seven reasons why the SPLC fails to serve the public interest:
Chicago Tribune Columnist Wants to Outlaw Spanking
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.18.18
Chicago Tribune columnist, lifestyle expert, and purveyor of deep thoughts, Heidi Stevens, is taking singer Kelly Clarkson to task  for Clarkson’s admission that she spanks her children. Stevens makes her argument by use of an analogy...
Unmasking the Folly of Today’s Emperors
By Robert Knight   |   01.15.18
One of my hopes for the New Year is that more people will find the courage to ignore or even speak up against cultural and moral insanity instead of going along with it. It’s difficult in many circumstances, such as...
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